
Chapter 21 ~ The Plans at Shinjuku Gyo-en Garden

"Well uhm.....it was good?" I say kinda like I'm asking a question.

"It was drama filled." Kai says.

"Hmmm I will need a explanation. Hey Aiko where did you get that necklace." Tasaku says.

"Well I got it from someone special." I say. I noticed the special side is up.

"Well they obviously knew you were special too." He smiles and I think of Kiatsu. Yeah, I haven't taken the necklace off. Ok what it means a lot to me. It was from Kiatsu of course I love it. I don't want to take it off at any costs.

"Hey come on let's find Sadako." I say.

"Why so I can finally ask her out." He asks.

"Omg why not!!!" Sakura says. "It's the perfect time to ask her out!!" Sakura smiles Before he left he told her he loved her and she said I love you too. He hasn't asked her out yet tho so they aren't a thing. They are in love but not a thing yet. Interesting right? Yeah no it isn't but whatever maybe today is the day they will be together. Or so I thought.

"Hehe I know. I was thinking about the Shinjuku Gyo-en Garden as the place." He says and I smile the perfect place. The cherry blossoms....the perfect line.....perfect...like something right out of a movie.....the place I would want to be asked out.....

"That's perfect. So, you get ready romeo we will meet you there at 12:00" Kai smiles. He runs to his car with his parents and leave.

"Wanna come over to my house?" I ask. They nod and we ride to my house.

"Hey mom! Hey dad! We will be uppstairs. We also have to go to the Shinjuku Gyo-en at 12:00."

"Ok, sweetie just get back before dinner." My dad yells as me, Kai, and Sakura run upstairs. I plop onto my bed and play some music. Sakura sits on my bean bag.

"Hey Aiko?" Sakura starts.


"Do you like anyone?" She turns to me. Kai sitting on the floor against my mirror closet looks at me.

"Not at the moment." I answer.

"You never like anyone why is that." Kai says and tucks his head into his knees.

"Because....I'm waiting for the one." I know it's stupid bt at the time no one made my heart melt. No one gave me butterflies 24/7. No one I looked at and all I could do was smile. And he'sd smile back at me and buterflies, heart rush, blushing, and this warm feeling he gave me. No one did that to me. No one ever did any of those things at the time. Kai looked at me blankly.

He sighed and mumbled but I heard him "I found my one." I smiled at him and he noticed I heard him and got red. We played more music watched some shows and played some board games for 3 hours.

"We should get going we have 30 minutes." Kai said. I grabbed my balmer jacket and my big camera and put it around my neck.

"Let's do this." I smiled "Bye mom! Bye Dad! I will be back before dinner!" I yelled as we ran down the stairs and ran out. We rode out to the street.

"I can't believe he's finally gonna do it." Kai said pedalling his bike next to me. As I skated through the air I wasn't paying attention. Skating is my escape. I know a lot of people think it's a guy thing but it's not. It's my thing.

We stopped at a street light I finally noticed Sakura and Kai were talking the whole time. I balanced with one foot on my board and other on the floor then I noticed someone across the street.

God no....