Importance of genjutsu.

Rei plans to spend the rest of his afternoon talking to kurenai yuhi since he wants to explore all the options he could get to get stronger as a ninja. The potential of genjutsu is immense but rei was quite worried that it wouldn't work on those overpowered opponents like what happened with this big sister in front of her when she fought against itachi when he first appeared in the hidden leaf village she got countered because of the power of sharingan. But even though she lost that encounter it was mentioned that her prowess in genjutsu was on the same level as itachi since she's an elite jonin of the village capable of holding her own against tough opponents with just her genjutsu it was also said that she became the best genjutsu user in the village aside from the previous ninja clan in the village the kurama clan who were innately adepts of genjutsu because of their kekkei genkai.

Rei: Big sister can you show me genjutsu?

Kurenai: I'm not sure that's a good idea rei since your young and genjutsu's are psychological attacks.

Rei: But I've already learned one...

Kurenai: Really, who taught you such a thing?

Rei: My father but it only confuses my oponents not anything extreme since dad's not a master of genjutsu as well.

Kurenai: that's a relief dabbling in genjutsu is ok if you have strong mental fortitude and chakra control but you need someone to teach you otherwise you wouldn't know the harm it may cause your mind... Some mistakes or carelessness leads some practitioners mentally impaired for the rest of their lives.

Rei: It's that hard... should I stop practicing this big sister?

Kurenai: You definitely shouldn't practice it with no one guiding you... you should probably ask your father whenever you want to practice.

Rei: Can you teach me big sister?

Kurenai: Rei, even if I want to take you in as my disciple I can't yet since I'm only a chunin right now... but maybe I can teach you a few tricks in training genjutsu but you must promise me not to practice alone!

Rei: I promise!

Rei was surprised that he manages to get himself a Big sister figure that would teach him the ways of genjutsu sure it wouldn't be as flashy as what he saw in the original work with those destructive ninjutsu's but anything that could make him stronger would be acceptable. Besides that, genjutsu is one of the things he plans to have great accomplishments in since it does not require a large amount of chakra rather it needs accurate chakra control but rei would definitely not limit himself solely on genjutsu.

Rei knows he wouldn't be able to deal with opponents of crazy might with just his genjutsu unless his prowess in it reach the level of having a mangekyou sharingan but still kage level ninjas have a way to resist it but having a great mastery in it would at least let him have defense against future extreme genjutsu users aside from that as much as rei is concern he would avoid kage level shinobis as much as possible because that's just asking for the reaper to take your life. Kurenai yuhi was really attentive in teaching him the very basics of the scrolls in genjutsu he was studying, rei knew that her time was extremely important she was a chunin that accomplishes missions for the village on a daily basis and her spending time on him meant a lot since she should be busying herself on either training or missions. Rei plans to repay her in the future since he felt the sincerity of kurenai's actions and she might just be one of the mentors he'll be having in this life that would mean a lot to him since it involves his survival besides genjutsu might just be one of his trump cards in the future specially he knows that he was given talent in chakra control.

Rei: Big sister do you still have time?

Kurenai: Sure, I do. why are you asking?

Rei: I want to show you my genjutsu...

Kurenai: that one you learned from you father?

Rei: yeap, I want to know if it's good enough.

Kurenai: ok should we go on a training field?

Rei: is that ok?

Kurenai: let's go to a training field then. Don't worry about it Rei I have a lot of spare time in my hands right now besides doing missions would tire you out and training every day would drain you... resting and having a leisure time like this is also good.

Rei and Kurenai went to a training ground that she usually uses where trees and plants were abundant this place might be the reason why her illusions are always plant related. Rei didn't know where the training ground is and its name since in the original story there were only three training ground that was mentioned the third training ground, the forest of death, and the zeroth training ground. Seeing the abundance of trees and plants this training ground might just be kurenai's training field of choice he just went along with her hoping to become closer since she might just be the person who can help him reach extreme heights in genjutsu besides Rei likeshaving a big sister figure in his life.

