A meeting in the library

A fine afternoon in the hidden leaf village a month went by really fast since naruto started coming to rei's house to train with him every after class although naruto has crazy stamina his first-time training made him look like a person who's undergoing physical rehabilitation walking with a jelly like legs rei almost said that he looked like a person who's doing modern dancing with all those waves. Even though Naruto had huge amount stamina his muscles cannot keep up with their intense training when they finally finished their first round naruto was already about to collapse so rei told him to rest since he already reached his limit on the other hand rei continued to train a little while later Naruto wanted to join him and didn't want to lose out so he trained till he collapse in the yard and ended up sleeping in the miyazato household on his first day of coming over.

Naruto's improvement over the past month became evident in their mock fights although he still can't keep up with rei's speed and power he makes up for it with his stamina and endurance. Rei had to think hard if he should teach naruto the shadow clone technique which naruto learned in the original story line when he stole the scroll of seals but rei knew the complications would be immense since naruto made his connection with Iruka Umino deeply in this event who played a big role in naruto's life as he acted as a big brother to him this is also the part where he felt the meaning of will of fire when Iruka saved him from a massive shuriken thrown by mizuki feeling the love and care of a family also the hidden leaf village people treating everyone as a family naruto realizes that for the first time with Iruka's actions. Rei knows for sure that even if he is mentally older than naruto he wouldn't have the time to answer every problem he has the most he could do is to become a good friend besides Iruka cared greatly for naruto he knew for sure there are things that was not shown in the original works that iruka did in real life that shaped naruto's character throughout his life even when naruto already had a family of his own. Rei decided then not to teach naruto the said technique earlier since he doesn't want to mess things up for naruto especially on things that might affect his character growth and his emotional foundations in life, sure teaching him bukijutsu and taijutsu has already tampered with naruto's growth but he didn't change it in a major way. All that could change if he teaches him the shadow clone since naruto's training speed would be multiplied by the number of clones he could conjure and by the amount of chakra he is showing now naruto will make atleast ten clones and would definitely get a power spike in a short time and that would really break a lot of things that's supposed to happen and possibly affect his character growth which propelled him to what he was that had the absolute trust of the kyubi and the character who almost everyone recognizes in the village and in the future in the whole naruto world as a hero. Rei dread to think if naruto was not able to fully control the kyubi in the great war everything would've gone smoothly for madara and obito then everything would just be an illusion besides he doesn't know what would really happen after when kaguya wins even with his presence he is not sure what kind of strength he is going to reach in the future since he doesn't have massive chakra like naruto or a keikai genkai like sasuke so he'd rather not risk it. This might look as being selfish in naruto's point of view but rei couldn't help it since he could only do what he thinks is right and give it his best to polish naruto's melee combat and range weapon use perhaps because of this he won't have the reputation of being dead last in their class when he graduates.

At the office of the hokage mokichi was called over since the sandaime wanted to talk to him.

Third Hokage: I heard that Naruto is a regular at your home now?

Mokichi: yes, lord hokage he trains with my son in taijutsu and bukijutsu.

Third Hokage: I'm happy that naruto found a friend in your son but you know that naruto is a Jinchūriki right I just want to remind you the danger he attracts and he presents since he doesn't have even a slight control of his power yet.

Mokichi: don't worry lord hokage my son might not be able to defend himself if naruto suddenly awakens the kyubi's power but I trust my son and naruto they have a great friendship and I don't mind him coming over at our place since I owe my life to the fourth hokage.

Third Hokage: that's very good to know mokichi you are one of the few people who knows naruto's Identity.

Mokichi was there present when the kyubi attacked helpess against its almost absolute might both he and his captain kata almost gave up on their lives to save the village that night when the fourth hokage intervene and teleported the kyubi and its destructive tailed beast ball to save everyone in the village. Some of the anbu squad serving under the third hokage now knows about the real identity of naruto besides kakashi and jiraiya but the third hokage decided to conceal his identity to protect him... all this while in the academy Rei remembers when neiji fought naruto in the chunin exam when neiji said that naruto was born to be a loser was actually a huge joke for everyone who knows his true birth since his father was just the strongest ninja of his generation and at his teenage years was strong enough for every hidden village that they were fighting against to advise their ninjas to retreat when they see him. Just imagine how terrifying naruto would've become if he was mentored by his father with his massive chakra reserves, minato's techniques and knowledge of ninjutsu he might just become someone like kakashi but with massive amount of chakra. Kakashi might be deemed as the weakest hokage of the hidden leaf but he is the smartest besides his techniques are only limited by his chakra if he was blessed with a large capacity he might just over power every one of his generation and even with his limited chakra a lot of hidden villages treats him as a dangerous ninja.

Back at the academy rei was just breezing through their subjects except for geography, and shinobi class that requires his total focus like strategy, formations, rules and so on. Rei realizes that even if he helps naruto with his shinobi classes his grades would be pulled down with the other classes so he would still end up dead last since most of his answers in their classes comes out of nowhere like if you ask him what strategy would work on this he'll probably answer you that ramen works on everything but hey in his defense it's really good. Sakura on the other hand was just that know it all person you have in the class who practically studied everything but she lacks a lot of skills as a ninja besides her weapon throwing abilities her close combat skills needs a lot of work, rei doesn't really care though since after the time skip in the original story she's someone you don't want to fight in close combat seriously getting hit by her would be like a normal person getting hit cleanly by mike tyson in his prime to be honest it's much more close to getting smashed by car instead. Rei's very much interested on the subjects that are being taught in the academy besides he doesn't want to waste the money they were spending here after all his father told him to learn everything he can.

