A Hand That guides The Realm

As Redfang was making the necessary steps for his plans. The golden light that had penetrated Redfang's fortress was now streaking hundred trillions of kilometers away. Inside the light was relieved to be a golden haired woman looking ahead with piercing blue eyes full of determination.

After a few minutes, the woman came to a mountain that rose hundreds of kilometers in the air that only the best of eyes could see the peak. The mountain was surrounded by a large forest and lakes that reflected the soft star light, which occasionally broke the sea of trees.

The golden haired woman slowly came to halt and began spreading her perception hundreds of miles away from her. Confirming that she was alone she looked up toward the sky. "Are you gonna keep me waiting? Or are you gonna recall me back so we can finally discuss things?" said the golden haired woman angrily.

"Patience, patience! You have been alone for only a couple of minutes and yet your shouting as if you have been waiting for hours," said a child-like voice. Once voice finished a white light descended.

After a minute the light blurred and began to harden finally becoming clear and reveling a set of stairs that went up high into the sky and disappeared out of sight. The golden haired woman went forward and stood on a step. She suddenly shot up in the air at a speed that was even faster then her flying. Not even the time it takes to blink passed before the stairs had vanished and the area was once again quiet as if nothing had ever happened.

The stairs came to a grinding halt and the golden haired woman closed her eyes as she felt the urge to vomit at the sudden change of speeds. When she opened her eyes she saw a scene that she could look at for years and never tired of it.

The place where she was now standing was on the edge of a canyon next to a massive waterfall that fell into a massive lake that was ten thousand kilometers below. Looking up from the lake she looked at the true wonder that always kept her attention, a massive white city that covered almost the entire canyon floor .

in the center of the city stood a white palace sat on a small plateau overlooking the city below it. The palace its self reflected the suns light turning the them soft, warm and welcoming. Around the palace flew the proud, overbearing dragons and the majestic, fiery phoenix each were as common as the clouds.

The golden haired woman smiled as the feeling of nostalgia flooded her."thirteen thousand year,"said the child like voice from behind her. The golden haired woman turned around to look at the speaker.

The owner of the child liked voice was unsurprisingly a small child that had purple hair that shown liked amethyst and small purple eyes that held stars in the pupils. She had a triangular face with soft cheeks that still had remnants of baby fat in them. As the golden haired woman continued studying the child, she couldn't help but smile, this smile gave the feeling that made you want to protect her with your live.

"Guardian of the Lasting Road," said the golden haired woman as she executing a small bow.

"Hmph!" snorted of the guardian in clear displeasure as she puffed out her cheeks. "I may be only the guardian, but I still have a name. Claire Law. If you don't call me by it, I will send you back down into that disgusting human realm," said Claire Law as she opened her palm and aimed it the golden haired woman.

The golden haired woman raised her hands and took on an apologetic look. "I'm deeply sorry Claire Law. This foolish one has spent so long away in the human realm that I had forgotten the proper way to address you. Please forgive me!" said the golden haired woman in a voice that had a hint of sarcasm.

Claire Law not noticing the sarcasm nodded her head in approval and wore a smug look at the small victory she had one. "Thirteen thousand years, that is how long its been since you stood in front of me. That is how long you have stood in the human realm." said Claire law as continued with what she was trying to say before the conversation took a turn.

"Yes I was hoping it would not take me so long but that realm is still very massive, even with it being isolated from the lower realms and exodus realms." said the golden haired woman. "Now, while I do enjoy our little talks. I need to talk to father a situation has occurred that needs his attention."

"I have already informed him." said Claire Law as she slowly became transparent and finally completely faded from view.

The golden haired woman began her flight toward the city at a casual speed a stark contrast to the speed she had original flew to arrive here. "I guess what the say is true. There is no place like home," said the golden haired woman as a bright smile appeared on her face.

Shaking her head in order to regain her business like composure. Once regained she increased her speed and within seconds she was flying into the city and straight toward the palace just as she was about to reach the outer walls of the palace a terrifying pressure came smashing down on her sending her plummeting to the ground .

When she was only a few inches from the ground the pressure disappeared and instead was replaced by a thick killing intent. The killing intent was so strong that it even made the golden haired woman feel slight pain.

Just as her feet touched the ground several men in full silver armor surrounded her with their spears directly pointed at her throat. "Only those of the royal family and those given special permission are allowed to fly directly into the palace." said a guard.

When the golden haired woman looked at this guard she saw that his armor was slightly different. While it was still silver on his chest plate was a crimson phoenix and flowing behind was a long cape made out of crimson feathers. The golden haired woman shook her head in disappointment. "While thirteen thousand years is consider a very long time, for the captain of the royal guard he should recognize faces no matter how much time passes, especially mine." said the golden haired woman as she looked the captain deeply in the eyes through the slits on his helmet.

