
A morning full of melodious laughter from shizuku ensue seeing how happy she is playing around with her new found pets the tiger cubs and forming a bond with them rei couldn't help but feel that someday in the future there would be a female ninja strutting around with ninja tigers at her side, which sort of made him happy for his little sister. Meanwhile Rei continue to train with his best friend and gradually improve but seiho's improvement is quite shocking the supposedly genius of ninjutsu shows talent in other aspects as well there's still a gap between seiho's and rei's skills and physical abilities but not by a huge margin. Realizing that his best friend is catching up with him in areas where he vastly outclassed him rei increase his training even more pushing himself in his morning training until he can barely move.

Mokichi: I think it's time we check out your affinity rei.

Rei: Then would I have time to continue the training I'm doing now at the same level if I have to practice ninjutsu too?

Mokichi: Don't worry about that we'll have you learn "shadow clone technique" like I said before when shadow clone gets dispelled or canceled its memories will come back to the user so we make your shadow clone train in bukijutsu and taijutu perfecting your techniques while we train your physical abilities to the very limit.

Rei: but would I have enough chakra for "shadow clone technique"?

Mokichi: You can't create multiple clones one would probably be your maximum right now but hey it's only training the very basics with no chakra involve just perfecting your stances, forms, and techniques. And will have to ask your mom for approval so we can spend money for medicine and medicinal baths to speed up your body's recovery and the day after training your body to the limits would be spent on ninjutsu, this time you really can't quit on me I know you have strong mental fortitude but the training this time will push you beyond your limits.

Rei nods agreeing to his father's ideas. In rei's mind quitting would only mean higher chances of death in the future so even if he would want to quit while training later he wouldn't have the guts to.

Rei: but dad why do we have to ask mom for approval?

Mokichi: eerrhhmmmm, I don't really have authority about how our budget works in our house.

Rei snickers and thought to himself that his dad actually has no power inside the house with regards to money.

Rei: but we're rich right?

Mokichi: well I get a lot of money from missions so that's partially true and your mom has her own business besides you've seen your uncle's businesses in yashina village and a portion of that is your mom's property since they inherited it from your grandfather so yeah. Anyway, back to the topic let's test your affinity.

Rei laughed at his dad for changing the topic so quickly but soon stop because of his excitement on what kind of affinity he'll get. Rei's mind is now full of imagination on what ifs like if has Lightning element affinity maybe he could try that "lightning chakra mode" of the raikage so he could go faster and stronger heck he could even try one of his favourite ninjutsu "Chidori" in his previous life when he first saw it he couldn't help even as an adult to exclaimed on how cool it was. Rei's mind continues to overdrive thinking of possibilities about what elemental affinity he will get.

Mokichi: this is a "chakra induction paper" it can identify a chakra's latent element you'll just have to channel your chakra towards it. there five reactions it would have one for each element. the first one is if the paper burns into ash then you have the fire element, wind would split the paper into two, lightning would make the paper wrinkled, earth would turn the paper into dirt and crumble away and last the paper will become wet if it's water.

Rei nods confirming that he was listening and understood most of what his father said.

Mokichi: What are you waiting for hurry up and channel your chakra towards it.

Rei excitedly channeled his chakra towards the paper then the paper reacted and became damp. The damping of the paper only meant one thing his element affinity is water which dumbfounded rei because not in his wildest imagination would he get it when he saw his father fighting he mostly used wind base element ninjutsu and only seen him using water base ninjutsu once. Rei has imagined himself using destructive or cutting wind elemental ninjutsu, using fire ninjutsu was an option too with its highly destructive power like the great grand fire ball or the sarutobi clan's fire ninjutsu, earth element was an option to since it is present everywhere and can be use with ease, lightning was his dream element because it could actually supplement his current fighting style never could he imagined that water would be his affinity.

Mokichi: Oh, thought so you'll get the same elemental affinity I have.

Rei looks blankly still in shocked of his elemental affinity sure water release technique looked awesome with zabusa and kakashi's fight but that was on the first part of the series and only extremely powerful individuals with water release are from the kirigakure and the late second hokage tobirama senju who was hailed as the strongest water release user but that guy has a massive chakra which doesn't really coincide with rei's talent in addition to that the most of the terrifying water release users is using advance nature transformation which could only be done through their kekkai genkai.

Mokichi: what's wrong you look really disappointed rei?

Rei: I just thought I'd get wind element if I was like you, since when you fought that bandit guy you were using wind element base ninjutsu.

Mokichi: Well I used wind element because it was advantageous since he was using lightning element besides every jonin has at least mastered two elements except for special cases of shinobi and kunoichi.

Rei: I see...

Mokichi: Are you disappointed because of the water element rei?

Rei: just a little bit since I don't really know much about it.

Mokichi: don't worry I'll teach you everything I know besides I'm also developing my own ninjutsu who knows it might just become one of the most powerful water technique.

Rei nods but still thinking hard on how he could solve his chakra consumption using water base ninjutsu he has to know how tobirama senju summons water like it's nothing.

Mokichi: We'll have to skip learning C-rank ninjutsu and learn The B-rank "shadow clone technique" first rei so that you can train efficiently.

