
Chapter 25 ~ UHM!!! UHM!!! WHAT IS UHM!!!


"Can I answer later.....I just need to think." I hear her say Tasaku looks sad and looks at me I can see his waterfilled eyes.

"Yeah sure...." He looks down. Her phone rings and she answers.

"What?.....Yeah mom.....I understand.....Ok I will...." She hangs up. "I know you wanted to spend time with me today but there is a emergency I got to go." She changes to her skates really fast and start to roll away. "I'm sorry Tasaku. I will really think about it, K? Bye..." She says.

"Bye..." He watches her roll away I turn off my camera and run to him....He starts to cry and we walk him to picnic he made we sit on the blanket.....

"Have some Ramune. It will cheer you up." Kai says handing him a blueberry Ramune.

"No Thanks Im not in the mood." He sniffs. Sakura pops a Lychee one for me and a strawberry one for herself while Kai opens a Lime one and opens the blueberry one for Tasaku. Tasaku takes it and takes a small sip.

"Why did you bring so many of these?" Kai asks.

"I brought a lot of everything for later." He sniffs again. I hug him.

"Look she said think about it. It most likely is a yes just cold feet." Sakura says.

"Yeah unless it's a no." He frowns.

"You just caught her by surprise." Kai sips his Ramune.

"But before I left she said she liked me." He slowly starts to look sadder as he sips her ramune.

"Hey I'm sure she likes you." Sakura explains.

"But no one does no one ever will."

"Hey don't say that!" I snap.

"Sorry it's just I feel alone....." His eyes drop and he sips more of his drink.

"I....I know how you feel...." Kai frowns.

"Same....." Sakura sips and looks down at some strawberries in the basket.

"Hey hey hey everyone stop with the frowning!" I snap. "I don't want to hear it! We aren't gonna spend our day moping around!" I let go of Tasaku and sit him straight looking into my eyes fore head to forehead. "So, what if she's gonna say no. You got us and that's all that matters. Plus, she's the one that should be upset she's gonna be missing out with having a great guy."

"Aiko.....You always know just what to say." He hugs me. I don't though. I just wing it and most of the time it works. I'm not smart I don't get this. I don't know what to say. I am not strong. I just act it. Maybe I am but Im also weak. They son't get that. Or at least most of the time they don't. I just don't know what's with me. I've been like this since I was 7. When I learned about so much. Kai was hurting over a girl. Sakura was hurting over friendship. And Tasaku's parents were getting divorced. He got to live with his mom. Kai got over it. Sakura never talked to that girl again. I got them through it. And at the time I was trying to pretend I didn't care when my first dog died. Ok I know that sounds stupid compared to what they were going through but I was 7 and I thought Jin was gonna live forever. He was like my therapy dog.


"Yes, Tasaku?"

"C-can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I say. I didn't like what he asked.....