Training in the wilds

Inside the hidden leaf forest is now the new place where mokichi and his son trains in the reason they got kicked out here was because every time they spar in their courtyard they would make a huge mess since rei learned C-rank ninjutsu besides that mokichi wants to know on what extent has rei manage to use his "transformation technique". The father and duo sparred without a care for their surroundings rei tried to take advantage of his father by transforming his weapon at different lengths throughout the sparring to confuse his father's sense of his reach but mokichi was already a veteran of who knows how many battles that he was able to deal with it resorting to parrying and deflecting since dodging it would be harder with its varying length. Seeing this rei didn't bother to waste his chakra anymore he threw multiple shurikens among the shurikens there are two with attached string to perform "Manipulated shuriken technique" mokichi complacently deflected the shurikens. Seeing his father deflect his shurikens he changes the two shurikens trajectory to purposely miss him and perform "Manipulated Shuriken Wire Binding" trapping his father in the middle proud of what he has accomplished he was about to cheer when suddenly his father in the distance trapped in the middle of his wires dispersed and heard his voice behind him.

Mokichi: That's a pretty good idea if you are fighting someone who doesn't have experience as much as I have.

Overwhelmed by his father's speed and use of shadow clone that rendered all his planning fruitless rei still looked optimistic since he knows he still has a lot to learn.

Rei: Do you think it will be effective in the academy dad?

Mokichi: sure, it will I think all of the students there don't have as much battle experience as you do, and when have you thought of this?

Rei: Whenever I'm not doing something at home I'd try to think of plans that would work in battles.

Mokichi: that's great rei, but a ninja has to rest too. You'll exhaust yourself in no time if you always do that.

Rei: ok dad, then do I have an advantage over the people in the academy?

Mokichi: Sure, you do but don't let that get into your head. There are those from a long line of ninja families that could pretty much overpower you at your age. I remember there was hatake kakashi who graduated at five-years-old and uchiha itachi who graduated at seven years of age imagine just how strong he was.

Rei: Ok, I'll never slack off on my training anyway I'll improve myself everyday.

Rei knew he only reached his current level because of his perseverance through training and breaking through his limits when he experienced life and death situations. The current strength he's showing is all product of hardwork and if he slacked off even one bit those talented will surpassed him in no time and solid example would that be his best friend seiho who's improving at an amazing speed as well despite rei's obvious advantage in taijutsu and bukijutsu he knew for sure once seiho learns how to make use of his ninjutsu he'll start having a hard time winning the only advantage he would have at that time would be his mature mind for strategy.

Aho tea inside the hidden leaf village Mokichi, kata, and sayoko are together talking about their "evil plan" towards the two kids.

Mokichi: What do you think when should we have the kids have that training?

Sayoko: Rei's current progress with his skills is enough, I think he could even graduate early if he push himself. Our seiho on the other hand has to train his basics he has a lot of work to do... that's why I told you honey one of us should've take a leave like mokichi did to train seiho look how far behind he is now.

Kata: You know how hectic it is now a day that we can't just leave the squad... Imagine if one of us is not around how would those people handle those missions even with kakashi around in the anbu squad he can't take on every mission. besides seiho triest to cover his weakness with ninjutsu so he should still be passable within our standards...

Mokichi: so, we're not going to do it any time soon?

While looking at kata intensely and making sure he doesn't say anything else sayoko then hurried to reply.

Satoko: I'm deciding this... let's do it a month before the academy starts make sure to train rei as hard as you can.

Mokichi: no worries about that kid he trains even when you don't ask him to.

Sayoko took a break from work to train his son just till the academy starts since as a child of an anbu their children should be on a better starting point compared to the other kids. Seiho was happy to see his mother every day but what he thought of as arrival of cozy days to spend with his loving mother turned into a loving mother's training from hell. Seiho was surprised that his very sweet mother suddenly becomes a drill seargeant when they start training. Sayoko has no other choice but to train her son's physical abilities since the three of them has an "evil plan" of throwing the two somewhere for survival training of course one of them would monitor their kids so that no untoward incident happens.

Seiho: Mom, why do I have to train this hard?

Sayoko: You have to improve Seiho don't you feel that Rei is becoming stronger and stronger?

Seiho: yeah, but he's my best friend so I'm proud of him.

Sayoko: then how will you be able to train or play with him if he becomes so strong you can't keep up with him anymore...

