Small chat

Now that the commotion calmed down, and the surprise of the system went down a little bit.

Georges noticed that the 200 meters tower was more refined than what he thought, there was a lot of detailed patterns drawn onto it.

Comparing it to the historical magic academy's castle, this tower objectively wasn't worse, it was, of course, smaller than the castle but il was also was much taller than it as the highest point of the castle was only around 50 meter.

He finally understood where the trembling that shook the entire capital came from.

Georges thought: 'So that's what caused all this ruckus, no wonder it shook the surroundings, building this tower this quickly with magic would require at least a very skilled level 5 eath magician...wait a minute... '

Georges asked as they were heading into the Building: "This tower is very beautiful, who build it ?"

Lea: "Of course it's Zaho, we didn't find a place where we could train so he stomped his feet and made this tower emerge"

Georges: "...".

Once inside the kids started exploring the tower, they went downstairs as they found a stair cage heading down and except the elevator that was going upstairs there didn't seem to be another way to go up.

Zaho led the king to the top floor using an elevator and once at the top he said.

Zaho: "Don't worry I have no ill intention neither toward the kingdom nor you, if you have any questions just ask them, I think it's better to be sincere and not waste time, as long as they seem relevant I will answer them sincerely."

George nodded after thinking for a bit he asked: "What is your objective? and why did you enroll in the academy, aren't you at the very least a level 5 mage?"

Zaho: "As I said earlier I'm a lot stronger than you, you don't need to test the water as you can't understand how deep they are, as for what I'm doing here, I'm building and training a team to travel together, I have to go all around the world and it would be too boring if I go alone"

Georges got serious: "Are you planning to take my daughter with you?"

Zaho: "Yes, as long as she wants, but I will not force any of them as they are my friends but don't worry she is still 6 years old and I plan on staying in the academy at least until we graduate"

Georges nodded but was still cautious as it was related to his daughter's future, after a while thinking he couldn't find any more questions to ask. Zaho seemed to have already stated his intention clearly and without any ambiguity, all that was left to do was to keep an eye to see if he had any ulterior motive.

Zaho: "your water proficiency is only at 5% after 6 years of training?"

Georges sighted: "The royal family was left with only one badly damaged spellbook that has a part of a level 5 water spell and I could only use it as a reference. Sadly all the past knowledge was lost the previous wars"

Zaho thought about a moment and then pointed his right-hand towards George's head, at that moment Georges felt a huge amount of information about level 5 and 6 water spells Being stored in his head he was so much shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Zaho: "This is the second gift I give you for being cooperative, this way you would be able to resolve most situations that could arise without me interfering"

after finishing his sentence Zaho left the room leaving behind the frozen Georges.

It took more than 5 minutes for the king to regain consciousness he was baffled as he knew he had at the very least several hundred levels 5 water spells, and no less level 6 water spells stored in his head.

'I did well to keep my mind calm and didn't try anything funny...'

Georges didn't want to spend one more minute here as everything seemed to be settled here, all he wanted to do was to go back to his castle and master the few spells he now had.

After all, he spent more than 6 years reading a very damaged paper of paper caring about it as his most precious treasure just because there was a part of a level 5 spell written on it.

It was like a homeless becoming rich overnight as now he had several hundred spells in his memory all he wanted was to transform this knowledge into actual power.

After receiving all theses spells his decision was already half done 'Lea will definitely learn more by going on an adventure with this kid Zaho than staying in this kingdom, I wonder if Zaho can become my son in law? ...'

If Lea knew her father was thinking about marrying her because he received a few spells she would probably split blood, a good thing for her Zaho didn't see her that way, he only considered her as her friend and nothing more.

While Zaho and the king were talking, the kids were going around discovering this magical place, the place wasn't as empty as they expected they were furniture made of earth that looked very exquisite, and it seemed that while creating this building Zaho also created a few arrays.

As the kids went to the lowest level they could, they found a gate protected by an array that blocked them from going lower.

Jason: "Seems that we can't go down any further than this?"

Albert nodded: "As we went downstairs, it seemed to me that the floors -1 to -3 were designed for living as there was a kitchen, storage room, and even a pretty big dining room, from -3 to -6 it was pretty empty, I think it the ideal floor for training new speels and light sparing,

and from -7 to -10 it seemed like there were different environments, desert, mountain, forest..."

Samuel: "I wonder how he made a forest underground, do you guys think it existed here before the tower was made or he made it art magically at the same time the tower was made?"

Albert: "I never heard of a wood element? maybe it's a high-level illusion made by his array?"

Lea: "I don't think so let's go back and ask him! we will also ask him why we couldn't go lower than this"