A History That Should Not Have Been.

"Young Master"

"Young Master!"

"Young Master Its time to wake up. NOW!!!!" an old and scratchy voice rang in Zhou Yun's ears.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but groan as the voice continued to ring in his ears. Zhou Yun rubbed his eyes as he set up in bed.

"Finally! You need to hurry up get dress and go eat breakfast. Your tutor will be here in an hour." said the old servant as she opened up the curtain to his bedroom.

The sunlight fell on a young boy who had extraordinary good looks looked like an artist had given his entire life to make sure every detail was perfect. He had silver hair that flowed like water behind his back. His smokey grey eyes that was tinge with red from sleepiness.

This young boy was none other then the reborn Han Huo who was now known as Zhou Yun. Almost twelve years has passed since his rebirth. During that time Zhou Yun couldn't help but admit that he has grown use to being the pamper young master.

"I have been taught by that grumpy old man for almost five years. Do I really need to continue this?" yawned Zhou Yun as he rolled out of bed. He walked over behind a screen and began to put on a white robe that the old servant had pick out. "Besides he has never once mentioned his name, and no matter who I ask they will not tell me."

The old servant sighed as she felt a headache coming on. "You know that the Master and Mistress want you to excel in your study. They also don't want you to be a child who is easily taken advantage of. Besides having a strong body is not the only thing you need to cultivate, you also need to have a strong mind " said the old servant as a look of longing was in her eyes as she spoke.

Zhou Yun looked at the eyes of the servant and sighed lightly. It was a highly believed that everyone wanted to cultivate in pursuit of being the strongest or being an immortal. However it was a sadly known fact that the martial way was not for everyone, They either lacked talent, background or the will to go any further.

The old servant hearing the sigh wiped the look from her eyes and looked sternly at Zhou Yun. "Stop wasting time and get going." said the old servant as she continued to clean up the room.

Zhou Yun began to make is way to the dining hall. As he was walking he took the time to enjoy the warmth of the sunlight and the gently breeze. 'If I had just woke up a little earlier I could have enjoyed this perfect day more.' thought Zhou Yun as he stretched. Relaxing Zhou Yun picked up his pace toward the dining hall.

Arriving at the dining hall, Zhou Yun picked a table by a window. Once he sat down a servant walked over with a plate of food and place it in front of him, thanking the servant Zhou Yun began to hurriedly eat.

After eating Zhou Yun left the dining and returned back to his brisk walk toward the study to wait for his teacher. Very shortly Zhou Yun arrived in front of a brown double door. Zhou Yun knocked on the door and waited.

Fifteen minutes passed slowly as he stood there waiting for a reply. Despite the continued silence Zhou Yun didn't move nor did he attempt to knock again. Finally the door unlocked as a deep voice came from the other side.


Zhou Yun entered the room and coming into his view he saw dozen of bookshelves completely full with rare leather bound books full of paper pages. Such books have been on the decline since the creation of jade slips millions of years ago. Jade slips can hold far more information then any book, they also are highly convenient in the fact that they take very little space.

Turning his focus onto a table in the middle of the room where a long table and a small desk. On the table were a tall stacks of books. Behind these books was a middle age man in a blue robe exuded the strong aura of a scholar. In fact when ever someone mentions a scholar in front of Zhou Yun this is the first person to enter his mind.

"Teacher" said Zhou Yun as he executed a deep bow.

"You may sit." said the teacher as he continued flipping through the books in front of him. The teacher shortly afterwards found a stopping point and closed his book. Looking at his student he smiled. "Today is your final lesson, as tomorrow is your twelfth birthday and you can begin to cultivate."

Standing up the teacher walked toward the window and peered out of it. "Since that is the case, I thought that I will teach you as much as I can on one subject that you pick. Once you have heard all that you want to hear you can leave for the day or you can leave right now." said the teacher as he turned back around to face his student putting his hands behind his back. "Of course I do have to remind you anything relating to cultivating is something I can't teach you per agreement with your father."

Zhou Yun put a thoughtful expression on his face as he searched for a subject. However, in his mind he already knew what he wanted to learn about. "I want to learn about the opening of the Lower and Exodus realm, as well as it effect that it had. I also want to know what major events happened in the Human realm that was worth noting."

A faint trace of amusement appeared on the teachers face. "History? I never expected that," said the teacher as he walked back toward his seat. "Everyone time we discussed history you always come close to falling asleep."

"That is because it will always be boring. You will always talk about the history of this planet," groaned Zhou Yun as if he was in pain.

"Hahaha, The history of any planet is important after all, the past is there for us to learn." laughed the teacher. "Now give me a moment to collect my thoughts, after all this event was consider huge to those who came from the human realm and the change it brought could be consider massive beyond belief."

The teacher closed his eyes and began to gather his thoughts. A deep silence entered the room and the only sound that could be heard was the breathing of both the teacher and Zhou Yun.

