Training Finally Begins

Zhou Yun was completely unaware of the fact that his teacher for so long had actually been his grandfather, and at this moment he wouldn't even care. For on his mind was something that had been weighing on his heart since his rebirth.

'Everything I have done and tried to accomplish. All torn down in a few years. I guess what they say is true you can do a lifetime of good but make one mistake and all the good things you do mean nothing.' thought Zhou Yun as he made his way back to his room with each step heavier then the last

Once he entered his room he felt all the strength leave his body as he slide down the door. A thousand thoughts passed through his mind and with each thought he seemed to sink deeper and deeper into depression.

Even though Zhou Yun was depressed that they had changed everything that involved his pass self. What deeply hurt him was the fact that they had involved his family and that in their last thoughts that it was by his hand that they died.

However before another thought could pass through his head a gently knock was heard. "Yun'er can I come in?" said a gently voice.

Zhou Yun stood up and straightened up his robes taking a deep breath, He opened the door to find his mother standing there. "Mother you know you do not need to ask to enter my room." said Zhou Yun as he attempted to put a smile on his face

Ying Yue looked at her son lovingly and put on a gentle smile that seemed to enhance her already perfect looks. "I know, but its always better to ask permission." said Ying Yue as she walked into the room. She stretched her hand and began running it over his head. "Whats got your mood so dark Yun'er?"

"I was just thinking of the one known as Han Huo," said Zhou Yun quietly as he lightly brushed her hand off his head.

"Hmm an evil person to be thinking about, don't you think?" said Ying Yue as she went to take a seat by a desk. She continued looking at her son who was returning her gaze but was not saying another word. "Lets put this conversation on hold for now. I actually came here to discuss something else."

"What do you mean?" said Zhou Yun

"As you know tomorrow is your birthday. Turning twelve is a big event in any ones life as it is the beginning of where one can begin to cultivate." said Ying Yue with a hint of worry." So I was wondering is cultivating something you want to do? Its a very hard life, one filled with danger every step of the way."

It would be a lie if Zhou Yun said that he never once thought about living a simple mortal life, but after hearing what happened after his death, that thought was like dust in the wind. "Mother I understand your worry about me cultivating, but this world does not care about those worries. This world is built off strength," said Zhou Yun with a new found determination. " If I want to live I need the strength to survive. If I have a wife I need the strength to keep her and to be the only one to ever call her my own. If I have children I need the strength to protect them. If something gets taken from me I need the strength to take it back."

As Zhou Yun was saying every word his desire to gather strength grew. 'I will take everything back! I will see my family again. I WILL have my revenge.' thought Zhou Yun.

Ying Yue was shocked at her son's resolve. However she felt some pride that her son was able to find out some of the inner workings of the world. "It seems I have grown quite soft since given birth to you." Laughed Ying Yue.

She stood up and walked over to Zhou Yun looking over him for a second she brought him into a tight embrace. Zhou Yun stood there for a moment before finally returning the hug. "Lets go get something eat, you have a big day tomorrow." said Ying Yue as she removed herself from the embrace.

She took his hand into hers squeezing it tightly and began walking toward the dining hall dragging Zhou Yun with her. "Mother I don't need you to hold my hand," said Zhou Yun as he tried to pull his hand away but his mothers grip was to strong.

"Haha let me enjoy little moments like this." laughed Ying Yue wearing a smile of complete bliss. Zhou Yun sighed in defeat as he let his mother continue to hold his hand.

Shortly before they arrived at the dining hall a deep voice sounded from behind them. "It looks like I made it just in time." Both of them turned around to see Zhou He walking toward them. When he saw that his son and wife a warm smiled grew on his face however it quickly changed to laughter as he saw the look of defeat on his son's face. He also couldn't help himself as he took his son's hand into his own. "Come lets eat." Laughing Zhou He led the way.

It was late at night before Zhou Yun returned back from to his room. He flopped down on his bed in total tired from today. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep with a smile on his face as he thought about all enjoyable dinner with his family today.

To say his sleep was brief was an understatement Zhou Yun felt like he barely closed his eyes before he felt himself being shaken awake.

Zhou Yun looked at the person that was shaking him in displeasure. After seeing that it was his father he quickly changed his attitude. "Father what is going on?" said Zhou Yun as he got out of bed and looked at his father in confusion.

"Its time to begin training. Go and put on the training clothes that I got you then meet me in the training grounds." said his father as he pointed to a white box. He quickly left without saying another word.

