Blood Witch

Kade woke up feeling much better than before. He looked around and finally had a chance to admire the room. It was truly luxurious, gold lining decorned the sheets on the huge bed. And jewels were encrusted on the expansive walls and door.

As he admired the room his stomach growled in protest. He hadn't eaten anything since the day before. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"You can enter," Kade said.

An old hag with the stench of blood approached him, and a feeling of revulsion overcame him. He sat still afraid to offend her, her spiritual outflow mas enormous. 'She's at least a third grade adept' he thought nervously.

"I am here to heal you, boy" she said with a shrill voice.

Kade resisted the urge to move away as she sat beside him.

"This will be excruciatingly painful so I have to hold you in place."

Without asking for his permission she brought out a long thin needle and stuck it in his throat. She twisted it inside and pulled it out, a stream a blood floated in the air in front of his neck.

Kade felt as if his body was locked with invisible chains as he looked in horror.

"Don't worry," she croaked. "My blood manipulation won't let you move a muscle."

She took Kade's arm and brought it up. The hag looked at it inspectingly, as she proceeded to push the shards of bone back in.

An searing pain overtook Kade but he was unable to express it. When She finally pushed all them back she took out a bottle of blood.

The hag opened it and put the needle in. The blood magically flooded into the needle until the bottle was empty. The originally silver needle took up dense blood colored look.

She slowly pushed the needle in his gaping wounds. "What healing! This is torture," Kade thought in despair.

When she finally put the whole needle in the wound, the blood in it started flowing into Kades body. And his wound started healing at a rate invisible to the naked eye.

When the wound fully closed the hag repeated the process with his other injuries. As she finished Kade felt a refreshing feeling to his body.

" I'm done, little adept." She wickedly laughed. " You're very lucky, the blood I used to heal you is extremely a rare regenerative ogre blood. You should thank adept Navel."

She brought out her needle, and positioned it toward the floating blood at his neck. She pushed the needle against the blood as it slowly went back into his throat. When the needle was in she twisted it the opposite way as if she was unlocking a lock, and pulled it out. Kade gasped as he clutched his throat he was finally able to move again.

She laughed as she walked out of his room.

Fearing the worst he asked the soul chip to inspect his body.


Species (Human/Naga?)

Elemental Affinity: Water

Strength: 10

Constitution: 15

Agility: 2

Spirit: 40

Abilities: Advanced water manipulation(Yet to reach perfection)

hydrokinetic combat( Completed tier 1)

Kade laughed in joy. Even though the hag's strange abilities caused his constitution and strength to significantly decrease. His spirit increased by seven. To an adept every attribute except spirit was expendable. He was now ten spirit points away from becoming a quasi-adept.

Kade got dressed and went to the door as he tried to ignore his boiling blood. He went to Lilian room.

"Enter" Lilian said as Kade knocked on her door.

Kade went in and drooled as he looked at her revealing lingerie.

She rolled her eyes "What do you want?"

Kade cleared his throat and sat in a chair. He figured it was time to tell her about his predicament.

"I need help" he said cautiously.

Kade then went on to explain everything about his situation, except for his transmigration.

She sat there expressionless, and Kade began to sweat.

"Human experimentation is not that rare in the adet plane. As long as the adept performs human experimentation behind closed doors, then it is overlooked." Lilian said with a sigh.

"So will you help me?"

"Why would I go against a second grade adept for you. The costs outweigh the benefits." Lilian said in a matter of fact way.

Kade looked at her in bewilderment. "You dragged me to your insane mission that risked my life, which wouldn't have been accomplished without me."

"Hey, you got significant rewards so you can't complain. I'm not helping you unless it worth it."

As Kade was about to angrily refute he stopped in contemplation. Kade then reached into his pouch and took out the a blood colored gem. Lilian's eyes widened in shock as she reached out towards it. But it disappeared quicker than it came out.

"Kade, I need that blood origin stone. Maaya's bloodline will likely advance if she were to consume it." She said with desperation in her voice.

"Then help me!"

Lilian sighed and stared deeply in contemplation. "Ok, but the most I can do is to grant you freedom. Your master won't give you compensation. You'll also be admitted to the Velnair adept school."

Kade looked at her in relief. He was finally able to leave the clutches of the psychotic Marvin. He took it the blood origin stone again and handed it to Lilian. Who greedily put it in her storage pouch.

"You must improve your power over the next month. That's when we'll be leaving. Remember Only quasi adepts have real power and status among the apprentices at Velnair."

Kade left the room satisfied. Even though he lost out on a lot with the blood origin stone he could would always weigh his freedom above anything. He headed toward the training room in the tower.

One month later

Kade stood in front of the construct. He brought up his trident and two water blades formed at his sides while the tips of the trident had a blue hue. He pointed the trident at the construct and the blades rushed toward it, three deadly hydro beams were released from the trident. The blades pierced it with frightening power and accuracy. While the hydro beams smashed into it. The battered construct started rapidly reconstructing as always. The constructs in the training room could even handle adept level attacks.

Kade looked in satisfaction, he was finally able to control two hydro blades and he could finally use his trident.

"Oooo, your getting stronger" Lilian giggled. Kade rolled his eyes and walked toward her.

"You ready"

"Ready as I'll ever be" Kade shrugged

"Then let's go" Lilian said excitedly.