The Heavens Do Not Always Turn A Blind Eye

Once again days passed and the refinement of Pang Yuan proceeded smoothly. Redfang couldn't help but sigh in relieve that no more interruptions had happened. Redfang knew that had someone came to steal Pang Yuan he would not have the strength to stop them. Worse of all he would pass away this time.

Redfang shook his head to dispel the negative thoughts that were now floating in his head. Once the thoughts were gone, Redfang brought his hands together and created a single white seal. The seal itself was cracked and blurry.

Redfang looked at the seal with disappointment on his face. 'I only got one chance to make this work. I'm far to weak to attempt this again,' thought Redfang. He closed his eyes as he sank his perception into the seal. Once his conscience was inside the seal Redfang began to pour yuan qi to fix the flaws that had appeared. It was a very slow process and it consumed a great deal of mental strength from Redfang.

Redfang withdrew his perception from the seal, which was now whole, solid and gave off a warm light. He couldn't help but cough as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Redfang's breath became labored as old wounds from the war began to flair up.

Redfang now even paler then his original appearance hurriedly flicked his finger causing the seal to fly into the pillar. The seal sank into the pillar causing a low hum to fill the air. After the hum dissipated a sad wailing sound filled the air as if the heavens were sad at the loss of the soul that was no longer in this world. Slowly a milky white light appeared above the pillar.

The white light burned brighter and brighter until it filled the entire room making it appear as though the sun was in the room itself. The light began to recede until it was the size of a large grape. It began to solidify itself finally turning into a pill of the same color. Just above the surface of the pill one could see Pang Yuan's soul trying to put distance between himself and the pill. However no mater how much he tried once he reached a certain distance he would be yanked but roughly as if he was tethered.

Redfang could no longer hid his excitement as he looked at the pill that before him. He waved his hand and drew the pill toward him. He gently wrapped his fingers around the pill as if he was afraid to apply to much pressure scared it would turn to dust. No longer able to wait he put the pill inside his mouth. Once inside the pill quickly melt and Redfang began to fill the effects instantly was a cool energy flew into his soul and began to restore it.

Minutes went by and finally a white halo left Redfang's body. It began rotating faster and faster before suddenly coming to a stop. It remained there as if waiting for something. Finally Redfang opened his eyes and looked at the halo. As if it had received the signal it was waiting for the halo exploded and turned into millions of white lights that retreated in every direction eventually disappearing.

As they disappeared Redfang heard an ancient voice inside his mind. "You have committed crimes against the heavenly laws that govern this realm. Your crimes is the consumption of another's soul and the making of Lazarus soul pill. These crimes warrant death by the harshest means however due to you being of another realm we can not sentence you to death this time. Instead your punishment will be to save a billion lives in fifteen thousand years." said the ancient voice in a completely monotone voice as if it done this many times and it tired of doing so.

"Should you not complete this task given to you, you will die no matter what realm you are from. You will also die should you preform this set of crimes again no exception would be made." said the ancient voice this time with a stern tone. "Judgement complete,' said the ancient voice again back in its monotone voice. When the ancient voice faded a brand that took on the shape of an ox-head and horse-face. These were considered by many as the guardians of the underworld.

Redfang couldn't help but snort when he heard the words of the heaven's will. "Had this been my realm I could've preformed this ritual thousands of times and nothing would have happened. I guess in this realm the heavens don't turn away at its peoples plight," said Redfang first out of contempt and finally out of thoughtfulness.

Redfang sat there in his thoughts when he heard light footsteps. He turned around and saw Han Huo standing behind him with an evil grin on his face and a coldness that was like death. "Di Yunzhong we ran into a little complication it seems this realms heavenly laws will not allow me to recover the other generals." said Redfang as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes. "Since that seem to be the case find me some candidates to train into worthy generals." Redfang returned toward his throne once again lost in thought.

"Yes master I will get on it right away." said Di Yunzhong. "What are you gonna tell the others though. After all they are expecting you to help them."

"I will help them, they have lived for the past millions of years in such deplorable state as such it is part of my moral obligation to relive them of such pain," said Redfang with an evil glint in his eyes.