Kurenai: We're here... this is the place where I usually train rei.

Rei: it's a nice place big sister.

Kurenai: I think so too I even paterned most of my techniques with this environment.

Rei: really so you have a lot of plant related genjutsu?

Kurenai: it's a neat skill having your opponent unguarded towards it thinking that plants are harmless when they realize they are already inside a genjutsu I'm already about to take their lives.

Rei: that's amazing big sister!

Kurenai: Why don't you show me that genjutsu you learned.

Rei nods and quickly uses his genjutsu "Leaf-Style Willow" illusions was cast before kurenai and two columns of kunais slashing towards her appeared. Seeing that the genjutsu is different from the usual leaf style willow she realizes that the child in front of her is really talented in chakra control to be able to do this but she smirked and dispelled it quickly liked it never happened. Satisfied by the child's performance in front of her she just can't wait to teach him a few things about genjutsu attracted by the fact and talent that maybe the child having the same kind of talent she had with genjutsu at that age, rei would at least reach the same level of accomplishment she has or even surpass her. Kurenai was only a chunin now but it won't be long for her to reach special jonin class this might not look as overwhelming like the titles of being a sanin but it is very close to being a jonin and they are main support of the village and she was sure of reaching jonin class in the future. Rei on the other hand was surprise by what happened to his genjutsu being easily dispelled like that but it was just as expected since he was facing an expert of genjutsu.

Rei: Big sister you didn't even flinch with my technique and quickly dispelled it like it was nothing!

Kurenai: Yeah, but you are quite impressive Rei having that kind of genjutsu at such a young age.

Rei: But I don't think I'm that good at all since I've heard from the academy that a lot of ninjas before us accomplished many things at our age.

Kurenai: You don't have to worry about that rei, time were extremely different back then since it was the times of war kids like you were already trained extremely by their parents and at the age of less than ten most graduates the academy. After graduating they become active soldiers in the field right away unlike now where genins starts doing laid back missions to train team work and attitude.

Rei: were you there big sister... In the war?

Kurenai: Sure, everyone who's my age was there but our presence was not that well known... I guess you could say the former fourth hokage single-handedly won the war. Anywhere he goes back then would mean victory for the hidden leaf and casualty for the opposing side.

Rei: I see, so the fourth hokage must've been so strong!

Kurenai: yeah, he really was to the point that he was feared by all the hidden villages.

Rei: Big sister I still want to get really strong fast.

Kurenai: everyone wants that you just have to train at your own pacing rei. I'm sure you'll reach the strength you'd want in the future.

Rei: Big sister can I ask you about genjutsu from time to time?

Kurenai: That should be ok. You might meet me here or in the library. I might just look for you though to see your progress every now and then.

Rei asked Kurenai about the things that has been bugging him about genjutsu and kurenai patiently answered him with the best of her abilities. After their so called first meeting which already involve mentoring rei happily went out of the training grounds and went straight towards his home looking to train in his new found genjutsu scroll "Demonic illusion: death mirrage jutsu". This time though he could only let his shadow clone train on the genjutsu he recently found in the library as he has to constantly break through his body limits. While training rei thought to himself that he wasn't so unlucky after all becoming friends with a future power house capable of destroying things with one ninjutsu and having a new big sister like friend who's a genius of genjutsu if this keeps on I'll just hide behind my friends to survive, I still have to train though what am I going to do without these friends besides I have things I want to protect as well.

Rei finished his training for today by dispersing his shadow clone and the memories regarding its practice of Demonic illusion: death mirrage jutsu flow into his mind. While absorbing the memories rei was actually taking a medicinal bath for his body to recover since their family has money why not use it in his training his mother gladly accepted the idea as well since it concerns her son's survival in the future. In rei's mind though even in this life money work wonders imagine having your body breaking through its limits then recovering everything in one night for someone training in taijutsu extremely this is going to be priceless since they can just break their limits constantly everyday painful and costly but what's money going to do for you if your dead and it's ok to experience a little pain compared to being dead. As they were having their dinner it is a surprise that his father is home for the night since coming back on duty in the anbu force he has always been out doing who knows what.

