Miyazato Rei

Miyazato Mokichi and his best friend Miyano Kata walked in one of the rooms of his humble home to look for his child and to see the condition of his wife.

Nurse: Congratulation Miyazato-san you you have a healthy boy. -said with a smile on her face

Miyazato Mokichi: Really?! ***cheerful response****

Miyano Kata: Seriously Mokichi-kun you'll have her repeat what she just said? -kata said sarcastically.

Miyazato Mokichi: Come on Captain knock that off, I'm just really excited becoming a father is one of my dreams you know. -

Miyano Kata: Right, right wait till they grow up and you'll lose your mind.

Miyazato Mokichi: Fuyuki how are you doing, is that our son beside you?

///Miyazato Mokichi lifts his son up to carry///

Hatano Fuyuki: I'm ok though a little bit exhausted and light headed, yes this is our son. Hurry up and think of a name dear.

Miyazato Mokichi: I'm glad you're ok fuyuki, hhmmnnn oy captain help me think of name would you at the same time you could be the godfather of my child.

Miyano Kata: I don't think it's appropriate for me to pick a name for your first born child Mokichi.

Hatana Fuyuki: Kata-san It would just be right if not for you pushing Mokichi to me and saving his life more than a dozen time there will be no Mokichi and I being a family.

///Mokichi hands his son over to his captain kata///

Miyano Kata: Well if you put it that way I guess I'm quite responsible for this in some way, Alright let's call him Rei.

Fuyuki & Mokichi: that suits him quite well, Miyazato Rei.

Charles green point of view.

Well after being sent off by god and giving me a talent which I knew right away after being given that it was chakra control.

Charles Green: Chakra control, oy oy oy... You told me it was gonna be something good that would let me perform adequate or well in my next life just this... If it's chakra, it's gonna be Naruto world I just hope it is an era well enough for me to survive.

Charles green was now terrified of what's gonna happen to him in his past life he watched enough anime and movies to know about naruto world where the terifying ninjas could blow up anything with their ninjutsu, taijutsu, at times even with tools. If his talent is just chakra control he is wondering how he will survive in a world full of wars since he was able to watch almost all of the naruto anime, read the manga, watch the movies, and watch some episodes of Boruto who was the son of Naruto.

After unknown amount of time Charles Green was finally able to see the light

again but for some reason he was being held upside down and being hit.

Charles green: Why the h*ll Am I being hit?

Charles tried to speak but the only thing that came out of his mouth was loud cry

uwaahh uwahhh uwahhhhh****

Charles green: Don't tell me I've become a child.

Nurse: What a healthy young boy, congratulations Fuyuki-san you had a sucessful delivery and a healthy son.

Hatana Fuyuki: I'm glad everything turned out ok.

Two men walked in checking out on the mother and pair duo, Charles was only able to hear gibberish since he never understood the language of the Naruto world but he has some idea that it was actually Japanese like the real writing of naruto. Charles was lift up by his father looking completely happy and satisfied on how life turn out for him. Seeing his son for the first time right now looked to be his greatest joy.

A few minutes later Charles green was lifted up by the other and the only words he was able to hear and understand was Miyazato Rei.

More than a month pass since the birth of Charles Green Now called Miyazato Rei. The light in the skies ofthe hidden leaf village turned red chaos was being wrecked out of the streets noises could be heard through the walls panicked stricken people of the hidden leaf are running.

Miyazato Rei: what the hell is happening - in his thoughts.

Rei looks at the window near his cradle to look at what is happening he felt terror and helplessness.

Miyazato Rei: Don't tell me that's the kyubi. cr*p why do I have to live at the same time frame as those crazy strong genaration of ninjas.

Rei is now panicking on how he could survive on a troublesome world with terrifying shinobis flying around, and where you could get killed in a blink of an eye if you do not have enough strength to protect yourself.

Miyazato Rei: Chakra control, chakra control... I hope this talent is enough to become strong enough to defend myself.

A few years has passed since the kyubi incident where his father and god father almost died. It was a relief that the fourth Hokage arrived in time to control the situation which ended up him dying and sealing the yang kyubi inside of Naruto and his wife dying as well due to this incident the third Hokage took up the mantle again like it was in the original anime and manga.

Rei is now four years old capable of walking and conversation two years ago he had a litle sister named Shizuku. Rei is now hanging out with his little sister playing with child proofed kunai and shurikens while his little sister plays with dolls.

The Miyazato family is quite well off given the fact that their mother Hatano Fuyuki owns a clothing shop and their father is an anbu who completes ridiculous missions with a team or on his own.

Miyazato Mokichi: I'm home, How are my angels doing?

Rei & Shizuka: father!!!

Mokichi: Here, I got you some toys and snacks.

Fuyuki: Don't spoil them too much they might not be able to eat their dinner.

Mokichi: Come on dear, let this one go you know I'm always on a mission.

Fuyuki: Alright, alright it's your call but Rei has to start training since next year he'll have to start attending the academy. You'll have to train him so he doesn't get isolated from everyone especially there'll be a lot of students coming from clan families.

Mokichi: Right, I might have to train him a little bit hard though, are you ok with that dear?

Fuyuki: It's for his own good.

Rei heard the conversation of his parents now he is thinking finally I'll be able to train to have some survival skills in this world. I hope the time I spend practicing martial arts in my previous life have some bearing in this life.

Mokichi filed for a leave in anbu so that he could train his child to prepare him for the academy next year, and the only missions he would accept are nearby the village and within the village.

A week has passed now Rei and his father Mokichi stands in the courtyard with his sister watching on the sideline cheering adorably.

Mokichi: Little guy, now we have to train so that you could defend yourself when you become a shinobi in the future. Is that ok with you?

Rei: Yes, father!

Mokichi: Now I'll teach you how to meditate and refine your chakra with the style I created. Follow how I guide the chakra inside your body.

Rei learned how to refined his chakra inside his body from his father given his "god given" talent in chakra control his father was quite surprise on how fluidly Rei followed his teachings on how to refine his chakra.

Mokichi: Wow, this little guy of mine is quite the genius in chakra control given the way he follows my instruction in chakra control he'll probably reached the limit of his chakra refinement in 3 months and hit a bottle neck.

Rei: Dad, did I do it right?

Mokichi: Of course you did. Do this refinement every day in the morning and before you sleep We will also train in taijutsu and weapon arts.

Rei: Yes, father!