A New Name

Unbeknownst to almost everyone that attended the meeting, Han Huo had seen much of the meeting from when he was summoned to when he was sent into the river of reincarnation.

Han Huo could help but look at the golden haired woman and be drawn to the sadness in her eyes as he looked at her. He seemingly recalled that her name was Princess Marie. He turned his attention away from her and looked at the person to her right who had the exact same golden hair. He couldn't help but feel a slight fear from this man nor could he deny that this was the strongest person he has ever met.

As Han Huo was observing the man with the golden hair a commotion ran through the group causing the man to raise his hand to silence them. Once silence fell he finally turned his attention away from Han Huo and looked at his daughter and asked her a question.

Once he got his answer the man closed his eyes and leaned his head back. The minute his head touch the back of his throne. Han Huo felt a slight perception spread over him causing him to frown at how shameless the man with golden hair was.

Han Huo concentrated as hard as he could to put up the best defense he could muster. However it was swept aside like a leave in a fierce storm. The very second his defense was swept aside the perception dug into Han Huo like maggots.

The deeper it dug the more powerless Han Huo eventually Han Huo was completely in a dazed state and all that Han Huo was aware of were his memories that were being searched through. As each memory flew by even Han Huo couldn't help but think that his live was pathetic.

He was cast aside because of his lack talent and cursed body. So he craved acknowledgment for the deeds he did. He acquired strength so people could rely on him, instead they used it for their own selfish ends and again through him aside when they no longer needed him. Just when he found some one he could love and rely on, she through him to Redfang to be refined into a pill. He couldn't help but realize that his love for battle came from the thousands of years of frustration and disappointments.

Finally, the final memory was looked at and the perception withdrew itself slowly. Before it withdrew completely a faint whisper resounded in the mind of Han Huo. "If you want revenge I can provide just a little bit of help." spoke the whisper "However you need to be aware that you have a better chance of becoming king of my empire then you do of this being a success while retaining your memories , and I can tell you that no one but me has ruled this empire for billions of years and many have tried to take it from my hands."

As Han Huo heard this he couldn't help but be shocked at the fact that this man with the golden hair has lived for so long, from what he knew there was no one in history that has lived for so long. While Han Huo wanted to ponder over this he was quickly overcame by a new thought, revenge.

Han Huo looked at the golden haired man as he was speaking out loud. Han Huo however was not listening as the thought of revenge proliferated in his mind to the point that he even felt that his already weaken soul grow in strength.

"As you should know this is a deal and it works both way. My end is to help the best I can to help you retain your memories in the vast river of reincarnation." said The man with the golden hair as he produced a seal at the end of his finger. "In return should it succeed I will call upon you and expect you to answer, no matter what it is. Do you accept?"

Han Huo looked into the man's golden eyes. "I accept." The moment the words left Han Huo's mouth the seal flew into Han Huo's soul. As it dug deeper into Han Huo soul, Han Huo's consciousness began to fade.

Before darkness overtook Han Huo he heard the man's voice one more time. "I will be taking away the memory of your short time here. Once your strength becomes great enough it will return to you. I hope we meet one day in the future."

Before Han Huo could say a word is slipped into a deep slumber.


Han Huo jerked out of his sleep, he shook his head as he tried to clear his muddled thoughts. After a moment Han Huo looked around to get his bearings. Realizing he was in a deep far stretching darkness.

Confusing surfaced on Han Huo's face. "How did I get here," said Han Huo as he rubbed his head trying to remember where he was.. Finally, Han Huo felt a sharp pain in his head as the memories flooded in.

He saw Redfang wearing a smile that was full of victory and the low humming of the pillar that Han Huo was on. It was followed shortly by an unimaginable pain as his soul was ripped from his body and slowly wreathed away. Just as he was about to fade away Han Huo saw a golden light descend upon him.

Han Huo opened his eyes as this final memory appeared in his mind. Han Huo felt like there was something else that happened afterwards but no matter how hard he tried to grasp what happened next it slipped through his fingers like it was water.

After a number of attempts Han Huo sighed in frustration at the fact that he couldn't remember what happened next. Han Huo finally stopped trying to remember and he looked around once more. "So I'm dead then. Didn't people say that death was a cold embrace, then why is it nice and warm." said Han Huo as he leaned back and began to relax. "You know this isn't so bad. Its nice and quiet, warm and dark. Best part is I'm alone and no one to bother me."

Han Huo closed his eyes as a smile spread across his face as he stretched extending as far as he can. Slowly the smile faded from as a familiar face drifted into his mind and his heart began to ache. "Ling'er who would have thought that you and your family was one of the fell families." said Han Huo sadly. He couldn't help but admit inwardly that the last person he would suspect to betray him was Sun Ling'er.