Mokichi: Naruto didn't come today?

Rei: Naruto went with Seiho to train, Dad.

Mokichi: I see, it's nice that you and seiho made a new friend as well.

Rei: Yeah dad, he is a little loud but he is nice to everyone... I invited him to train with me since when we sparred he sucked so much then he told me nobody taught him anything so it ended up this way.

Mokichi: that's very nice of you, naruto is an orphaned so nobody taught him. Be sure to be patient with him since he didn't have parents while growing up like you do so sometimes he might be unreasonable but now he is one of your good friends.

Rei: yeap dad, I told him if he trains with me there's no quitting!

Mokichi: Hahaha! that's my son what did happen then?

Fuyuki: Naruto ended up collapsing in his first day here dear, not wanting to lose against Rei in training.

Mokichi: Did you push him to break through his limits every day son?

Rei: yeah, I mean he has so much stamina so he'll probably improve really soon when his muscles can keep up with him but his fighting forms are so messed up and he is so full of openings... I can't even count the times I have told him what to do in simple terms even... then I decided to just spar with him endlessly since he learns with his body more than his head.

Mokichi: he is the instinctive type then Rei just spar with him he will improve in no time. You on the other hand need to fight people on the same level or stronger to train your taijutsu. Anyway, son how's school?

Rei: It's still alright the subjects are not really hard except from a few things dad, like tactics besides that taijutsu class asked us to spar with our classmates.

Mokichi: oh really, then you must've sparred with everyone?

Rei: yeah dad, but it was only in taijutsu they haven't let us spar with everything in our arsenal yet.

The family went on asking about rei's first month in the academy since rei doesn't really talk about it with his mom since she might worry on sparring and things like that. Rei would only usually talk about the subjects like science and math to his mother since she wouldn't be able to understand ninja classes. Now that his father is around they couldn't help but ask about his ninja classes in the academy so Rei had to tell them the story of his classes in taijutsu, ninjutsu, bukijutsu, and shurikenjutsu.

Mokichi: Are you aiming to graduate at the top of your class rei?

Rei: uuhmm not really but if I do then that would be just a bonus... I plan to master every skill I can learn inside the academy dad like you told me to... is there anything I should focus on?

Mokichi: tactics is definitely something you must master then I guess you should learn silent killing as well... along with strong fist in missions having those skills would make your success rate much higher and battle prowess much better.

Fuyuki: Why are you asking our son to learn silent killing are you telling him to become an assassin?

Mokichi: I'm not really asking him that honey... but you know having more skills are better than not having it right? besides if he is defending a client it would be really helpful if he has a mastery over it since he can predict his opponent's movement they'll be safer as well.

Fuyuki: as long as you're not making him an assassin... Can you imagine your precious boy of five years old training to become an assasin ninja school is already enough but specializing to be an assassin at that age...?

Mokichi: ok don't worry about it... I assure you ok.

Rei felt the warm of his family again but he'll just learn those assassination skills secretly if he has to since it would help him improve his versatily as a ninja. Right now, he wants to ask his father about water nature techniques since it would be his specialty as well and how he could further improve it.

Rei: Dad, when do you think is the right time I should improve on my techniques?

Mokichi: you're already thinking of improving them rei?

Rei: yeah, I want them to better suit me...

Mokichi: that's good but at this point you should really work on your basics since you could overwhelm people your age with that and having specialize technique wouldn't matter until you become at least a chunin.

Rei: Ok, but I've already improve on my leaf style willow. I've also meet a big sister today in the library.

Mokichi: is that so... and who did you meet?

Rei: Kurenai yuhi...

Mokichi: She's also one of the the promising young ninja of our village, did she teach you anthing?

Rei: just some basics of genjutsu...

Mokichi: I'd have to pay her back somehow then.