Averagely Talented

Three months have passed since Rei learned how to refine his chakra he has been training with his father in taijutsu and weapon arts like any other young shinobi his age. Rei clumsily learn his way and made quick progress, finally Rei's time spent on martial art on is previous life was of use, Rei gradually caught up with shinobi trainees of his age level in taijutsu and surpassed them a little bit in every aspect in terms of taijutsu and weapon arts.

At first his father was fairly impressed that his son Rei was able to react on time when they started light sparring a week later after teaching him the basics of taijutsu, Mokichi thought that his son is quite the genius to have this kind of learning curve, but as the time goes by Mokichi later discovered that Rei's talent is quite short lived in terms of taijutsu and weapon arts. But even though Rei's not improving at an accelerated rate, he was learning and adapting averagely and compared to genius of clan members he won't be left far behind in the dust.

Mokichi: Rei keep your guard up and focus on your surrounding and opponent. improve your

body shifting and footwork so you could better keep up with your opponent.

Rei: Father, Here I come!

Mokichi is impressed with Rei's awareness and combination of attacks, he is satisfied on how Rei keeps on improving at steady pace with his taijutsu and weapon arts. Because in the world of shinobi these are basic skills a ninja needs to survive missions, life and death situation.

Rei: Father, when am I gonna learn to throw things, and ninjutsu? -asked with a long face.

Mokichi: It's about the time I teach you basic ninjutsu, and range weapons promise me not to throw Dangerous things when your mom and little sister is around so they don't accidentaly get hit. And no ninjutsu either make sure they are far away or behind you because your mom's not a shinobi and your little sister is just a toddler.

Rei: Yes, Father. What do I learn first though? -asked with his eyes looking bright.

Mokichi: Range weapons, definitely. You might think ninjutsu's are cool and flashy but having strong foundation in every basic skills of a ninja is our key to survival. So, don't look down on it even at the level of jonin or kages you would still be throwing knifes and shurikens who knows you might be able to take down your enemies with it.

Rei: I'll do my best!

Rei does not really care if he has ninjutsu or not, he just want to survive in this crazy shinobi world. If throwing knives and shurikens would raise his chances of survival he'll throw it a million times, train in taijutsu a million times, train in melee weapons a million times.

With Rei's determination to survive and the information he knows from his past life, he'll never take anything for granted and train with his best every single day. Due to that he reached a level well beyond his age in taijutsu, melee weapons, range weapons.

Rei improve at steady phase because of his mental fortitude it's true that he is not as talented compared to the geniuses describe in the original series but with his mature mentality and every day

grinding at their own backyard training ground. Rei proved that hard work really works wonder whatever the circumstances are.

Rei reached a level beyond his age but not over powered he is at the level that no academy student his age would mess with or risk getting beat the cr*p out of. Rei's taijutsu, melee weapon arts, and range weapon techniques pretty much reach the level of an academy second year student.

Rei didn't spend all his time training since he is a kid his parents of course wanted him to spend time with other children his age and also take a break from training or risk himself getting injured.

A sunny morning on the Miyazato house. Rei could be seen training his range weapon technique on the wooden block for target practice. he is now able to hit it six out of ten tries a pretty good improvement for guy who knew nothing about and hitting it from 10 meters out. Rei's mom Fuyuki

walked in.

Fuyuki: Stop training and let's go have our breakfast. -she told her son strictly with no room to negotiate kind of tone.

Rei: Yes, mom!

As the family started to eat you could feel the familial love between the four of them. Rei appreciates the family situation he has now, there's no doubt that he love the family he had back in his previous life in earth but the love that was shown was a little bit complacent or light in his past life compared to his current life.

Rei could feel that the warmth and love being shown in this world is very deep, maybe because of the situation in their world where anytime one might disappear forever in their lives forever. The fear of not being able to say and show what you feel for someone lingers that makes every family show their deep love for each other.

Rei's kid little sister Shizuku is also starting to eat solid food so she starts sitting at the table demanding for some baby food. Which deepen his like for his adorable little sister his father and mother also love this adorable little kid as well.

Fuyuki: Rei, you want to go to our Clothing shop later? -she asked with a smile.

Rei: Uuhhhmmm, what will I do there mom? -asked with a confused tone.

Fuyuki: Silly kid, of course we'll get you some new clothes and take some picture of you and your sister to be our poster kids for the clothing of children. You both are so cute that mothers would like to buy clothes design that you model in and would think that their kid would be cute like you two.

Rei: Won't I get teased at the academy if my future classmates saw it?

Fuyuki: Of course not!

The Miyazato siblings then became poster kids for their clothing store's child wear collection series. Rei and Shizuka got a bunch of sweets and snacks out of it but being regulated by their doting mother, can't risk a child having a bad tooth ache.

Rei enjoys hanging out in the clothing store because the shoppers would notice him and give him something. A short while later Fuyuki recognize Rei doing computations in their clothing store, old habits die hard Rei was a salary man and salesman so he pretty much calculated every now and then. Fuyuki was surprise that Rei was pretty good with numbers.

Rei then thought of selling schemes of shopping malls in his previous life while being nervous on how his mom would react to what he just did.

Fuyuki: What are you doing rei? -asked out of curiousity, but with alarmed hidden beneath her face.

Rei: *shocked* uuhhmmm nothing mom.

Fuyuki: Where did you learn this?

Rei: I saw you and the sales clerk doing it, I figured I wanna help in shop when I can.

Fuyuki: I see, my little boy's trying to grow up as fast as he could.

Rei breathe a sigh of relief thanking god that his mom didn't react to him weirdly... Rei was thinking, I guess kids here in naruto world grew up fast because of chakra heck there was shikamaru with I.Q. 200 and kids throwing up ninjutsu at the age of four or five a child with pretty good head is not that much of surprise.

Night at the miyazato house master's bedroom.

Fuyuki: Dear, I just saw Rei calculating our clothing shop's earnings earlier today?

Mokichi: Is that so, we might have to warn him not to show his abilities to others if the root finds out he might get taken away from us. Ninjas are not all about strength, it's true that tactics are sometimes useless to absolute strength but that only works on S-class ninjas and above most of the time good tactics and strategy wins the fight what's more is that in wars strategist are extremely valuable.

Fuyuki: You wouldn't let him be taken away from us right!

Mokichi: With my current power I cannot go against the leader of the root since we are not a clan family our strength is only a tiny speck of dust in their eyes, so less talent our son shows the less chances the root would take him.

Fuyuki: Ok, we have to talk to him tomorrow.