5 I love This Feeling.

Both Yin Qu and Han Xin turned their head's so sharply toward Han Huo that it looked like they were trying to break their own necks. " What did you say!" both of them shouted at the same time.

"I said its only the first trap, why such tension," said Han Huo calmly as if him repeating himself again was only natural. "Look Redfang was one of the rarest kind of demons, a vampire. This is why the trap strike such fear into you because you can fill it sucking the live out of you. All his traps are designed to weaken his enemy should they ever make it inside. So that way when you make it to him you are already in a weakened state."

"So what now then?' said Yin Qu as he looked at the ruins on the floor.

"This trap requires us to use blood and life force to pass through should our cultivation be to low it will drain us," said Han Huo as he kneel and examined the rune more closely. " We will use the prisoners that Pang Yuan brings back to as a vanguard you must keep your yuan qi barrier and make sure you keep your blood in your veins for as long as possible."

"Quite fascinating these runes they were created by someone with a very high understanding of life and blood laws." said Yin Qu thoughtfully as he rubbed his chin. "This will be too rare of a chance to pass up." as he sat down on the ground and began meditating.

However before he could even begin Han Xin interrupted him. "There is no point in studying it old thing. It will take way to long for you to get high enough for it to even help you a little," sneered Han Xin. "No matter what you do old man death is knocking on your front door."

"Sniff, sniff, master I smell piss in the air. It also smells like it contains a hint of fear in it," said the young woman who came with Yin Qu.

"Hahaha, I smell it to Lin Youyi its even stronger now that we are on this small room," laughed Yin Qu.

Before Han Xin could respond Han Huo released his aura and spread over the entire group. "Enough in order to fully cross this array unharmed we must maintain a calm state of mind. You all will die if you keep making each other anger," said Han Huo standing up from the array and looking at Han Xin and Yin Qu.

Han Xin snorted but maintained his silence. Yin Qu just turned his head back around and continued to attempt to gain insight to the laws that were written on the floor.

It was another hour before Pang Yuan finally returned with about twenty people half of them were in chains being lead in a line. "Lord keeper I brought the prisoners all of them have been convicted of crimes that warrant death," said Pang Yuan as he forcefully dragged the chain into the center of the group.

"Everyone at the Saint Lord realm grab a prisoner. Anyone lower take two prisoners," said Han Huo as he wrapped his hand around the neck of a middle age man who was trembling uncontrollable. Everyone else selected their prisoner and what surprised a bit was that the young woman who followed Yin Qu only grabbed one prisoner.

'she hid her cultivation really well to decieve even me is no small feat. I might have to reevaluate her,' thought everyone as they saw this.

Han Huo quickly put this matter out of his mind as he walked toward the edge of the runes. "Now what we need to do is stay close as possible to the prisoners why we let the array do its job. However, you must still use your yuan qi to protect yourself as well as the prisoner. For the prisoner though all you need to do is provide limited protection to make him last until the end of the room."

Han Huo used his yuan qi and put up a barrier around himself and his prisoner. If one was to look closely they could see the difference. The barrier around Han Huo was as thick as a wall while the prisoner's was as thin as paper. Tears started to stream down the prisoners eyes. "p-p-please d-don't do this. P-please,I beg you." said the prisoner but it fell on deaf ears.

Han Huo stepped forward as he did he began to fill the suction of the array. Han Huo was shocked at the strength of it. Even though he was prepared for it, it still exceeded his expectations as it aggressively attacked his barriers. After strengthening the barrier around him and the prisoner he dashed forward at full speed.

After reaching three quarters of the way through the array pierced through the yuan qi barrier around the prisoner. A heart wrenching scream escaped through the prisoner lips. What came next even caused Han Huo to fill a massive amount of fear. The skin on the prisoner began to break down and turn to liquid mixing with his blood as it poured toward the floor and before finally being sucked into the runes. It didn't take long for all his skin to begone and nothing but muscle being revealed.

Han Huo continued to dash forward at even faster speed. The faster he moved the faster the muscles on the prisoner's muscle began to dissolve. Since the muscles no longer held his organs in place they fell all on the floor an began to assimilate with runes. Finally all that was left of was his skeleton but even that wasn't spared from the powerful runes as it began to break down.

Finally nothing was left. Han Huo couldn't help but think that no one should suffer like that. Han Huo steeled himself as he made the final dash couple of hundred feet. Han Huo crossed that distance faster then what it took to blink just before he crossed the threshold his barrier cracked.

