He, who fears to suffer, suffers from fear

Han Huo quickly flew to the lake that was in the east. The lake it self was so clear that despite being hundreds of feet deep you could see down into the bottom. The bottom of the lake was littered with branches, one could even see a rusted weapon from the war that plagued the war long ago.

Han Huo looked around and eventually spotted a small hill in a clearing. Waving his an object shot toward the hill at an incredible speed landing on the hill it disappeared in the grass. After a fraction of a second a light blossomed from where the object disappeared as a palace began to grow.

The Palace had a tower in each of the corner. On top of the each tower was carved one of the four guardian beast, but what made them truly unique was that at the base was a symbol. The symbol was a tree that was frozen and on top of it was a blue luan looking toward to moon in its background. Han Huo looked at the symbol with a look of remembrance in his eyes as he walked over and began tracing the symbol.

If anyone saw this symbol they would recognized this symbol as that of Han Huo, The Moon Spear Saint Lord Keeper. However, only Han Huo knew that this symbol wasn't his first. When he was younger just shortly after his banishment from the Han clan. Han Huo decided to leave and never return back to any part of the clan. When one day he stumbled upon a secret realm where he found this immortal abode as well as his current cultivation technique.

He also found other objects such as weapons, pills, herbs and even more cultivation technique. However do to him cultivating in yin laws most of these things could not be used for him. Not only that but his body had a rare condition called by many as the law punishing diseases. It causes the user to be only take in certain laws and yuan qi. While it's not a crippling diseases it narrows the martial path significantly.

Han Huo traced the symbol one more time finally giving a smile that was rare when he thought about the past. He turned and began walking toward the door quickly disappearing behind it. He appeared in a room that full with bookshelves and fully loaded with books several stories high.

A soft breeze entered into the room stopping in front of Han Huo as a dim light began to grow from the ground to eye level. In place of the light a young woman with purple hair, brown eyes, and looks that could cause the downfall of any nation. A gentle smile appeared on her face as she said "Master it has been a while since you have entered into the library. So, what do I such a special occasion to?"

Han Huo continued looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. Even he couldn't but admit inwardly admit that he was captivated by her. However a little sadness couldn't help but over take him as he thought of the fact that she was just an item spirit of the immortal abode. "Sun Luyu I was wondering if master would have gathered any information on the fortress of Demon King Redfang?" sighed Han Huo.

Sun Luyu tilted her as the smile on her face grew bigger as if she knew what it was that Han Huo sighed for. "Unfortunately since master was part of Setting Yin Empyrean's army, they didn't participate in battle involving Redfang. So the only thing we have is scouting and spy reports," said Sun Luyu as she raised her hand toward a shelf behind her. A red jade slip flew into her hand.

Her perception scanned the jade slip, she nodded her head after confirming the information. she tossed it toward Han Huo as she teased him. "Please put everything back in order this time. Lets not forget the last time you were here." She laughed as the breeze returned causing her to fade away.

Han Huo looked at where she disappeared from shaking his head as he sat down and began to study the information he was given.

Three days quickly flew by.

Han Huo left his abode and flew toward the general tent. The tent quickly came into view. Standing in front of it was General Pang Yuan and the Bearer. Both seemed to be in a heated discussion as General Pang Yuan's face was red and seemed to be talking very fast. Even the Bearer was visible shaking out of anger. Very quickly however they sensed something and turned toward the direction of Han Huo seeing him fly over.

Once Han Huo landed they both knelt on the ground hurriedly. Han Huo studied the general's faced and asked curiously. "Whats got both of you so anger that both of you are yelling at each other?"

"Lord Keeper, the two other Keepers arrived a few hours ago. Upon arrival they took command of the site from me and banned all other personal from going anywhere near the door. Following that they said that your Bearer here wasn't qualified to even study the array and forced him away!" Said Pang Yuan through gritted teeth.

"Who are the two keepers?" Said Han Huo has he looked toward the towering black door.

"Master the first one is Laughing Wave Saint Lord Yin Qu and the second one is," The bearer hesitated a bit as if it was tough to get the name out of his throat."Masking Fire Saint lord Han Xin." Right after saying that he lowered his head to the ground as if hoping it will envelope him and make him disappear from the spot.

"Oh, Han Xin is it." Han Huo narrowed his eyes in clear displeasure.

Han Xin himself was consider by many just an average strength Saint Lord. It was however his background that was truly powerful as he was a member of the Han clan. Han Xin was a distant cousin of Han Huo. However unlike Han Huo, Han Xin was never pushed in the branch family. As such despite his strength being weaker he enjoyed a higher status. This was not the reason for their feud though.

The reason though was because the Han clan disapproved of the relationship of Han Huo and the empress. They believed that due to Han Huo being cast out of the clan that he was unworthy of her. So they have tried many times to tear them apart. In their latest attempt that tried using Han Xin, Who was rejected harshly by the empress. In his anger he lashed out at Han Huo.

After the ensuing fight Han Xin was badly injured that he took two years to fully recover. Once realizing that he couldn't beat Han Huo in a fight, he used is status to take away Han Huo resources from him. That and along with his continued pestering of the empress as caused fights to occur many of times.