The captain at first looked confused but this was only for a brief moment as a look of shock slowly took over as began to recognize who she was. He immediately dropped to his knees and slammed his head into. "P-princess Marie this servant deeply apologizes and I ask for your forgiveness." said The captain not daring to look up at the princess. The other guards were shocked as well before quickly falling to there knees begging for forgiveness.

Princess Marie looked at them with a blank expression after examining all of them she shook her head. "There is no need to apologize Captain Peter you were just doing your job is all." said Princess Marie as she walked over to Captain peter. She slowly lifted him up giving him a gently smile. "I'm home now and it should be a while before I have to leave again. Is my father here?"

"Yes Princess! He had just called for all of his advisers moments ago." said Peter as he dismissed the rest of the guards. "At first I couldn't figure out why, but then we ran into you. I hope you are bringing in good news this time."

"You will know soon enough what has happened." said Princess Marie as she jumped up at resumed her flight into the palace. Clearing the wall she began to circle around the palace searching for the spot that the meeting was taking place at. After minutes of flying she finally arrived at a clear lake that was doted with lily pads and lotus.

There was a single walk way that lead to a pavilion in the center of the lake. On the pavilion were twenty white chairs each with a different symbol on them, each chair holding a person in them. The chairs were place in a circular shaped and a raised platform at the center. On the platform was a white throne and on the white throne sat a person who had the same golden hair as Princess Marie.

When this person looked up it to look at his daughter it revealed a pair of bright golden eyes, long nose, and a thin mouth. This person was no other then the father of Princess Marie, King Abraham. When he saw is daughter flying toward him his eyes turned exceptionally soft and loving.

Princess Marie landed in the center of the group and kneel. "Father, your daughter has returned," said Princess Marie as she bowed deeper. King Abraham looked at his daughter for a moment before standing up, causing all the others to rise to their feet as well.

He began walking to his daughter as she was rising to her feet. Once he was in front of her he raised his hand and gently caressed her cheek as a smile appeared on his face. Finally he couldn't contain himself as he pulled her in to a tight embrace. "Welcome home" said King Abraham in a chocked voice. Tears appeared in Princess Marie as she snuggled her head deeper into her fathers embrace. The people around the two couldn't help but smile at the warm seen going on before them.

After a few moments they separated, King Abraham began the return to his seat with Princess Marie. Waving her wand a white chair began to appear out of thin air next to her fathers chair. Both of them arrived in front of their chairs, turning around they looked at the others. "Now that all the important parties are here, the meeting may begin." said King Abraham as he finally took his seat.

All the others swiftly followed suit leaving only Princess Marie standing there silently. Minutes flew by and yet Princess Marie as still not a single word. Finally their was some one who couldn't wait any longer. "Princess what has happened on your mission was it a success or failure?" said a woman in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Yes and no" said Princess Marie as she looked at the woman. "I managed to find him. However, I could not save him."

"What happened?" said King Abraham the soft loving voice that he had used earlier was gone. Instead it was no replaced with a commanding one that was more fitting for a king talking to a subordinate.

Princess Marie bit her lip as she slowly turned her hand over. A milky white orb appeared in her palm, seeing that it was still stable she let it fly into the center of the group so everyone could look at it. "When I found him, a demon general by the name of Redfang was using him to make the Lazuras Soul Pill." said Princess Marie in a quiet, solemn voice.


"How dare they go against the heavens law"

Soon outrage and anger spread across the room as everyone began to lose control of their emotions. King Abraham raised his hand and very quickly silence fell. He looked at his daughter. "Are you certain it was the Lazuras Soul Pill." said King Abraham with a very dark face.

"Yes, I saw the array runes on the pillar that they were using." said Princess Marie in a tone of certainty.

"Mmm," said King Abraham as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. No one said anything as the king was deep in thought they couldn't help but inwardly shake their heads sadly at the thought that such a dark pill was created and that Han Huo was almost made into the catalyst.

The Lazuras Soul Pill is a pill that steals the entire life force and soul of a victim and allows the consumer to use it as a replacement. For example should Redfang get into a fight with an opponent and was defeated losing his life. All the damage instead would be passed on to the soul of the victim causing the death of the victim and forever stopping them from reincarnating forever. While Redfang would be very much alive and back at full strength. Should a old dying man use this pill in order to extend his life, he would absorb all of the victims remaining life force for his own.

A bonus to the pill was that original there was no repercussions and could be used over and over again. Of course they would eventually build a resistance to it and should they not break through the next realm the would still die of old age.