Zhou Yun walked over to where his father left the box. Rubbing his fingers over the white box he began to identify the materials it was made out of. "Solitude cherry wood." said Zhou Yun as he recalled all of what he knew of this piece of wood. It was actually quite common and was consider a very beautiful. By its self it had no other special properties but mixed with other materials it acquired the ability to neutralizer magnetic waves. Knowing this Zhou Yun could now take a guess at what was with in the box without opening.

Not waiting any longer he opened the box revealing a set of clothes inside sitting on a cushion. The clothes were only consisted of a shirt, paints, sash and a pair of boots all were the color of black. "Magnetic Stoic Fluid!" said Zhou Yun. This was a material that was not consider rare or anything but it was highly valued by martial artist due to its properties.

The Magnetic Stoic fluid's weight was base on the amount of metal that was around it due to its very high level of magnetism. Despite having the name fluid in its name it was completely solid material, it bore the name fluid simple because of how easy it was to manipulate into clothing. This and the fact that based on the color of the material is an indicator of the strength of its magnetism with the lightest of it weighing nearly twice as much as aluminum of the same size. With the black one that Zhou Yun had weighing up to nearly six times more then aluminum, putting its max weight at nearly five hundred kilograms.

Zhou Yun lifted a sleeve feeling the virtually no weight come from it. Realizing he couldn't delay much longer he got undressed so he could get ready. Once he was ready Zhou Yun left his room, however once taking a step outside he felt a massive weight bear down on me bringing him to one knee.

"Damn its only about hundred kilograms but yet it brought me to my knee. I really need to get my strength back." said Zhou Yun as he stood up with great difficulty. He slowly began to make his way toward the training ground. A short trip that would have taken only thirty minutes instead took three hours.

Once he arrived at the training ground Zhou Yun was covered in sweat and out of breath. When he entered into the area the weight of the training gear quickly changed, while it was still heavy it was no longer to the point that Zhou Yun found it hard to move.

"Good, it didn't take you as long to get here as I thought." said Zhou He as he was standing in the middle of training dummies made of steal. "Today is your first day of cultivating and I can promise you I am gonna be very tough on you."

"Father I am ready for this." said Zhou Yun as he looked at his father with eyes full of excitement.

"Mmm first I will explain the body forging realm." said Zhou Yun as he looked at his son and spoke in a patient tone. "I'm going to explain the importance of the body, meridians, the dantian and there importance to any cultivator. I will also be speaking in analogies so its easy to understand."

Zhou He pulled a chair out of his interspacial ring and sat down. Just as Zhou Yun was about to sit down,"No you will not sit, this is training you will not be comfortable. You will stand and endure the weight bearing down on you." said Zhou He as he pulled out a small table that had a hot pot of tea on it.

"Now there are two body forging realms, body forging stage in my opinion is consider the most important stage to any cultivator, because it is also the building of a strong foundation. Now I said I was going to explain everything as an analogy here is the first one. Imagine that all the open space around you is the ocean and the yuan qi is the water." said Zhou He as he slowly sipped his tea.

"We will first start talking about the body. Now imagine your body as the land sitting in the ocean its nothing but a dried up desert full of sand and devoid of life. The dirt is the impurities in your body that are blocking your medians and not allowing yuan qi to enter your body. A strong body allows you to stand up to massive amount of yuan qi that would normally be impossible to bear, or the damage from a battle. So in that case we must strengthen your body to change it from a desert full of sand to being a continent of the hardest rock allowing you to form bigger rivers and a deeper and larger lake which is your dantian, which is why you are wearing those training clothes."

"So as we all know water is one of the building blocks for life. This is true of yuan qi as well as it allows one to increases ones life span, strength and even grant life. Now in order to bring life to your body your must draw in the water from the ocean. This involves rivers and lakes, in this case the rivers are being compared to your meridians and the lake is dantian."

"Now the meridians allow for yuan qi to be drawn in as well as allowing yuan qi to leave this allows use to preform all of our techniques and feats that would otherwise be impossible. So in order to get a river to run through out your entire body what do you think you must do?" said Zhou He as he looked at his son taking a pause from his long explanation.

"You must shovel out the dirt and create the riverbed." answered Zhou Yun as he was quickly adjusting to the weight of his clothes.

"Very good, now start walking around. Now in this case a cultivation technique is the shovel and the better the cultivation technique the bigger the shovel, allowing for more dirt or impurities that the body has to excavated."

