
Chapter 20 ~ No Goodbye...and Crazy Hello's

Goodbye...the saddest word you ever have to say.....

"Kiatsu...." I said as I woke up. He was gone...Vanished...I looked at my phone and a text appeared from my Bftf.

BFTF: I'm sorry I left before I could say goodbye. I love you.....I hope to see you again Aiko.....

I read it and just turn off my phone. I can't deal with that....Its time to go see Tasaku.

Kai wakes up and then Sakura. Naokatsu wakes up.

"W-where is Kiatsu?" He asks. Kai looks at me and I shrug.

"Well He is really busy he had to go." I explain.

"W-without saying G-goodbye....." He says.

"I'm sorry Kid Flash." I say and get up and give him a hug.

"We have to get going too Aiko." Sakura frowns.

"Wait really?!" Naokatsu starts to look more disappointed.

"Yeah I'm sorry Kid but we have to go see Tasaku." I say.

"Oh yay! Can you come and see me afterwards I want to see him?!" He says.

"Maybe but get some rest." I say kissing his forehead." I pick up my skateboard and my little backpack "Come on guys. I will see you later Naokatsu." I smile and wave back at him and so do the other two. "We better get to the docks he will be back in a hour!" I rush.

"Wow someone's excited." Sakura smirks.

"For real Aiko do you have a crush on Tasaku." Kai asks.

"You guys always say that and for the millionth time no." I say. Me and Tasaku grew up together. He was the kid next door to me. He was the cutest kid. When I was 5 I had a crush on him but that's because he gave me flowers. Honestly He's like Kiatsu is to me.

"Haha ok well you need to find the love of your life." Kai jokes.

"Whatever lets go." I say. We ride to the docks just in time when the cruise pulls up everyone starts to get off and I'm looking for Tasaku. I spot him and he drops all his bags. I run to him and he hugs me as I jump into his arms. Kai and Sakura run after me.

"Why not kiss at this point." He says. Ok no lie me and him are like a married couple but It's all just because we love each other. Our foreheads are touching as we gaze into each other eyes.

"Haha he wishes." I say as he puts me down and I smile at him. NO WE ARE NOT A THING! NO I DON'T LIKE HIM! NOT LIKE THAT SO GET THAT OUT OF YOUR HEAD!

"Haha so how was the cruise?" Sakura asks him.

"It was amazing. I loved it like paradise well without you guys sadly. I wish you all could have came." He frowns.

"I would have missed out then." I say.

"Yeah so much stuff to miss out on." Kai nudges me.

"Well all I missed out was looking for Sadako and her eyes." He blushes.

"Aww so cute. I'm sure you would stalk her." I joke.

"Well now I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to ask her out now that I know she like me." He dreams.

"Well I can't wait for you to be happily with her and have 3 kids and live Happily Ever After." I smile.

"Well Aiko how was it with out me." He asks. Sigh horrible.....But should I tell him that?