
Chapter 26 ~ If things were different.

"What if I disappeared...What if we all did.....Would you care....." Tasaku's voice drops

"Is that even a question? Of course I would I would hunt you down and make you stay. I wouldn't care what you did or why you left I want you here I want all of you here! If you guys weren't....Idk what I would do with myself....To think maybe it might have been my fault....What did I do wrong....To make you all not feel loved....Why would you leave me....alone..." I feel my heart swell. Tasaku stops crying and looks at me.....I know that look....He loves me....he can't I don't feel the same.....I don't want him to love me....His eyes are sparkling and he takes my hand what are you doing Tasaku.....Stop.....Please....

"It wouldn't be your fault. It never would be." He says and kisses me on the hand. I feel my face get pink as energy runs through my body. Why....Why did you do it....I don't want this....please....stop.....I don't love you like that.....you are my family....this isn't how the story should go....You can't fall in love with me Tasaku.....I won't allow it....I don't want it....I feel my heart beat and I want to cry as he pulls me closer and puts a arm around me and leans his head on mine. Kai looks at me in such shock and so does Sakura. I can feel his warmth and I can feel his face get hotter as he blushes. I need to talk to Kiatsu....Why Tasaku....Why do this to me....Why put me in this situation....

"So...Me and Kai were thinking to go to Aiko's." Sakura says.

"Go ahead. I have to pack up all my stuff from this fail attempt of asking a girl out. And I promised my mom I would get home asap to help her with painting." He says and pulls away from me.

"I will see you later ok." I say to him. He hugs me and I feel his breathe on my neck.

"Yeah you will." He says lightly then whispers in my ear. "I love you." I want to go....Just let me go....He lets me go and we start to ride to my house.

"What was that about?" Kai asks.

"I don't know.....but I don't like it...."

"Come on the faster we get to Aiko's house we can talk about this and call Kiatsu. He probably knows what all this means." Sakura says.

I know she's right. We finally get to my house and my parents ask them to stay for super. They except the offer and we rush upstairs.

-That night I didn't like how I felt-

I call Kiatsu and put him on speaker.


"Hey Kiatsu. It's me, Kai, and Sakura...." I say.

"Oh uhm yeah. Can this wait like 1 second I need to go to the bathroom."

"Oh uh yeah of course go deal with that first." I think he leaves the phone in his room and come back on the phone 3 minutes later.

"Ok you have my undivided attention." He says.

"Uhm something happened...." I start.

"And we don't know what it means..." Kai says.

"And Im scared of what it means..." I say.

"Ok, Well what is your question for me?" He asks.

"More like can you finish her sentence." Sakura replies.

"Maybe. Now what is the sentence?" He asks

"So....If a guy kisses your hand it means....." I didn't like the way he acted....