Then his thoughts switched to Di Yunzhong and he couldn't help but feel some slight admiration for him. "To wait and watch me for five hundred years all for the sake of revenge that is some dedication." said Han Huo as he thought of all the opportunities that Di Yunzhong could have exploited to kill him. "He must have been placed there for some other reasons besides his personal revenge. After all according to information from spies he was elected to be the next clan head of the Di family. For them to risk him by putting him beside me when he held such an important position must mean the reward heavily out weighed the risk."

He thought of Lin Youyi briefly. "What is there really to think about, she was nothing special." chuckled Han Huo as he put her out of his mind.

Then he thought of Redfang. "If anyone should be joining me in death it should definitely be that old man." said Han Huo angrily. However Han Huo couldn't help but blame himself if it wasn't for his love of battle he would have been able to see what was going on and his position would be very different. "I guess there is nothing else to do but float here until I meet Elder Ming and drink her tea or pass through the veil of memories or whatever religion got their crap right."

"If I could only have one more chance at life I would have my revenge and live my life the way I want. I can only pray that the cards are not dealt against me this time." said Han Huo as he stretched once again and yawned really loudly. "Who would've thought that dying would be so tiring."

However before he could close his eyes a white light penetrated through the darkness. Han Huo squinted his eyes and tried to see through the light but he knew how foolish it was. Han Huo stood there looking at the light deciding on rather he should go into the light or not.

"Don't mortals have a saying about not walking into the light." muttered Han Huo. "I think I'm just going to follow that advice."

Before Han Huo could turn away from the light he felt something push him very strongly toward the light. Han Huo was completely caught off guard as he driven very closely to the light. At the edge of the light Han Huo began to hear the sound of someone screaming as if they were in great pain. He also a multitude of other voices that were mixed in with the screaming.

Han Huo began to feel fear as he saw himself drifting into the light. "Oh come on do I really deserve to go to the underworld." shouted Han Huo in a panic. "I'm the victim here after all."

As if there was some one listening the pushing that was driving Han Huo closer to the light stopped even the screaming on the other side of the light had stopped. Han Huo wiped the sweat of his brow. "I'm glad we resolved that. After all I haven't done anything to belong here." said Han Huo smugly.

Just as the words left Han Huo's mouth the strong pushing force returned along with the screaming. Han Huo mustered up all the strength that he had to resist. Even with all his strength he couldn't stop himself from edging closer.

"All right I admit I did do some bad things. When I was eight years old I stole a weapon technique guide from the family library. When the family found out it was gone I let the guard take the blame causing him to lose his cultivation." shouted Han Huo hastily.

As if acknowledging the terrible deed that Han Huo did the pushing force let up off of him. Han Huo again sighed in relive. "That was too close for comfort. Lets hope it doesn't happen again, after all I learned my lesson after that and led a very righteous life." said Han Huo.

Again as if trying to debunk what Han Huo just said. The pushing force returned at full strength. "All right I admit I have done quite a few bad things. A year before I died and while I was still with Sun Ling'er, I went to a pleasure house and spent a month their." said Han Huo with great effort.

The force that was bearing down on Han Huo did not let up. "Okay I admit there is more. I once got close to a woman and promised to marry her. This was all a ploy to be allowed to enter into her families herb garden to gather rare herbs. I mean not gather I meant steal, steal."

Han Huo began to rattle off a list of things that he did as the force waxed and waned. One crime he did involved going to the border while he was drunk and punching a prince in the face who was in charge of its defense nearly killing him. Then claiming he was from a rival kingdom causing a war that had enormous amount of causalities.

Another was a time where he once again drunk and had entered into a church while it was in service and threw up all over an altar that was used to present gifts to the gods they worshiped. As he was rattling of his list of crimes Han Huo couldn't help but notice how many things he did while he was drunk.

Out of desperation Han Huo was struck with an idea. "If you don't force me into the light I swear I will stop drinking." Han Huo new that this was a long shot but he still couldn't help but hope. After all his strength was all used up and he couldn't rotate yuan qi.

The force let up on Han Huo but before he could breath another sigh of relief the force returned stronger then any time before this driving Han Huo straight into the light.

Han Huo began screaming at the top of the lungs as he passed through it. However the deeper he went into the light the more his voice began to change from the deep voice that he had grown accustomed to in his life to a high pitch sound of a baby's wailing.

Shock overcame Han Huo as he couldn't comprehend what had happened. Han Huo closed his mouth abruptly and instead attempted to stand up. However the strength that he once was proud of was no longer there.

Before Han Huo confusion could completely take over, he felt himself being lifted up. As he tried to see what was lifting him up he realized that his vision was that he couldn't bring images into focus. Very quickly an old woman's face entered into his view.

