
Chapter 22 ~ Don't forget who's always here.

I look at Kai's face and he looks down like he's about to cry.....no Kai....no not now plz.....I look her in the eyes...Rakia looks at me with such hatred and then looks at Kai with even more....I see Kai clench his hands.....I look at Kai and finally he locks eyes on mine..... I mouth Its ok.....Sakura looks at Rakia with hatred....Yeah she hates her for what she did to Kai.....No not a war.....not on a day of happiness....The light turns and as we pass her she coughs "Traitors" Real Rakia you wanna fight! I Stop. Kai and Sakura role ahead and stops. I pick up my skateboard ans walk up to her.


I don't know what got into me at that moment but I slapped her right across her face. She looked at me shocked. The thing is even now I don't regret it.

"B****!" She yelled and I skated away to Sakura and Kai. As we start riding to the garden again.

"What was that for?!" Kai asked as if he was mad at me.

"No one messes with my friends and call them traitors." I say irritatedly. God how pissed off I was at the time. Rakia was dating Wasko at the time. She hated us and her and Wasako always had to talk trash about us. But she crossed the line when she called Kai and us traitors. She was the traitor not us.

"Aiko I love you." Kai said.

"Yeah yeah yeah let's get going."

We finnally arrived at the garden. Tasaku was standing at the bridge over the small lake looking gittery. He was wearing the cutest outfit. A blue balzer with a regular white and baby blue jeans out. We walk over to him and he smiles

"Hey guys!" He says.

I take my camera and take a picture of him as the cherry blossoms fly from the air around him.

"Talk about Asthetic." I smile at the picture and walk to him to show it.

"I hope this isn't too much." He frowns.

"Asking at a garden isn't too much" Sakura says reassuringly. She had faith. We all did.

"Yeah but after I told her to bring roller skates and then also that picnic over there" He explains and points to this blanket in the grass with a picnic grass.

"Hey bro it's just like a perfect first date it's fine." Kai exclaims.

"Yeah I just hope it's not too much or overwhelming." He says.

"It won't and even if it is don't forget who's here for you forever." I say and hug him. He pulls away a bit but still in a hug and our foreheads pressed together and he gazes into my eyes.

"Yeah I know you." He says as we break our hug. Then Sakura and Kai look at him like uhm HELLO what abour US. "And Kai and Sakura." They look at him like yeah right.

"So. She's coming right?" Sakura asks

"Yes she should be coming any minute now." Kai says. I spot a picnic bench.

"Well we will be sitting over there at that picnic table not even that far away and I will take pictures because I'm your camera girl." I smile.

"Thanks Aiko." We have a group hug. Then Sakura, Kai, and I walk to the picnic bench and wait.

"Aiko isn't that Kotoko?" Kai says with a smile. I get this sudden rush turning hoping I see Kiatsu when.....