
Chapter 29 ~ What to say?

He has a what now? This hits me like a bus. So many thoughts running through my head. Like what happened? Who is she? Why is she your girlfriend? How did you meet her? How is she a werewolf? Isn't that our thing?! And most of all why didn't you tell me sooner or the second it happened? He know we text pretty much everyday! I thought he was on vacation too so he couldn't text.

"A....A werewolf girlfriend?" I finally say.

"Yeah she really is the best. Her name is Layla. She is amazing and I mean AMAZING. I mean you'd love her. You will when you meet her." I stop painting. This strikes me like lightning. Meet her?

"M-meet her." This time I drop my brush. MEET HER! How what?!

"I mean well yeah. I'm going to see you again someday and bring her." He says. My heart is beating hard. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to say. Do I say something like how come you haven't told me? Should I ask my questions.....No....

"Well," I pick up the brush I dropped. "I'm happy for you." I smile. Which isn't a lie I worry about him. Sometimes too much because once I was scared he was getting depressed. I stand her looking at my phone then the canvas. Trying to think of explinations. Especially the fact he called her a werewolf! That's out of line. And no way out of my mind. I don't know how to feel.

"I met her on the cruise the went on." He says. So...How we met... I remember how everything went down.....

When I met Nicolas or well Neko/ Nick. I was on a cruise. I layed my eyes on him and said look a guy who probably will be the end of me. I will become friends with him and then he will leave me for some gorgeous girl that his best friend won't compare to. I told myself that I'm going to stay away. I was with my cousin's Liana and Darren. So at the time I hung out with them. But then this girl named Olivia came along. Her Kristen, Lana, the other Darren, and Neko became a group with us. I didn't want to get close to Neko but Olivia liked him. So, I tried not to be friends with him. But I couldn't help it. He was kind and seemed like he was trying to hang out with me. So yeah we became close. I got everyone's number except him. He gave me a fake one.

I was a idiot and told Olivia so she gave me his number. So yeah. that's how we are talking right now. But honestly I still hold that grudge and even if it's been a year. I still hold it to his will. I still remind him. And honestly I think he hates me for that. But I can't help it. It still gets me upset. I thought me and him were close and then I get a fake number. Not cool what so ever.

"I see...So like me and the rest of the gang." He looks at me with his eyes sparkling because of the sun and I can tell he's really happy. And if that than so am I.

"Yeah. Aiko, She's the one I promise." He says. He can read my mind. He can tell I'm worried. Worried he might get hurt but I can't control him. And even If I could I wouldn't hold him back from this. I can tell he likes a lot her. So, yeah I'm happy and I'm not gonna ruin this and take it away from him. Hopefully this won't blow up in our faces.

"I know." I smile. "I'm just happy you are happy." I try not to seem fake because sometimes it comes off that way even when I'm being genuine. I wish I could change that but I can't so I hope he knows I mean it.

"Aiko...." He looks down.


"You are the best! I mean it the best bestie in the world." I hear him say this and my heart overfills with happiness. He's so sweet. My best friend thinks I'm the best. That means so much to me.

"Haha that's a lie."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is because you are the best bestie in the world not me." I smile and I can tell he got the feeling I did.


"NICK COME DOWN HERE!" I hear his mom yell.

"That's my cue. I love you Bestie." He smiles.

"I love you more you idiot of a bestie. Now go do what you gotta do." I smile and he hangs up. I love our talks.