"Five million years. That is how long it has been since the reconnecting of the human realm to the lower and Exodus realm. The size of both of the realms far surpass the size of the human realm which only has hundreds of thousands of planets and floating continents. While the exodus realm as tens of millions, the lower realm is believed to have trillions and both realms are still discovering new planets everyday." said the teacher keeping his eyes close as he spoke every word slowly as if afraid of saying anything wrong.

When Zhou Yun heard how much time as passed he couldn't help but be shocked. This wasn't the first time he heard how much time has heard this. The first time he heard it he was so shocked that he had completely withdrawn into himself and did not leave his room for two days.

'I can only hope that those who betrayed me and attempted to kill me while I was still Han Huo, are still alive. Otherwise I won't be able to get my revenge, even though I have a long away to go.' thought Zhou Yun. He inwardly shook his head to clear his thoughts as his teacher continued.

"First we will talk about the significance that the reconnecting event had to the human realm." said the teacher as he sat up straighter in his chair still with his eyes close. "I once taught you about the twelve high noble clans and what is consider their greatest contribution to the human race, right?"

"Yes teacher I remember. You said that the twelve were held in such high regard because during the demon invasion of the human realm, each of the clans produced one person that broke through into the highest realm known to humans right now. As such they were gifted with a massive amount of resources and the title of high noble, because of these reasons they became known as the most powerful among the realm." said Zhou Yun as he recalled the one time that his teacher had taught the history of something outside of the history of his new home planet.

"That is correct their power was truly astonishing that very few even dared to open challenge them. However when the realms were reconnected it was revealed that their strength was merely average." said the teacher as he nodded his head in approval at his student remembering. "Now, It is commonly believed that there are two reasons why the human realm were not invaded after being unsealed."

"The first one was the human realm's resources were nearly depleted to the point that even once common herbs such as a grade one luminous grass was considered a rare herb." said the teacher in a almost sympathetic voice. "This cause other factions to believe that the risks far out weighed the reward."

"The second is that the combined force of the nine remaining high noble clans was just strong enough to cause some factions to pause and think. This allowed the high nobles to make contact with other human factions that had been in the exodus and lower realms as such alliances were formed." continued the teacher as he spoke more quickly.

"Wait there were other human factions?" exclaimed Zhou Yun in complete shock.

"Yes, there were humans in both the lower realm and exodus realms many factions equaled or stronger then high noble clans in power." answered the teacher without missing a beat. "And before you ask no one knows why there were humans in the exodus and lower realms. Nor do they know why the human realm was completely sealed off.

"Now was our peace was secured by the forming of alliances, we decided to send off ambassadors to learn from others. We also sent exploration groups to go out and acquire new territories. Now we are getting to the true part of what effect the unsealing had." said the teacher as he opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Yun signaling with his eyes that he should listen carefully.

"The many things that we considered to be the signs of a genius were considered average. For example before that time, if anyone can reach saint lord in twenty thousand years was considered a heaven defying genius. After the unsealing it became three thousand." said the teacher as he resumed his previous posture.

Again shock ran through Zhou Yun as he thought about the advancement of martial arts. When he had broken through to saint lord so long ago he had manage to do so under ten thousand years. This caused many factions to hunt him down to learn what his secret he had. The shock however was from the fact that his effort in the eyes of the geniuses from the other realms was nothing noteworthy.

"This finding caused us to review and change all that we had learned. It made many of the secluded elders of all the factions leave seclusion to find ways to breakthrough to the next realm as well as to strengthen their faction." said the teacher. "Now I do know that to you the martial arts is important so the next thing that happened would be considered a great thing for you. The thing I speak of that resources now began to flood back into the severally depleted human realm to nearly fully recover."

"Now humans were not the only race that we encountered when the unsealing happened." said the teacher as he reached over and grabbed a red leather bound book. The teacher opened up the book and showed Zhou Yun a picture of someone from the monster race. "The first race were the monster race which look human but have a certain feature that is unique to the monster they are related to for example should one be related to a fish then they may sprout gills or webbed fingers. This race boasts incredibly strong bodies."

"The second race was the elf. This race is consider to be the fairest race this is due to the fact that no one has ever seen one that did not have perfect looks." said the teacher as he turned to another picture that showed someone with long hair and pointed ears. "As you can see appearance wise they look human except for their fair looks and pointed ears. Now this race is unique because they have supreme control over yuan qi to the point that they can use techniques that would require a huge amount of yuan qi for anyone else, but for them it would only take half the amount of yuan qi."

"The third race is the demon race. This race is consider extremely vicious and their society is based on the strong survive and the week suffer. Now appearance wise they come in all sorts of different types and sizes." said the teacher as he presented yet another page full of different demons. However when Zhou Yun thought of demons only one came to mind, Redfang! Zhou Yun clenched his fist as faint killing intent entered his heart.

"Due to their society the demons boast high levels of combat experience as well as extraordinary attack capabilities." said the teacher as he placed the book back to where he had got it from.

"Before we continue to other major events do you have any questions?" said the teacher as he looked at Zhou Yun.

