Flames of Gods And Their Keepers

When Han Huo opened his eyes he was back in the same room as if he never left. "What a nice warm up." said Han Huo as smiled once again as he stepped forward to cross the threshold. 'I hope that was the final trap but with the appearance of a array mind does make things fairly difficult should we run into another trap,' thought Han Huo as he turned around to look at his companies.

All of them were covered in sweat. Although it was Han Xin and Jiang Fei that had twisted expressions. Suddenly Han Huo heard three people gasps for air he turned toward Yin Qu, Pang Yuan, and Han Huo's bearer. Han Huo sighed in relief upon seeing that these two were safe. Unfortunately this brief relief was very quick as a ear piercing scream rang through the air.

All four of them turned toward Han Xin and Jiang Fei who were foaming out of the mouth and having seizures. After a minute or so they fell on the ground Han Huo walked over to them and attempted to feel their pulse. Han Huo shook his head "They're gone." said Han Huo in a voice that wasn't exactly sad over the event of them passing.

"Bearer burn their bodies." Han Huo looked at the bearer.

"Yes Lord Keeper," said the bearer as he conduct a slight bow. Then he waved his hand as a white flame flew from his hand and gently landed on their body completely enveloping them in flames. Not even a second went by before nothing but ash remained.

Yin Qu abruptly turned his head toward Han Huo. "How dare you give him your Flames of gods! He hasn't even gone through the trials!" Roared Yin Qu as he appeared in Han Huo face and spitting all over it.

The flames of gods were very unique in that they were created at the beginning of time by the heavens. As such a religion was created worshiping these. Each flame was unique and looked completely different from the others. As such they were each given different names.

The Keepers themselves were the guardians who protected the flames and carried it with them where ever they go. A Keeper was different from any Saint Lord that didn't have a flame. Once one assimilated with their flames the aspects that were in their body undergo a sort of baptism of sorts. That increases their battle powers a certain level depending on how well one fuses with the flame.

A Bearer however is someone who has been selected to become the next Keeper of the flame they follow. A bearer still however needs to pass a very difficult set of trials in order to become a Keeper as well as be a at the saint lord stage. Should a Keeper fall and the bearer has not passed the trials he is to perform the ritual of the hearth so that the flame can be reborn at the Temple of Hearth with all the memories of the previous keeper who fell. The memories allow for the next keeper to wield the flames easier and to learn from previous keepers past experiences. However, should he pass he is to take the Flames of gods into his body and take his spot as the new keeper.

Should both the Keeper and Bearer fall the flames of gods will still burn the keepers body. Upon return to the temple the flames will experience a rebirth and like any new born they will not have any memories of the pass as well as lose most of their former strength. As such needed massive nurturing and efficient treasures to require their power

Han Huo wiped his face clearly in disgust and looked at Yin Qu. "My bearer has already passed the trials, as well as being a saint lord and all he was just waiting on was for someone to either breakthrough or to pass away so he can become a keeper," said Han Huo so coldly that even ice began to develop on the walls. "Now lets get one thing clear shall we should you ever get in my face again I will rip you apart limb from limb!" Han Huo turned away as he retracted his aura.

"Wait until the empress hears about this I can't wait to see what kind of punishment she will give." said Yin Qu angrily.

"I look forward to it, our love sessions have been kind of boring lately" chuckled Han Huo as he turned his attention back to the Lin Youyi as she was still stuck in the array.

"Lord keeper I want to apologize I didn't think this would bring you trouble," said the bearer through a qi transmission.

"Its not your fault at all so let me bear the consequences of passing on to the Flames of Alaz." returned Han Huo.

The bearer nodded his head and turned his attention toward Lin Youyi. Fifteen minutes went by before a gasp of air escaped her lips. When she opened her eyes and looked around a sense of relief could be seen in their depth.

She ran and stood by Yin Qu. "Master I deeply apologize for taking so long," said Lin Youyi with her head held down.

"Its ok least you didn't die like those trash," chuckled Yin Qu as he looked at Han Huo. Clearly trying to touch a sore spot. Han Huo ignored him and turned around beginning to walk back down the hall.

