
Chapter 28 ~ A Call.

"Well I'm gonna go I promised my mom I'd be back by now." Kai says slowly.

"Me too." Sakura says.

"Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" They say and both run out.

"Hey, Aiko?" Kiatsu say through the phone.

"Yes?" I say.

"I'm gonna give you some alone time.....I love you....."

"I love you too. Talk to you later if that's alright."

"Yeah of course it's Alright. Bye Bftf." He says and I know through the phone he's smiling. I can't help but smile.

"Bye Bftf." I finally say and I hang up. Some me time....I think of what to do then I smile and grab my speaker and run down the hall.

"I'LL BE IN MY STUDIO DON'T BOTHER ME!" I yell as I slam my door of my studio. I sniff in and ahhh that fresh smell of paint. I get a new canvas and put it on my easil. I conect my phone to the speaker and start playing music.

I take out my acrilic paints and use white, pink, blue, purple, a lightblue, and black. I grab some water in a cup and start painting. I start making a swirly sky when I hear my phone go off.

"Answer Call!"I yell as wipe off some paint off my hand to see who it is.

"Hello?" I hear through the speaker and I instantly know it's Neko.

"Neko! How are you?" I ask smiling that it's him. Neko...I met him on a cruise a couple summer's ago. He really is my best friend. Well him and my three besties here. I guess you can say I have 4 best friends. Neko doesnt know the other three except the stories I tell him. I picked up my phone nad he put himself of Facetime. I see him with his blue eyes and dorky smile. He's wearing a gray t-shirt and I can tell he's in his room. He messes with his really messy blond hair. He calls himself my only caucasian white friend. His name is really Nicolas but I call him Neko or Nick.

"I'm good you?" He smiles.

"Complicated but I'm pretty great." I smile.

"Oh really Ms. Messy bun." He laughs a bit and his eyes are on my hair. Still the same guy I met a couple summer's ago.

"Yeah things have been crazy." I say.

He looks behind him at the clock. "I have all the time in world."

"What about Track?" I ask.

"Not till tomorrow. You have me all day." He smiles. "So, Spill!"

I laugh and tell him everything. I tell him about school, Kiatsu, and Tasuko. I tell him about Kotoko and I tell him the moments I feel lonely. I'm so open to him. Only him.

"Wow thats a lot." He says. "So Kaitsu...he seems like a great guy." I can tell he is curios and wants to ask questions but I'm anxious to answer.

"He is. Well of course he is. He's step-family. Think my family is great. And yeah I just met him but it's hard not to like him. My long lost cousin. Like something out of the book." I say.

"You are the weirdest Hybrid I know." He laughs. I laugh along.

"Why you are the weirdest Warlock I know." I laugh and his smile brightens. If you are wondering what we are talking about it's a show we both happen to watch about Warlocks/Witches, Werewolves and Vampires. A Hybrid is all combined. That's what Neko calls me. I want to be all 4. And in a way I am. I am loyal like a Werewolf. Crazy like a witch. And Heartless to anyone that hurts someone I love like a Vampire. So yeah I'm a Hybrid in his eyes. In mine. In my families. I am the mix.

"Haha. Oh yeah I have a Werewolf girlfriend."