Di Yunzhong nodded his head in approval for he had met the other generals and personally didn't care for them at all. Di Yunzhong couldn't help but be happy at this unexpected result. Remembering why he came back he looked Redfang and opened his mouth to say something but words never left his mouth. He began hesitating to ask Redfang for he feared that Redfang would be interested in what he wanted

Redfang sensing the gaze on him for some time looked toward Di Yunzhong and saw him standing there with his mouth hung open and a stupid look on his face as if he was fighting an invisible force. "Hahaha, Di Yunzhong seeing you stand there looking as you do now in Han Huo's body definitely lightens my mood considerably," roared Redfang in laughter. " Come tell me what it is you want to say."

"My lord, there is a treasure that Han Huo use to posses, an immortal abode to be precise," said Di Yunzhong as he silently cursed himself for looking like a fool. "It was all white that had the four guardian beast on its tower. Except these guardian beasts weren't the usual ones, instead they corresponded to yin laws. On its walls was a symbol of a Blue Luan on a Frozen tree."

Di Yunzhong continued to describe the immortal abode and as each word left his mouth, the laughter and amusement that had been in Redfang's eyes slowly disappeared and replaced by an icy anger. Redfang could no longer take it raised his hand to stop Di Yunzhong. Di Yunzhong realizing this shut his mouth tightly afraid to utter another word.

Redfang breathed in deeply several times slowly letting his anger go. "I know the abode that you speak of." said Redfang "It once belong to Setting Yin Empyrean Saint. Also its a very unique and even rarer type of abode, its a soul type," Redfang began to rub his temples as he felt a headache come on.

"A soul type?" said Di Yunzhong as he looked at Redfang in complete confusion.

Redfang paused as he began to collect his thoughts. "A soul type abode is forged through techniques that are lost to time. They were once made by a race that were very similar to humans and even shared a very close relationship with them. They were called the Denam race but the early humans called them the Saints due to them being almost god-like." said Redfang as spoke each word very slowly as if not to confuse Di Yunzhong. "Then one day they disappeared leaving almost no trace of where they went. Humans sadden by the loss changed the name of their martial realms to include saint in them."

Redfang took a deep breath as he continued. "Now soul types are different in the way that instead of residing in the daitian, they reside in soul. They have a very special mechanism in that should the user die and is soul completely faded the abode teleport to a family member passing on everything that in it. It should be noted that its harder to steal the abode then it is to wipe out that persons entire family. Now there are even rarer and special soul type ones where the user should die they will teleport and create their own mystic realm which I'm guessing this Setting Yin's did. Only through specific techniques would you be able to stop this from happening. With that being said you would most likely not see that abode again."

Di Yunzhong disappointment couldn't help but appear on his face as he thought of all his effort that he had put in to trying to get the abode. Only to find out that it was all for naught. Di Yunzhong clenched his fist as his disappointment turned to anger at Han Huo. "Even in death he still is finding some way to pull one over on me." said Di Yunzhong through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry you can have some sort of revenge now. We need to remove the Han clan otherwise they would be our biggest obstacle in this area and we need to focus all attention on the next phase of the plan." said Redfang as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he began to assess the possible strength of the Han clan.

"My lord I already have an idea. I admit however it won't destroy them but it should be able to buy us much needed time to dig build our foundation so that they can't eliminate us so easily. The best part of this plan is that it just needs one person to carry it out." said a bright voice that came from the side. When Di Yunzhong and Redfang looked toward the direction they saw it Lin Youyi

"What is your plan Youyi," said Di Yunzhong in a tone clearly full of intimacy.

"A Sundering World Stone," said Lin Youyi as she turned her hand as an all black rock the size of a baby appeared in her hand.

Di Yunzhong and Redfang nodded their heads in approval when they saw the stone. "Now we can no longer delay, Di Yunzhong go to Sun Ling'er and tell her to begin the plans for the revolts. Lin Youyi find a way to gather all of the Han clan into one area, we don't want any stragglers. I will go and meet the other generals and inform them of our new and improved plans." said Redfang as the smile on his face grew bigger and his signature ruby red fangs shined brightly.