"Now in your case the impurities are gonna be harder to dispel from your body." said Zhou Yun as he took another sip of tea. Due to you having a lighting body the impurities in your body are fewer and harder to dispel, meaning you will have to use more yuan qi to get rid of them but this gives you several advantages over others."

"What are these benefits father and how can I get rid of these impurities? I also heard you and mother talking about me having an imperfect lighting body, is there a way to make it perfect" gasped Zhou Yun as walking became harder for him as his legs became weaker.

"Yes in order to make it perfect you must find high grades of lighting spirit essences which are extremely rare nearly impossible to find. Now in order for you to get rid of the impurities you must use far more yuan qi at the later stages to dig deeper."

"The first benefit you have is one that you can obviously feel right now and that is a stronger then normal body since you are able to do something a normal boy your age won't be able to do The second benefit you will gain is that since you have to use more yuan qi to eliminate the impurities means that they will be bigger and stronger allowing for them to nearly double the amount of yuan qi. The third is that lighting laws and yuan qi is natural drawn to you making it so your attacks are more powerful, easier for you to understand lighting laws and converting natural yuan qi to lighting-type qi."

"So now on to the dantian which is the lake. Its far easier and faster to draw upon yuan qi from inside you then it is to draw yuan qi from the world around you. That is why the bigger the and deeper the lake it allows more yuan qi to stay inside you." said Zhou He as he poured himself another cup of tea before he continued explaining things.

The sun had finally peaked over the trees before Zhou He stopped speaking. He finally stood up and walked over to his son who now had left a wet trial of sweat on the path he was walking. "It is time I teach you your cultivation technique. This is a technique used by the Zhou family it can only support you until the repeater qi realm you must find a new technique after that. This technique is called Dawning stars, at dawn it allows you to draw more yuan qi, while you can use it at any time of the day it is less then what it is during dawn."

"Now mimic my exact movements." said Zhou He as he did a squat and bringing his arms up to the side of chest. Following which he did a low sweeping kick staying in the stance for a second before coming up and slightly turning his body as he did a punch in front of him and behind as if attacking two enemies. He followed up with a hundred eighty degree turn punching toward what would be considered the middle of the body. After wards he delivered a swift high kick before driving it down heavily.

He demonstrated eight more move each stance worked out a different parts of the body. Each stance also had a massive strength behind them but yet did not sacrifice speed to accomplish this. When he finished he returned back to the starting stance, he exhaled a deep breathe causing the trees in front of him to bend from the force.

Standing up he looked at his son. "Now you must practice this stance, until I believe you are ready you can not draw upon yuan qi." said Zhou He as he returned back to his seat pouring tea. "Now begin!"

Zhou Yun breathed in deeply as he squatted down he began to execute every stance slowly. Zhou Yun felt the strain that every stance caused his body which was even more evident with the Magnetism Stoic Fluid training outfit. When he finished the first set he looked toward his father who was slowly sipping his tea but yet remained silence.

Realizing that doing it once was not good enough to gain his father's approval. Zhou Yun began to do it again and again and again, He did a total of thirty seven times before his father finally spoke. "Good now its time to draw yuan qi. First you must clear your mind and sense the yuan qi around you then you let the technique draw yuan qi into you." said Zhou He as he spread his perception over Zhou Yun watching every thing as if he was looking under a microscope.

Nodding his head at his father Zhou Yun closed his eyes and began to clear his mind this came relatively easy to him as he had done this many times in his past life. After a minute he felt the familiar feeling he had once taken for granted return back to him. His body felt as if it had been stranded in the desert for days and was now finally taking its first drink of water.

Zhou Yun began to perform the stances of the Dawning Star technique with each stance he performed he guided the yuan qi into his blood stream. He continued repeating these steps until finally a thick black substance poured out of his body and if one was to look closely they could see very small faint red crystals inside it. Once Zhou Yun felt that he could no longer push out more of the black substance he stopped. Once he did however is nose was assaulted by an unbearable smell.

Zhou He looked at his son and couldn't help but be inwardly shocked as he searched in his mind for any piece of information on some one taking there first step on the martial path in less then two hours. It usually took a genius two hours just to sense yuan qi and usually an entire day to be able to to guide it in their bodies. 'My son is a genius above geniuses,' thought Zhou He as his shock quickly melted into pride. "Congratulation, Yun'er you have completed the blood cleansing stage. Now go take a bath!"