"I hope we don't run into another trap. That one was particularly nasty if I hadn't been the one to teach that prisoner his cultivation technique I would have been the one to lose," said Pang Yuan as he shook his head.

"Teach him a cultivation technique? I didn't realize that the two of you shared such a close relationship," said a confused Han Huo as he looked at the general behind him. 'Especially, since you sent him to his death so easily."

"I'm slightly different from other generals. Once a year I preach the Dao to all of my solider. As well as have everyone practice the same cultivation technique so that when we form battle formations we are just one big cohesive unit,' said Pang Yuan in a rather monotone voice. "I also won't hesitate to kill any one especially those who don't obey my commands or who kill their comrades."

"Ha-ha General I just absolutely love your style," Laughed Yin Qu. "There is no better feeling then having someone completely under your thumb."

"Truthfully I hate that mindset Lord Yin Qu,' said Pang Yuan with disgust evident in his words. "Besides every person has a breaking point. How long will it take before someone betrays you?'

"All you need to do is use look at Lin Youyi here, you won't find a better example," said Yin Qu has he licked his lips and rubbed his finger down her cheek. "She takes care of all my needs day in and day out hehe." Lust entered into his eyes as he scanned at her

Her face remained blank, even her stunning blue eyes betrayed no emotion or an inkling of what she was thinking. "I don't think she cares about your techniques at night very much. I'm also willing to presume that she was ordered to get close to you through her family." said Han Huo with a wide mocking smile on his face.

Yin Qu's clenched his fist as his face turned a deep red with anger. "If wasn't for you hanging on the coattails of Empress Sun Ling'er do you think you would be where you are at now?" Rebuked Yin Qu harshly.

"Sigh, you know I hear that all the time actually. While it does make me a bit sad that people think that my strongest ability is to rely on someone. I can tell you this though If it wasn't for Ling'er I would've already broken through to saint emperor." said Han Huo calmly as if Yin Qu's angry rebuke was completely natural.

"Forgive me for interrupting your pleasant conversation, but lord keeper we have arrived." Said the Bearer

"Finally!" said Han Huo as he looked around and examined the room. This room was completely different from all the others. It was a large oval room nearly a mile in diameter. The roof was supported by pillars of a unique red metal called the Devils Blood Gold. A metal so rare that a single pillar would cause many nations to go to war. In between each pillar was a suit of black armor with a skeleton in each on completely entombed in cobweb On the floor was paintings of war, ritual sacrifices and written scripts most likely from a dark manual. The most unique part however were indention that covered the whole floor all leading up to a mighty red throne.

Upon this throne sat a grey skeleton that still gave off an unequal level of might. When Han Huo examined the remains he could've sworn that he felt the faint signs of life. However upon a second examination he couldn't discover anything. Han Huo shook his roughly in an attempt to get the worry that had managed to creep into the back of his mind.

Han Huo looked around some more and upon closer inspection he saw other corridors that lead out of the room. Han Huo pointed towards each of them. "Old man make your decision about which side you want. You should know this place is far to big for us to search as a single group in a reasonable time." said Han Huo. After a moments pause and no answer.

"Don't be mad about me calling you old man," said Han Huo impatiently "Fine, Yin Qu pick your corridor!" However still no response came this time Han Huo in frustration began to turn around. Before this action could even be started, his senses scream danger. Han Huo in shock ducked and dived forward as a sword swiped were his head had been just moment ago. A fraction of a second later Han Huo's shoulders would be a lot lighter.

After recovering and executing a quick spin Han Huo looked to where he was just standing. What he say was a scene that he did not expect.

Yin Qu still stood in his same spot, unfortunately though his response to the incoming danger had been far to late. Even though dead Yin Qu's body was being supported by a green blade that was protruding out of his front. On the other end holding the blade was Lin Youyi with a smile so evil that it sent slight shivers down his spine.

Han Huo looked at Yin Qu and saw tears still running down his face despite his life being gone. Han Huo inwardly shook his head and put him out of his thoughts, no use thinking about a dead man. Instead, Han Huo turned his attention to the person who had attacked him.

Han Huo reviled his battle smile has his white spear appeared in his hand once again. "So, will I get to see who is behind the mask now?"