Mokichi Explains again that the experience the shadow clone gains would be transfered to the user once they are dispersed so it is highly valuable when training but it would be problematic to just create a lot to shorten training time because of chakra consumption. Mokichi then Pointed out how the technique seperates the user's chakra on equal parts and whatever amount of chakra remains si returned back to the user as well. Rei train in the technique for a whole day before being able to perform it even with chakra control talent like he has a B-rank ninjutsu is quite dificult to learn after all. The next morning came now Rei has to use "Shadow Clone Technique" and have it train in bukijutsu and taijutsu as much as it can while he trains his physical abilities. Mokichi trained him so hard that he didn't have the appetite to eat.

Mokichi: Time to learn some C-ranks kid.

Rei: Finally I'll get to used my own ninjutsu!

Mokichi: There three C-rank Water release that I would like you to learn since your fighting style largely rely on your bukijutsu and taijutsu that would mean your physical combat strength alone is amongst the top in your age so let's have you learn "Water Clone Technique" it would be a lot easier than shadow clone as well it might be weaker but the chakra consumption is very little and possess a tenth of your battle strength.

Rei: Ok, I can just use water clone to do combo moves hehehe!

Mokichi: that's a very good I idea! the next water release would be Water armor since you engage a lot of close combat having a defense would be extremely useful it can pretty much withstand any physical attacks relative to how much chakra-infused water you put into it but be careful of lightning base ninjutsu since water conducts electricity. And last but not the least raging waves.

Time continued to flow and rei constanly train under his father and never slacking off a week after he started the extreme training of his father he was finally able to finish it all and still having an appetite to eat. Rei's "transformation technique" come a long way as well enlarging his shurikens and kunai while on air he even tried using it on a fuma shuriken but was advised not to in their yard because of the destruction and accidents it might cause he had to even make a promise not to use it on sparring and only on life and death situation since one hit from a fuma shuriken at the size he transformed it to would instantly bisect a person if hit cleanly.

Rei: Dad, have you ever thought of improving ninjutsu like C-rank ninjutsu?

Mokichi: I haven't I didn't really think about it I put more of my thinking in developing my own ninjutsu.

Rei: Wouldn't it be your own ninjutsu as well if you improve an existing ninjutsu?

Mokichi: Now that you put it that way. I might just do that... Have you thought of any?

Rei: uuhhmm what if we put control the existing techniques from example the water armor's behaviour is way to linear if we put more movement in it would we use more chakra?

Mokichi: nope, you'll just be manipulating the chakra you alreay supplied. Rei this will be a long project when you have better control we'll try to develop techniques base on our control specialty to be honest it wouldn't hurt to learn more genjutsu since most of the control specialist either becomes medic ninjas or genjutsu specialist.

Rei: Ok, dad! when I have time I'll study genjutsu as well.

Mokichi was surprised by the conversation he had with his son on improving ninjutsu with their control abilities sure it would be more complicated but the chakra output would be the same it would just be a matter of mastery this also gave him further ideas on how he will create his very own technique.

An afternoon in the miyano household yard it's a very rare occurence that kata and sayoko are on dayoff maybe they purposely did it since the last time sayoko heard his son's feeling lonely because he's the only member of the family who's left in the house. Mokichi casually chatted with them as well. While the adults were chatting and watching the two kids spar seiho now can keep up with rei and exchange blows after blows when rei overpowered him in one of their clashes and being sent flying backwards he then starts forming handseals and used "Fire Release: Flame Bullet" rei already seen this ninjutsu countless of times so when he saw seiho form his seals he started his own as well and finished at the same time since rei's ninjutsu has a shorter series of hand seals he countered with "water release: raging waves".

Shocked by the clash of ninjutsu seiho was dumbfounded on how rei knew what he will use furthermore rei finished his handseals despite starting a little bit later than him. Seiho's flame bullet was completely dispersed by rei's water release using this chance rei used "water clone technique" using the water he used raging waves to attack seiho. Surrounded and cornered by three water clones seiho didn't have a choice but to use "body replacement technique" to retreat.

Seiho: What was that?

Rei: A combo move I have lot more in store for you now that I can use ninjutsu... -rei bluffs...

Seiho: I don't believe you here I go!

Seiho used "Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique" to disperse all the water clones but rei didn't let this chance go since seiho was stationary he use "body flicker" to close in the distance which seiho didn't expect just two weeks ago rei wouldn't be able to close that distance instantly even with "body flicker" unless rei uses a good amount of chakra to sustain his amplified speed but what he didn't know was that rei's physical abilities recieved a huge boost from his father. Rei Appeared behind seiho about to kick his butt literaly sensing this seiho dive down and used "Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique".

Seiho: I give up, rei!!! that's cheating how did you become that fast?!?

Rei: I trained really hard!!!

Seiho: you already surpassed me in bukijutsu and taijutsu now you are catching up in ninjutsu who's the real genius here?

Rei: you have advantage in earth techniques since I'm using water release why didn't you use it right away?

Seiho: oh, fire looks cooler!

The three adults laugh so hard when they heard seiho's answer sure enough this is a standard answer for a child but they have to educate him on advantage of each elemental nature over another. The three adult ninjas are now planning to to test the mettle of their children in the wild and thinks that some sort of survival training is in order before they enter the academy. If rei knew what they were thinking right now he'll be horrified and think that what kind of adults would send their young kids to a survival training.