Thankfully, Han Huo managed to cross before anymore damage could be done.

After crossing did Han Huo finally realize that he was holding in breath the entire time. He released his breath before taking in a big gulp of air. Finally feeling refreshed Han Huo turned back and looked at the progression of the others.

Yin Qu and Lin Youyi had finally managed to cross the threshold. With not a second to soon either, both of their yuan qi barrier's had broken and blood had even been drawn a bit. Both of them bent over gasping for breath. Han Huo turned his attention away from them and looked toward the others.

Han Xin and Jiang Fei were finally at the last bit of stretch and their barriers were cracked but other then that it looked like the two of them would make it. Pang Yuan and the bearer was shortly behind them impressively with slight fractures on their barriers as well.

After everyone manage to cross the final barrier with no significant injuries. Han Huo looked at them all and nodded his head in approval. "Good, we all made it with little to no damage. We should take this moment to recover our injuries and restore our yuan qi back to our peaks."

All of them nodded their heads in agreement and set down to begin meditation.

An hour passed by before all wounds were finally healed and everyone was at their peaks. The began to walk down the corridor again this time it didn't take near as long to get to a second room. This time it the room was barren only the other side of the corridor was visible. All of them began to look around and attempt to study the room to figure our what trap was in the room.

After about ten minutes of searching and finding nothing. They all looked toward Han Huo as if waiting for him to give the signal to move forward. After thinking for a minute Han Huo nodded his head and took a step forward with the rest following shortly behind him.

Once they reached half way across the room Han Huo felt a tug on his mind. As if something was pulling him into a dream. With each step they took the pull got stronger. Finally the pull was so strong that Han Huo could no longer resist without closing his eyes and focusing.

When Han Huo finally opened his eyes he was no longer in the room. Instead he was alone and in a desert with black sand and a red sun. Han Huo looked around but upon discovering nothing he picked a direction and began walking.

A little bit of time passed before Han Huo stopped. "You've been watching me for quite a while. Why don't you come out and say hello? Otherwise, your being rather rude." Han Huo turned around his usually calm expression quickly turned to one of shock. A second later it returned back to it usual calm.

"Hehe, you thought you could use me as a scapegoat and get away with it," said the middle age man that Han Huo used for the first trap. "Now I get to have my revenge."

Han Huo smiled as his white spear reappeared in his hand. "I hope your cultivation level rises with this trap other wise your not my match."

"That you don't have to worry about," said the middle age man as he spread his arms out releasing his cultivation which was at the peak of the late stages and a grey two handed hammer appeared in his hand.

Han Huo took a step forward and vanished appearing above the middle age man. "Moon dragon falls!' shouted Han Huo as he stabbed downwards at the middle age man. Releasing a blue attack in the shape of dragon.

The middle age man looked up at the attack and vanished. The attack struck where the middle age man had been just a second earlier. After the dust dissipated a crater the size of a city had appeared.

Han Huo turned around and raised his spear across his body as a heavy strike came smashing down on it causing Han Huo to slid back hundreds of meters. "Its too bad this trap can't raise my combat ability more then an average saint lord at this stage," said the middle age man. "Otherwise you would be at my complete mercy."

The smile on Han Huo's face that had not disappeared even during the brief exchange. "So their is a array mind watching us. Its a good thing that I held back when I attacked the door." said Han Huo as his smile grew bigger. It's to bad I actually do love this feeling you know more then anything else. The feeling of facing death in the face, the feeling of our weapons clashing, the possibility of blood being drawn and our bones breaking. I just love it so much that it saddens a part of me that we can't continue this for long."

Han Huo swiped his spear "Blue Luan spreads its wings!" shouted Han Huo as a loud screeched followed as a blue attack in the shape of a luan appeared. It had a massive wing span hundreds of meters long flew forth at incredible speeds toward the middle age man.

"Orge tears down the mountain!" The middle age man roared as he slammed with all his strength down on Han Huo's attack. However his attack only putted up a moment of resistance before shattering. The middle age man put his hammer up to block the blow as he coughed up amount of blood that dissipated into yuan qi. The middle age man however had seriously misjudged the power of the attack has his hammer shattered and the rest of the attack fell on his body causing it to start to break apart under the sheer power.

A moment later there was nothing left of the middle age man as the attack continued on far off in the desert causing a massive explosion with a smoke cloud that could be seen for hundreds of miles around. Han Huo closed his eyes and breathe in deeply.