Seiho: he'll never leave me mom we're best friends!

Sayoko: but if you both get stronger you can enjoy more things for example you can buy tons of snacks if you complete missions or make cooler ninjutsu!

Seiho: snacks and cool ninjutsu? hmmnnn ok mom let's train hard!

succeeding in "convincing" her son on why he should train hard sayoko ended the day happily. Meanwhile at miyazato household rei's training got even more intense since mokichi learned that sayoko would train his son he didn't want rei to be surpassed by seiho just like that and given his talent he might just really do it. rei was also a victim of a training from hell session but in his case, he didn't really care the more training he gets the stronger he could become.

Mokichi: because of your affinity with water element you learn its techniques really fast and now you've been making strategy out of it in the future you just might be able to draw out water from underground that would enable you to do extreme water element techniques without nearby water source.

Rei: How am I supposed to do that dad?

Mokichi: I'll explain it to you in the future I've been trying to get permission to study the second hokage's techniques as well from the third hokage. The second hokage by far maybe the most well-rounded shinobi and creating a whole bunch of ninjutsu but for now let's expand your water techniques nad let me teach you "Water release: Gunshot".

Rei: isn't raging waves enough for me?

Mokichi: don't you find raging waves a waste of chakra and time too much time spend for handseals and water. On the other hand, gunshot only needs one handseal and you can control its power like raging waves but raging waves only does one hit while gunshot can do multiple hits depending on the user.

rei was reluctant learn more water techniques since he didn't have enough chakra to support a lot of them yet but then when he heard the advantages of "water release: gunshot" he welcomed learning it since it has more versatility than raging waves. Raging waves is a great technique as well able to cancel out fire techniques easily and wash away the enemy and its power can also be increased by amount of chakra one supplies it but who would reject more versatility. Mokichi further explain to rei the uses of "water release: gunshot" rei listens attentively and learned it easily. The time agreed by the three adults swiftly came and they easily drugged rei and seiho to sleep carrying them off somewhere.

Rei and Seiho woke up on a completely unfamiliar place they both panic but calmed down after a bit of questions and observation. Rei investigated his surroundings right away surveying if there's any enemies nearby. while seiho was at his wits end not knowing what to do he sleep peacefuly but woke up at a completely unfamiliar place good thing he saw rei right away or else he might just dash off around the forest where god knows where. Seeing that the forest was bright he quickly releases a sigh of relief that his worst nightmare didn't came true, which was waking up as a 4-years-old inside the forest of death.

Rei: stop panicking seiho were not going to get out of here if you keep on shouting and running around you might even lure in trouble.

Seiho: aren't you afraid rei we're somewhere we don't know and we have no clue how we got here.

Rei: I'll worry about how we got here later... We better think about how to get home first or survive.

Seiho: survive? why are there something going to kill us here?

Rei: why are you so afraid you could just spit fire on them remember you're a ninja in training!

Seiho: ok but don't leave me ok.

rei had to think quickly of what to do he then remembers his father's teaching when they were traveling on how to disperse scent and tracks. he decided to do one quickly and use "Shoukyo no Nioi" to disperse their scent cause an animal might just get a whiffed of them somewhere. rei wasn't trained on tracking but he tried hard to look for clues on how he got here but it was all for naught.

Seiho: what technique did you just use rei?

Rei: ow, it was to dispersed our scent I don't want to be tracked by some wild animal you know.

Seiho: wild animal like what?

Rei: like tigers, bears... trust me it's not cool to fight with one especially now that we have no weapon at all.

Seiho: right...

Seiho never fought for his life before so he felt quite afraid of tigers and bears but he feels quite reassured since he knows that rei fought a tiger before maybe rei would easily kill one this time since he got much stronger than before. Rei on the other hand don't want trouble maybe he'll hunt for food if he sees boar and stuff like that but boars have thick hide and they both having nothing to wield as a weapon.

Rei: okay, seiho you have to be really calm... Since we don't have weapons my battle efficiency drastically decreased which leave most of are attacking and dealing killing blows to you since you have powerful ninjutsu.

Seiho: But I've never hit anyone with killing intent...

Rei: just think that it's a target dummy worry about killing it later after we survive... if you don't it's us who might die then we won't be able to play and eat as much as we want.

Seiho: Ok I'll worry about it later just hit it with all my might right?

