
Chapter 17 ~ Hope...

"I always loved Hana since I was 8. We've been friends since I we were 5. She told me everything from crushes to family problems which she barely had any compared to me. When she was younger I guess you can say she was like Kotoko so full of hope and imagination. I too full of hope because of her. She helped me through tough times. When my parents got divorced and everything. She is still the same person but as time goes on she may make me feel the power of hope but I lose it once I get home. Once I'm away from her I don't feel anything just pain and misery." Kiatsu says.

I look at him but he doesn't give me eye contact. He barely looks at me and I think he's scared of what I'm gonna say. I am at a loss for words. Scrambling through the words that are going through my head.

"Kiatsu...." I say and he looks at me. "Life isn't easy till the end. If it isn't easy easy then it isn't the end. You want to be there and good for Kotoko. Hold onto hope for her and for me. Don't do anything stupid and don't think that no one loves you. We do. And like you said isn't it the best kind of love which is right here." I move one of my hands to his chest where his heart is. He smiles.


"Yes?" he asks.

"You have given me a reason to hope." He smiles at me and a smile grows on my face that I can't control then I feel him hold me tighter like reassuring squeeze.

"Good. And you know what I'm here for Kotoko too. So, you don't have to be like me and stay strong because she has two of us looking out for her got it. Just hold onto the hope that thing will change." I say and I clench my fists a bit. Kai looks at me.

"Wait were you up this whole time." I whisper over to him. And he looks like he got caught.

"Yes, and I heard every word." He says looking guilty. Kiatsu looks at me kinda embarassed.

"Hey its ok I trust him with my life." I say and then I remember what he didn't tell me about his wrists. "Even though he doesn't trust me with his." I scold him and he looks at me confused then he notices what I meant. I think he feels guilty but how could he not tell me he was slicing his wrists!!

"About that can we talk Aiko?" He asks and he gets up from the chair. I look at him annoyed I didn't want to know what he had to say in the moment I was upset with him. How could he not tell me when I tell him everthing Kiatsu was about to unwrap me from his arms.

"I don't know can we?!" I say irritated. He looked at me with those puppy eyes. They always work on me. Kiatsu holds me still but I can feel it getting looser.

"Well I have to tell you about my hope." He says upset. What is he talking about.