"You mentioned that when the unsealing had happened that nine of the high noble families strength caused the other races to pause." said Zhou Yun with a thoughtful expression on his face. "My question is why nine and not twelve."

"This was the next major event I was gonna mention." said the teacher as he put the tips of his fingers together. "Now before the unsealing the high noble clans were involved in a massive war that lasted for thousands of years and stretched almost all across the realm. The name of this war was known as the cultist war and the combatants where the high nobles versus the fell families and their cults."

"During the war two clans gave their absolute all for victory. Defeating many sects in battle. This however backfired on them, it caused the other cults to unite and launch a massive assault to destroy these two. If it wasn't for the timely arrival of the other high nobles the cultist would have succeeded in completely destroying them. Even though they didn't succeed in complete destruction the damage they caused was irretrievable causing the clans to become nothing more then hollowed out husks of their former self's. These two clans still exist today and they have produced some strong individuals but they are still weak. These two clans are known as Hsieh and Xia."

"Now the next clan is known as the Han clan and concerning them is the biggest mystery." said the teacher as he wore an expression of deep contemplation. "They were still around when the unsealing of the realm happened and had extraordinary strength as well. But five hundred years later they just disappeared with out a trace, not even a single trace of a scent pointed to the direction where they went was found. All that was left of them was a giant crater where the entire clan was living and the few individuals that were out on missions."

"This event caused the sacred starlight empire ,which was the responsibility of the Han family to protect, to fall. It was not caused by invasion though, it was due to rebel groups splintering the territory. One of these rebel groups were led by an individual of remarkable power is name was Han Huo and his title was Moon Spear Saint." said the teacher as he stood up and walked toward the window.

"Why are you mentioning his name?" said Zhou Yun with a strong sense of curiosity.

"He was the true reason why the empire had fallen. He had led a powerful group of individuals to attack the royal capital, it was a complete massacre almost no one survived and the royal family was missing. After which he turned his group toward the other high nobles and began to harass them, until they sent a strike team to kill him." said the teacher as he sighed heavily. "Before his death he admitted that he was responsible for the disappearance of the Han clan. As such when he died the remaining noble clans wiped out almost all traces of history of him except the part that he had betrayed his family and lost all moral values. They also banned the use of the title of Moon Spear Saint and now only use it to label the most violent of criminals."

After the teacher finished speaking he did not continue. Instead he stood there observing a bird that had landed on the window seal.

The silence continued for a long while and Zhou Yun was no longer to keen on talking anymore. Instead he was deep in thought as uncontrollable amount of rage and sadness seeped into the very core of his soul. 'Why? Why? Was me not losing my life not good enough for them? Were they trying to make me suffer in the after life completely? Why did they have to involve my family and my friends?'

Zhou Yun continued to run these thoughts in his head, and the more he thought of them the more his desire for revenge grew. His killing intent grew as well until it was so thick that he could no longer contain it as began to seep from his body and into the study.

The teacher who was still looking at the bird with a small smile on his face suddenly felt the killing intent. He turned around and prepared himself to fight, but when he saw that the killing intent was coming from his student, shock quickly took over as he looked at his student.

After a moment Zhou Yun felt a gaze lingering on him causing him to turn toward its direction. When he saw that it was his teacher looking at him Zhou Yun felt confusion at why his teacher was wearing a shocked expression. Then Zhou Yun finally figured out why his teacher was shocked as he begun to feel the killing intent emitting out him. He quickly withdrew it and hung his head not daring to look his teacher in his eyes.

The teacher also withdrew his gaze from his student and returned to stare out the window. After a moments pause he returned back to his seat and opened a book. "Today's lesson was never intended to go on as long as it did. I do hope that you learned what you wanted to learn though. Since today's lesson is over you may go."

Zhou Yun stood up slowly and bowed to the teacher. "Thank you for teaching me all these years sir." Zhou Yun straightened his back and began walking toward the door not daring to look back at the teacher.

The very second the door closed behind Zhou Yun a shadow appeared behind the teacher. "I will also like to thank you for teaching him." said the shadow as it slowly lightened up revealing it to be Zhou Yun's father, Zhou He.

"There is no reason to thank me. It was a joy to teach him, he is very intelligent for his age." said the teacher in a very calm tone as if he was aware that Zhou He had been there the entire time.

"I have a question of my own now though." said Zhou He as he looked at the teacher. The teacher closed his book with a snap and looked at Zhou He. "What was that killing intent at the end that I felt?"

"I do not know." replied the teacher instantly. "Nor do I believe that it is our right to know right now."

Zhou He couldn't help but sigh.

"You should be more worried about his training. After all his future is already bound to be hard, all because he was born to the main family of the Zhou clan of the high noble clans." said the teacher as he looked at Zhou He.

"Do not worry I have been planning his training for some time and I will give him my complete and undivided attention." said Zhou He as he returned the gaze. "He will become the pride and strength of the clan father."