Naruto: hey rei, do you understand the subjects we are being taught?

Rei: Most of them I do, but you have to take time to study a few of them since I haven't learned them yet.

Naruto: I've already got my hands full training close combat fighting with you and physical ability training, how do you even study at home?

Rei: I'm just used to training myself to the limit besides if you keep on sleeping in class naruto you'll never be able to catch up...

Naruto: I can't really understand them so... I end up sleeping.

Rei: that's ok just answer them in your own unique way.

Seiho: I agree with that... I mean who needs tactics if I could just bombard them right?

Rei: that's very... you do realize that there are missions you can't do that right?

Seiho: uuhhmmm I'll just find a way when it happens.

Naruto: sounds about right!

Rei realize that seiho and naruto are so much alike although seiho could be considered a genius of two basic nature transformation his thinking towards being a ninja is quite childish but who can rei blame they were all children right now. Iruka then stepped in and smack the two idiot's head with a chop.

Iruka: oy, do you know that failing to plan as a ninja and having no strategy is asking to be killed?

Naruto: uuhhmmnn but what if you're a strong as a hokage?

Iruka: they still plan things in fights do you think they just finish off everyone they face in one go?!

Naruto: but they are supposed to be the strongest right?!

Iruka: Being strong means nothing if you don't know how to use it naruto...

Naruto: Ok, But I'm still going to become the hokage you better believe it!

Seiho: hahaha... let's all become strong then!

Iruka: it seems like you guys need a long lecture..., ah right rei don't let this two idiots influence you... you should be influencing them instead!

So a long lecture for the two idiots was suddenly started by iruka with full of passion when all of these were happening naruto and seiho were just pretending to listen; on the other hand rei just nods since he can't possibly respond in a witty way since it might come to the attention of his mom.. you know how strong mom is...

Iruka: alright at the end of the term will determine who among you kids is number one in combat the winner is getting a prize and bonus grade.

Naruto: Alright I'll win that one!!!

Hearing the competition that would decide who's the best in their grade gave rei a huge headache because sasuke would be itching to fight with him again, and he doesn't know what he should do. Then he finally grumbled why does trouble always follow me wherever I go in this world, can't I just live peacefully and steadily get strong please don't involve me with these people anymore.

This afternoon naruto decided to train with seiho since they are basically the same type of people, rei on the other hand didn't stop the two since it's better for naruto to have more friends besides if his father is ok with him hanging out with naruto his godfather would definitely be ok with it. Looking at seiho and naruto leaving the academy Rei decided to go hangout in the library since he hasn't been there yet and from the things he has read before in his previous life the library might just be the place he would love to go to since it has a lot of information and maybe learn a few more things.

When rei arrived at the library he decided to check things out that he could borrow or if there's any free techniques he could learn but as a student of the acdemy he had an extremely limited number of things he could look into. Rei decided when he comes back to bring his dad over maybe that would smooth things out but for now he has to make do so that his time wouldn't be wasted rei went to the section of techniques he could learn and most are E ranks and D ranks since he already learned most E ranks that could be taught in the academy he decided to pick the D ranks since he loved to increase his options to use but what he got was a scroll of genjutsu: Demonic illusion: death mirrage jutsu a D rank maybe but genjutsu are always peculiar and quite difficult to defend against except if you have a sharingan or anything that could easily defend against genjutsu. Since his father told him that most of the ninjas who has High level of chakra control specialize in either being a medicalnin or a genjutsu specialist he decided to give it a try. Having read the scroll rei was quite confuse on how to do it even if he has already learned a genjutsu before even if he has excellent chakra control you'll never really be able to practice genjutsu without a partner and with his little knowledge it on further gave him difficulties to understand so Rei decided to look around and learn genjutsu from the basics. While Rei was reading a lady walked in on his table looking surprised that a child was interested in genjutsu since it is one of the less travelled by all shinobis because of how hard to master it. When rei looked up he saw the lady having fair-skin and of slender build. She has long black untamed hair reaching her upper back, and very unique eyes that are red in color, with an additional ring in them. Rei looked surprise and thought he has meet an uchiha with their sharingans activated.

Lady: This is quite rare a child so young being interested in genjutsu...

Rei: uuhhmmmnn, Dad told me that genjutsu is hard to defend against and people with great chakra control usually specialize in it.

Lady: then do you have good chakra control?

Rei: I can climb on trees with just my feet!

Rei answered the lady in front of him honestly since they were inside the village and she looked extremely familiar to him and felt that she was somehow part of the original series, but couldn't quite figure it out yet since the time is seven years before the series started. Besides the lady felt like a big sister with concern and caring personality so he decided there'll be no harm of conversing with her.

Rei: I'm Miyazato Rei, I study at the academy. big sister what's your name?

Still surprised that a five-year-old child can already climb on trees with just his feet the lady replied in a hurried manner like suddenly waking up from dozing off.

Lady: I'm Kurenai Yuhi, I'm a chunin of the village and I specialize in genjutsu that's why I was really interested in you reading those scrolls.

Hearing the reply of the lady, rei was surprised that he meets an important character that was part of the back bone of their village but right now she was only a chunin... then he remembered that it was just right since she was a newly promoted jonin when she handled her team in the original series.

Rei: Big sister, are genjutsu's hard?

Kurenai: Nothing is hard if you work hard on it... well now you can ask me about genjutsu if you want.