Rei: Yeap! now let's go look for a high ground so we can have a much better grasp of where we are.

while the two kids were running around and looking for a high ground their parents on the other hand were flowing them in the shadows and snickering because of seiho's reactions except for sayoko who was worried for her little boy. Sayoko was now regretting on agreeing to this crazy plan of those two middle age man it's true that this training will toughen the boy's mental fortitude and survival instincts but they were just children that's supposed to to start training in the academy a month from now. Sayoko now regrets stopping being the voice of reason between the three of them this event might just scar the two little boys.

Rei relied on his unreliable past life experience to navigate in the jungle, unreliable why it's very simple he had some experience climbing mountains and some mountains had some forest to go through or the mountain itself was a forest but there's usually an available trail to follow to go where you want and the memories of his summer camps when he was young was extremely hazy but who knows it might just get him somewhere. looking for a higher ground he decided to just look for the highest tree he could find and climb it's top just to have a vague idea on where he is who knows this idea might just help him.

Seiho: what do you see up there rei?!

Rei: Don't shout seiho...

Seiho: sorry it just feels lonely down here.

Rei: I don't see our village but I see a really tall mountain!

Seiho: ok can you go down now rei.

Rei went down and thinks that this was a really bad experience for seiho since he was just four-years-old sure they were both trained in combat and art of killing as shinobi trainees but you can't really blame seiho for being afraid because of his young mind. even the strongest of the strongest were weak at one point except zabusa who made a massacre when he was a kid. Rei just hopes that this experience toughen seiho and make his thinking towards training a need for survival in this world.

Rei: let's go seiho.

Seiho: let's go, but I'm getting hungry now its been a while since we last ate.

Rei: Ok, lets try to hunt some wild games...

The two kids move to look for a water source since all animals at one point would be drawn here although a little bit dangerous since even predators would appear here as well. Rei saw small games like rabits drinking in the small river seeing this seiho lean over to rei and whispered to catch the rabits but rei didn't want to move right away because it might startle the other animals besides a place like this predator also lurk around for preys. Since they didn't have weapons on hand rei didn't want to engage in combat even if his taijutsu is enough to knock a grown man out it would probably just annoy predators in the jungle and he wants to conserve his chakra for emergency, sure he can just transfrom things to make a weapon with "transformation technique" but it would be a waste to fight if it could be avoided. Rei and seiho stalked the retreat of the rabits from the river and hunted them with their bare hands and capturing them.

Seiho: We have food now Rei!

Rei: yeah, now we just have to kill it and cook it.

Seiho: how are we going to kill it?

Rei: with our bare hands I guess or transfrom a stone into a knife with "transformation technique", whichever fits you.

killing the rabbits seiho wanted to let just rei do it for every rabbit they caught since he didn't want to but rei insisted he do his share of the work else he wouldn't be able to eat. After preparing and cooking their rabbit and having a good meal out of it the smell of meat being roasted attracted what they didn't expect to. A pack of hungry wolves found its way towards them baring their fangs and ready to attack. Rei just cursed inside his mind when he saw this he was really stupid and let his guard down when he forgot to dispered their scent making it harder for predators to track them.

Seiho: What do we do rei? -seiho ask with a trace of fear in his voice.

Rei: we defend ourselves... Listen seiho we have to cooperate in this fight will transform rocks to be make shift weapons for us then we hit them with ninjutsu at the right moment.

Seiho: don't you think it's better to run since there's a lot of them.

Rei: I'd like to do that to but we're surrounded.

One of the wolves rushed towards them making the first attack eager to score an easy kill since they've recognize that the two in front of them are merely children. Seeing this seiho was about to use a ninjutsu but was stopped mid-way by rei and kick towards the wolf's abdomen stunning it then stabbed throught its eye and killing it. Meanwhile sayoko was already ready to move to save the boys but was stopped by her husband kata telling her that it's easy to save them with their strength letting the kids experience this battle will be a valuable experience for them. mokichi on the other hand just watched his boy and said that rei even faced off against a tiger on his own he'll do just fine.

Rei: Conserve your strength seiho you can't just use ninjutsu like that you'll tire out faster.

Seiho: But I don't have a weapon...

Rei: grabbed something solid and transformed it using "transformation technique" into a weapon like I did.

Seiho: ow, right!

Rei: we will have to watch each other's back. this fight is going to be a long one.