
Chapter 23 ~ Young love.......

A kid...A boy.....He rushes to her and they play tagg in the medow...She looked so happy...like the way she looked on christmas.....Not far was his mom and her mom talking...But shes only 8....At the time it seemed unbelieveable...Kotoko spotted us and ran up to us.

"Aiko!!!" She hugged me. "Kai! Sakura" She hugged them too. The little boy with brown hazel hair came running after her with one streak of red in it. He was smiling but out of breath and so way Kotoko.

"Kotoko who are these old people." He question.

"Hey they aren't old and this is my cousin Aiko and her friends Kai and Sakura." She smiled at him "Aiko this is Yatami my friend I met him at my new school!" She's been

"Yatami nice to meet you." I said and he gave me a fist pump.

"Woah is that yours?" He asked pointing at my skateboard.

"Haha yeah it is." I replied.

"Yeah she even made it." Kai added.


"Yeah I know." She smirked. He looked back at her with sparkling eyes and Kotoko had them for him back. Woah.....am I seeing this correctly....is this...young love.....they would never know it....that's the thing...two people in love are blind to seeing if someone is in love with them.....Like how Kai couldnt tell Sakura liked him and vise versa they are too blind to see it but everyone else can...Is Kotoko in love.....Do I have to worry...I am getting this feeling I have too.....but they are so cute.....I can't believe the way they looked at each other.....

"Maybe when I'm 10 you can make me one?" He smiled at me.

"Nah maybe I'll teach you how to make one how does that sound?" I asked.

"Even cooler!" He exclaimed. So cute...

"Yeah she is the coolest." She smiled.

"Guys come on!" My aunt yelled. She waved over to me.

"Bye!" They yelled and ran away.

"Was it me or was that adorable?" asks Sakura . I didn't answer then possibilities started going through my mind....this is it.....the thing I feared the most...What if she gets hurt.....Wait....Did she tell Kiatsu....

"Aiko? You ok?" Kai says and takes my hand from across the picnic table.

"I think....I'm scared for her...." I say. Because I was....Because I still am....What if she got hurt....what if she gets hurt....What if thats the guy that hurts her or the guy that makes her.....All these thoughts....

I See them running through the medow and I take my camer and take pictures of them. They look so happy Kotoko looks like its Christmas again.....And the way he looks at her like there is no one else he rather play with.....The pictures catch the glimpse in hid eyes the sparkle they have for her and then hers totally clueless that she likes him back

"They are kids let them have young love." Sakura smiles and leans on Kai's shoulder. Kai gets red.

"Aiko do you ever get scared your gonna break your camera?" Kai asks as I take pictures of them. I have so many camera's but this is my favorite I won it at a contest for filming.

"This camera a bit but I still take it everywhere and I still love it. Plus I take care of my stuff unlike you." I giggle.

"Aiko Look!" Sakura smiles I turn to her and smile. Time to take pictures we are gonna remember forever.