"Look at the intelligence in his eyes, and based on his scream earlier you can tell he is a strong healthy baby." cackled the old woman as began to wipe Han Huo down. "Oh now this is indeed a good thing. It looks like this child has been blessed by the heavens and gifted with an imperfect lighting body."

The old woman smiled joyfully as she lifted Han Huo into the air. "The Zhou clan has finally been blessed." laughed the old woman as she brought Han Huo down.

"Yeping I understand your excitement but can you let me have my son please." said a light and lovely voice.

"Forgive me, my lady. I lost myself in the moment." said the old woman who was known as Yeping. She quickly walked over to stand next to the woman who had spoken to her. She gently handed Han Huo over to the woman.

"Hehe, its okay Yeping. This is a good day for our family." said the light voice as she took Han Huo into her arms. She looked down at Han Huo with eyes so full of love that one couldn't help but be intoxicated by them.

When the face of what could only be considered his mother came into Han Huo's very limited and very blurry view he couldn't help but be shocked. Han Huo easily had to admit that the woman before him was one of the most beautiful woman he has ever met even capable of giving Sun Ling'er and Sun Luyu a run for their money.

She had long purple hair that looked like purple amethyst that came with eyes of the same color that glimmered as if the stars were being held in them. She had a small dainty nose and high cheekbones that caused her face to look almost heart shaped. She had small lips that were a light pink and her mouth held teeth that seemed liked pearls.

Just as Han Huo was studying her, she was studying her newborn son. As every second passed the big smile that was on her beautiful face seemed to grow bigger, especially whenever she looked into his eyes. "Lets go see your father," said the woman with a soft voice. Then she did something that no mortal woman could do shortly after giving birth to a baby, she stood up and began walking to the door, revealing that she was a martial cultivator.

As they were walking toward the door a commotion could be heard along with incoherent voices. As they drew closer the noise began to clear up and the deep voice of a man could be heard above the others giving orders.

"Make sure they've prepared her favorite dishes in case she is hunger." shouted the man.

"Yes master!"

"Make sure there are clean sheets in the baby's crib as well." shouted the man.

"Yes master!"

"Master the city lord is here to go over the details of next weeks martial tournament."

"I don't care what the city lord is here for, I'm here waiting to see my child that is far more important." said the man angrily.

"It looks like your father is eager to meet you." said Han Huo's mother. She couldn't help but giggle every time she heard the man give an order, or shout at a servant for messing up. "Lets stop this before your father becomes more frantic."

She pulled Han Huo closer to her chest as she opened the door. Standing on the other side was a tall man that was wearing a long black martial robe. He had long black hair that was tied with a piece of string. Hearing the door open behind him the man stopped mid-sentence as he abruptly turned around revealing a handsome young man with bright grey eyes and sword-like eyebrows.

Seeing his wife standing there he heaved a sigh of relief and a small smile appeared on his face. "Ying Yue! Thank the heavens your alright. What about our chi-," said The man but before he could ask his question he saw the small bundle in her arms causing a small tear to appear in his eyes. He looked at his wife Ying Yue as if asking every question with his eyes.

Ying Yue laughed at her husband's change in demeanor. She walked over to her husband and handed Han Huo over to him. "Its a healthy boy. Even better if you look into his eyes you can see how smart he is. As well as a big added bonus he has been blessed with a imperfect-grade pure lighting body" said Ying Yue softly as looked at her son. "He only cried the second he was born but that quickly ended and he has been silent since."

The man was deadly silent as if he hadn't heard a word that Ying Yue had said. He wore a serious expression, which is something that most fathers would not have at the news of a newborn son.

"The other branches of the family can not know of the details of his birth." said the man as he looked at his wife. "Other wise it would bring about consequences that our family can not currently handle."

Ying Yue looked at her husband with an equally serious face. "Snort, should any one try to harm him then I will stop at nothing to destroy everything they hold dear." said Ying Yue in a voice that Han Huo felt a shiver come down his spine. Very quickly the dark look on her face disappeared being replaced by a bright cheerful look. "Zhou He, this is a great event for the both of us and we should not muddle it with darkness. Your holding our new baby boy and since he his a boy I thought it was right that you should name him.

Zhou He nodded his head as he agreed with her thinking. "Your right this is a joyous time and I should not be negative." said Zhou He as he took his wife into his arms slightly squishing Han Huo.

Han Huo was feeling some discomfort at being between two people so he decided that since he was a baby he was going to act like. So he let out a small cry in order to let them know he was in between them.

"Hahaha. I'm sorry little one." Laughed Zhou He as he separated from his wife. He lifted Han Huo into the air. "Let me get a real good look at you."

After a silent moment Zhou He nodded his head. "Your name is now Zhou Yun."