Improvement, and New found motivation

One morning in the Miyazato household Rei was playing with his little sister Shizuku, oblivious about what kind of conversation their parents had last night. Shizuku was such an adorable child that anyone would want to carry and dote on her, Rei was practically thankful on having such a cute little sister that looks like a doll. You could hear the cripsy soft laughter of Shizuku playing catch in their yard with his big brother. Fuyuki walked in on her children playing and made a satisfied smile telling herself that this are the best moments of her life.

Fuyuki: Rei, Take your little sister inside so we could have our meal.

Rei: Yes, mom we're coming!

As the family of four were having their meal, the two little kids are having fun because of their father's antics playing with the food using his ninja skills before giving it to the two kids, it was like doing magic with food. Shinobi has ultra fast hands so making the food disappear and reappear is too basic for an elite member of anbu. The two adults then started talking to Rei in a serious way.

Mokichi: Rei, I heard your mom saw you looking at the accounts book of our clothing store and calculating our earnings yesterday?

With Rei's thirty-five year old mind, he knows that he is in some sort of trouble so he has to play this off in the right way, maybe appeal to the feelings of their parents in some way. Rei is now thinking on why did I have to show off yesterday and do those ledger they might think I'm some weird kid.

Rei: Yes, I saw mom and our employee at the store doing it before I thought if I do it like they did I'll be able to spend more time with mom and Shizuku.

Mokichi: So, you just want your mom to get off early from work, that's why you did that.

Rei: Yes, father.

Mokichi: We're really lucky to have a child like you Rei, but we might get into some sort of trouble if you showed everyone how smart you are give it a little more time and there won't be problems anymore.

Rei: Dad, What sort of trouble would a child like me get into?

Mokichi: I'm Not scaring you Rei, but let's just say that there's a weird group of people who takes in children of clans or ninja families who doesn't have the power to decline them. And these children are then trained to be weapons of their organization.

Rei: So, If they see that I'm smart they'll take me away?

Mokichi: They might just do that.

Rei: But you're here dad they won't be able to.

Mokichi: Of course I won't just let them take you away, but being cautious and not drawing attention from a posible trouble would be better than recklessly showing off and becoming a target for everyone. Right Rei?

Rei: I understand, Dad!

With Rei's adult mind and past life's information from watching the original story, he knew right then that the root was the organization his father was talking about. Since his father is part of the anbu squad under the Hokage's command his father would know a lot of the inner workings and dark side of the hidden leaf. The reason why his father was telling him not show his abilities like having a good mind is because they are not from a shinobi clan.

Big clans in konoha has the power to deter the root from taking their children to be trained under their organization; while they are only a small family his father was an orphan that was lucky enough to get as strong as he was now with no backing of a clan, sure his father has strong connections within the anbu but that's not enough for a show of power not to let the roots get their hands on his children. In the original story there was a child called shikamaru nara who was a super genius their family is quite an important force in the hidden leaf village so the root wouldn't dare mess with them added by the fact of their alliance with two other clans who's also a relevant force in in the village, but the yamanaka clan who is part of it still got one of their children taken who was Fu yamanaka. So, the caution his father was showing was truly reasonable.

Rigth then and there Rei realizes that to be completely safe in this world strength is necessary, it's not just about him anymore it's also about keeping his new found love for his family who genuinely let him experience warmth and comfort that he didn't want to get seperated from. With his new found motivation Rei trained with more determination that he ever has including his past life.

Five months has passed since Mokichi started training his son Rei. Now Rei has fluidly combine his melee weapons arts and taijutsu and used of range weapons to limit the opponents movement or hit them with it is now ingrained into Rei's instincts. While the father and son are sparring Mokichi gave his son instructions trying to correct the mistakes Rei's been doing and praising him for the good moves he accomplish.

Rei: Here I go dad.

Mokichi: Slright, give it your best.

Rei rushes in towards his father with his fastest speed, while throwing shurikens to deter his father.

Mokichi jump up to dodge the barrage of shurikens coming his way. seeing this as an opportunity Rei used a kunai from his right inner sleeves to slash at his father diagonally. Mokichi blocks Rei's right diagonal slash with his kunai, and countering with a right middle kick targeting Rei's left side. Rei then hurried to block it raising his knees and lowering his left elbow. Rei was then thrown to his right side unable to recover in time giving his father a chance to point a kunai at him.

Mokichi: Well, you lost son.

Rei: Rrr, yeah but you told me your gonna fight me with a strength equal to mine. Why was your kick a strong as an adult dad?! that's cheating.

Mokichi: HAHAHA! you have to be ready at all times as a shinobi!

Rei: But I'm not a shinobi yet, I'm just training to be one!

With his father's shameless antics of using an adults strength to kick him away Rei was quite upset for few seconds, but then he realize why am I being such a child it's true that I'm a child in this world but I lived a long time in my previous life heck I was even older than my present father. Rei's father is only thirty-one at this point having him when he was twenty-seven, and his mother was only twenty-five back then. Rei realize that he's behavior is that really of a child aside from the fact the he realizes things much quicker for his age and has the maturity to understand situation.

Rei: Really, no matter how old you are once you're trapped in a body of child you really be acting like one. I guess that's what having a brain of child could do. but oh well I'm enjoying this life much more than I should - Rei whispered in his heart.

Mokichi: I'm proud of your progress for this past five months rei, tomorrow we'll start training E - Class Ninjutsu so that you could give me a bit of challenge. A right remember your god father, He's got a son two months older than you they might drop by a week later.

Rei: Really, is he gonna be a shinobi too father?

Mokichi: He is, Rei. He is quite talented in ninjutsu his mother's been teaching him when your godfather was on missions.

Rei: Owh, so I'll have my first shinobi friend?

Mokichi: That I hope so, child.

Rei was excited to have his first friend way before the academy starts. It's true that he has some friends around the neighborhood but they were all civilians. Rei is not looking down on them he just thinks that there are some things they would not be able to relate to as a son of a shinobi that he couldn't discuss with them. but they are fun to hang around with.

Ever since he started his training to enter the academy though their physical abilities grew far wider and wider where now playing with them is no fun anymore. but hey he could still talk with them and play some video games or anything that doesn't involve physical abilities. Rei was also excited to train in ninjutsu finally even if it's E-class that would still raise my fighting chance.

Mokichi was impress with how Rei was improving, in span of short five months his combat skills reach the level of someone who's been in the academy for at least more than two years well that only counts if you don't include ninjutsu.

Now that Rei has hit his bottle neck in chakra refinement almost two months ago, Mokichi decided to start training his son in ninjutsu. Mokichi is also surprise on how fluidly Rei combines taijutsu and weapons arts in Rei's case it has to do with his prior experience from his previous life. Rei and mokichi mostly use kunai and shurikens in their practice.

But Mokichi's true weapon is a modified Kunai that's a little bit longer than the regular ones to better serve it's purpose as a dagger. Mokichi would now also start adding in Fūma Shuriken in Rei's training schedule.

Since mokichi's true combat style is a combination of strong fist taijutsu and weapon arts. the stance itself doesn't use strong fist style but side stance holding the kunai upwards and hiding the body behind it with the off hand ready to strike.

the basic is with one dagger but the use of two is also now well developed. the training method adapts strong fist style of traditional training and dagger arts training. Mokichi now plans to train Rei in the same style once he get's older.