"Oh, Han Xin, Han Xin what is that gives you such confidence to be so overbearing," said Han Huo quietly as the temperature in the surrounding beginning to drop rapidly. It become so cold that the trees in the surrounding area began to die. If it wasn't for Pang Yuan and the Bearer being able to rotate yuan qi they would've frozen to death as well.

Han Huo flew toward the door with explosive speed both Pang Yuan and The Bearer quickly followed him. Within the time it took to burn an incense they arrived in front of a massive door. The door was black and red adorned with demons participating in a slaughter the blood still looked fresh. Standing in front of the door was four individuals radiating powerful auras.

The four were separated in two groups and clearly at odds with each other. One group consisted of a old man and a young girl. They both wore gold robes with red trimming. The old man had a grey hair tied up in to a bun on top of his head, his eyebrows were long and framed his excessively wrinkled face. He also had green eyes that seemed to look down on all things. This old man was Yin Qu and his cultivation was the peak of the middle stages of the saint realm. When Han Huo scanned him with is divine sense he saw that Yin Qu's flame of life was almost out only letting him live for only four thousand more years. Han Huo sneered upon seeing this finding the reason why this old thing came here.

The young girl besides her outstanding looks and soft and piercing blue eyes there was nothing special about her. Han Huo quickly ignored her and turned toward the group that was really worth his attention.

This group consisted of a young man and a middle age man. The young man had extraordinary looks with slightly curved eyebrows, thin lips, slanted eyes that were colored grey and long black hair. He also wore a saber in a white scabbard on his hip. On his white robe was a symbol of a flood dragon that was wrapped around a small world and a piece of it in his mouth, this was the symbol of the High Noble Han Clan. This young man was Han Xin and his cultivation was at the early stages of the saint lord.

The middle age man had an ordinary appearance but had a aura that appeared as heavy as a mountain. He had a black ax on his back that had a heavy scent of death clinging to it. This man was Han Xin's bearer as well his guardian sent to him by the clan. This man was known as Jiang Fei and his cultivation was at the peak of the early stages of saint lord realm.

Han Huo looked at Han Xin and opened his mouth to say something. However after thinking for a second he pushed down his anger and exhaled deeply. Finally turning around and looking at the door. "We all know why we are here. I admit that with the fortress of Redfang here was far beyond any ones exception so lets exercise a little caution," said Han Huo so softly that one and to strain a little to hear it.

"Hehe, Moon Spear such a discovery warrants a reward don't you agree," said Yin Qu with greed in his voice and desperation in his eyes. As he looked at the fortress and trembled.

"Once a catalog has been made of all things inside, as well as traps deactivated and all rooms explored then we can pick some things as long as its not everything obviously," said Han Huo.

"Traps? From what the general has told me that this place has been here for hundreds of millions of years even longer due to the weird time flow that this place experience. How can the traps even be activated? Han Huo you need to think more before you speak," said Han Xin as he shakes his head with a smirk on his face.

"Han Xin, I know you like to think more with your dick then your head. So I'll say it only once if the array that protects the fortress is still active after all this time then the traps are as well. After all the traps will only activate once we force are way inside. Since they have been laying dormant, they haven't used any energy." rebuked Han Huo harshly.

Han Xin's face displayed an ugly expression however he remained silent.

"Now its time to break the array and enter the fortress," said Han Huo as his white spear appeared in his hand. "Don't hold anything back, attack at full force." Han Huo looked at his peers as they pulled out their weapons. Yin Qu had a black wooden staff that gave off vibes of darkness. Han Xin's blade of his saber to seemed to be made of ice and gave of the feeling of infinite coldness.

All three looked at each others and gave a quick nod. Han Huo stabbed out with his spear sending an attack that was blue with a black outline. It was filled with overwhelming power. Yin Qu smashed down toward the door releasing an attack that was completely black and even seemed to devour the light. Han Xin slashed out with a light blue attack that seemed to freeze even the air.

When their attacks collided with the door it caused an explosion so powerful that it caused the trees around there to be completely leveled for miles around. While the three had to put up their yuan qi shields to protect themselves and their respective groups.

When the smoked cleared the door that once stood proud and domineering was now in splinters with the biggest pieces hanging on the hinges. Where the door stood was a long corridor with torches that roared with fresh life on either both sides of the walls. Han Huo put his spear away and began walking into the fortress soon followed by the others.

After walking along for an hour the final reached a large room that was barren except for runes on the floor. Each rune glowed with a different color and gave off a feeling of ancientness. Han Xin was looking at the runes and shivered. He looked at the others as if trying to see the fear they held back. "Trap number 1. Do you think we should find another way around," said Han Xin as he put on a brave front.

"Hehe, Is one of the little scion of the Han clan terrified of a little trap," cackled Yin Qu in a voice so dry it sounded like two stones rubbing together. "He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear. Its so refreshing to know not all of the Han clan is all powerful and fearless."

"Shut up you old dying thing. I know why you came here to see if you might be able to find the treasured herb of the beginning star lotus. Such a herb would be wasted on you," returned Han Xin angrily.

Han Huo sat back and let them argue as he continued to study the trap ahead. They hummed with life and seemed to suck it out of the air. "General do you have any people you have sentenced to death?" said Han Huo. "If you do bring them in here immediately."

"Yes, Lord Keeper," said Pang Yuan as he bowed and vanished from the room.

Han Huo finally turned his attention away from the runes and looked at the others who were continuing to argue. "What's with the tension, its only the first trap?"