This pill nearly caused a massive cataclysm in ancient times due to souls leaving the river of reincarnation but very few to reenter it. It created an imbalance in the system causing the ancient gods of each realm to come together to create the sacred laws banning this pill from all realms but the demon realm where the ancient gods of that realm believe that the strong survived and the weak suffered.

Back at the courtyard a strong silent still permeated the air that even the wind didn't seem willing to blow as it was afraid to break the king's silence. "Such an unfortunate life he has lead this time. Born with a cursed body, cast away from his family, only to be accepted when he magically acquired talent ." said King Abraham as he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the white light with an infinite sadness in his eyes. "Eventually betrayed by the one you loved most in the world."

As the king said each word the white orb began to hum stronger and brighter as if a new life was being given to it. "Father we must help as much as we can. We have let him suffer far to much for our sake," pleaded Princess Marie as she looked at her father with tears in her eyes.

King Abraham placed his hand on his daughters head as he sighed sadly. "There is not much we can do. His soul as taken far to much damage he needs to be healed by the reincarnation river," said King Abraham as he returned his attention back to the white light that was still burning brightly. "However I can allow to take revenge. I think that should do him some good, after all no one should suffer the way he did in this life."

King Abraham tapped his finger in the air conjuring a golden seal with a causal flick of his finger he sent the seal flying on to the white bright light causing it to dim. "Go, reincarnate. Hopefully with this new life we can meet again and talk once again." said King Abraham as he slowly waved his hand making the white light fade completely.

"Father what was that seal for?" asked Princess Marie as she looked at the place where the white light once was.

"Should he reincarnate fast enough he will retain his memories but even the strongest rocks will eventually will wear down in the smallest of rivers." said King Abraham as he too looked at the spot the white light was at. Sighing sadly King Abraham returned his attention back to his daughter. "Now for the rest of your mission."

"Yes father. The humans have hidden their strength quite deeply. In fact many of the top known factions are unaware that factions that once were under them have managed to catch up to them. This however lead to a serious problem though." said Princess Marie as she looked around the pavilion. "Resources! At the rate that they are going the humans realm will be out of resources within a thousand years. It is due to the two reasons that I believe we should reconnect them the lower realms as well as open the exodus realm to their experts."

Once Princess Marie finished her sentence she finally sat down returning her gaze back to the spot where Han Huo's soul once was with look of longing in her eyes. She no longer cared about the meeting going on and cared even less on the decision they would make.

King Abraham stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face. "My king I think we should do it." said the woman who had spoke to Princess Marie earlier.

"I agree"

"I do too."

"I don't the humans don't appreciate anything. If they did they would not be in their current situation." said a man who had a huge figure.

"I also agree that they don't deserve to be given more." said another

"I also vote against them."

"Me as well"

Very quickly the vote to open the lower and exodus realms were split down the middle, leaving the decision to King Abraham. King Abraham looked at them as if they were stupid. "I don't even know why you all voted the decision was mine to begin with." berated King Abraham harshly causing everyone to immediately to shut their mouths.

"Lets give them what was theirs." said King Abraham as he stood up with the others following. He put his hands together and produced a single hand sign, the others did the same each producing a different hand sign. Soon seals began to appear in their.

King Abraham looked around and saw that everyone had produced their respective seals. He casually threw his seals into the middle of the room where it was soon joined by other seals.



Soon a cry of a dragon and a phoenix tore through the air of the canyon eventually silence return back to the canyon. However, in the human realm the cries continued throughout catching everyone's attention.

Hours passed before silence returned to the realm. However before anyone could question where the source came from. A bright golden light shown in the sky for mere moments before disappearing. It was shortly followed by a silver light that disappeared as quickly as it came.

Once the light disappeared everyone waited and no one moved in case the mysterious scenes returned. Once everyone was certain that nothing was going to happen again chaos took over. Clan leaders began to issue out orders as the old freaks in their clans left to investigate. Kingdom and empires began to mobilize their armies in case of attacks as they sent their own investigation teams. Practitioners who swore no loyalty flooded toward the source hoping to get there before any one else hoping to claim a treasure that would propel them to the top of realm.

Back at the pavilion every one collapsed in their seats as the energy toll was massive even with a score of people. "Everyone is dismissed," said King Abraham as he took in a deep breath of air. Everyone nodded their head and slowly filtered out of the pavilion.

Once everyone was gone King Abraham looked at Princess Marie with the soft look returning into his eyes. "You no longer need to leave the space. Instead you can begin your breakthrough into the next realm." said King Abraham gently.

Princess Marie nodded her head and left the pavilion when King Abraham looked at her back he couldn't help but feel sadden at the heavy burden his daughter carried. He continued watching her until she left his sight. He returned his gaze back to the spot where Han Huo was at. 'I wish I could do more for you.' thought King Abraham. Eventually he got up from his seat and left the pavilion not looking back.