
Once back upstairs they fond out that Zaho and the king already ended their conversation, Georges was the only one left waiting for them, he quickly said a few words to them and before leaving as he explained that Zaho already left first.

When the kids heard this, they seemed pretty disappointed as they still wanted to play, they expect Zaho to lead them touring their new training home, but it seems that they would have to wait until tomorrow for that.

Back at the dorms Samuel, Jason, and Alfred found that Zaho was already sleeping in his bed, they tried everything to wake him up but to no avail, they could only go to their bed too disappointed and hoping that the night won't be too long.

The next day after their morning lessons they finally went back to the tower.

Zaho: "Why do you guys look so excited you've been here already yesterday, this tower didn't change during the night."

Jason: "Hey Zaho we went ten floors downstairs and we found a gate we couldn't open"

Zaho: "Yes, starting from the elven floor, I placed a few arrays I will need to explain to you a few things before let in you go further."

As they were talking the front kid foud themselves in front the tower, Zaho

Zaho: "I will make you a tour of this tower, it has a total of 120 floors, twenty upstairs, and a hundred downstairs"

As Zaho started the explanation, the kids' eyes started shining, they never expected to be this many floors especially downwards.

Zaho: "the upstairs floor is for sleeping, studying, researching and meetings. If you guys want to cast spells or spare, It's from the level 4 floor and bellow as you guys saw yesterday, I even made a few arrays that can heal your wounds"

Samuel: "Really there are this many floors? when will you allow us to go farther than the tenth floor?"

Zaho: "you guys must have at the very least a level 1 physic"

Albert: "I'm already level one! That means I can go there right now!"

Zaho nodded: "Effectively if you tired yesterday to open the door, it would have opened, once you go down there there is a weight array that registers on you and makes you two times heavier, and the to go to the next floor you have to be strong enough to open the doors or else they wouldn't open."

Albert: "do you mean that I will stay heavier even when I go out of the room ?"

Zaho: "Yes you understood exactly what I meant, so you will have to train your physic and get used to that wait"

Albert nodded and when directly to the gate as it would help him get stronger and train quicker his body.

The other three seemed pretty disappointed as they couldn't yet be part of this training.

Lea: "Hey Zaho? we don't have any cultivation method of our body, how are we supposed to become strong enough to pass the gate"

Hearing what Lea said, Samuel and Jason nodded as they too didn't have any way to train physically.

Zaho made 3 new cultivation methods that correspond to their physique on the spot and gave it to them.

The next two weeks passed pretty monotonously as they went to class the morning to lessen to their teacher's lecture and spent the rest of their time training in the tower.

As they were about to leave their classroom on the fifteenth day, Rodolph reminded the: " kids I have to inform you that yesterday everyone in the class successfully became a level one magician! Congratulations to all of you!"

Rodolph: "In exactly two weeks, once we are sure that each one of you mastered at least one spell, we will do training outside of campus and stay in a forest 50km from here for 10 days duration to teach you how to survive outside, make a camp, and secure your basic need be it food, and hygiene."

The kids seemed pretty excited they all felt that staying in the academy was pretty boring and wanted to go play outside.

Samuel how was now sitting with lea said: "it will be quite a pleasure to go out and do an outdoor activity, I'm only sad that Jason and Albert won't be with us..."

Lea nodded: "Yes, but it will only last for ten days, and they should have done similar activities in their first year, I think they would have found it boring to tag with us..."

After Rodolph finished answering any question the kids might have concerning this trip he dismissed the class.

While Zaho, Samul, and Lea were heading outside to find the rest of the team a group of students blocked their road.

James the highest noble in the class after Lea as his father was a Marquis said: "Hello princess, Concerning this trip, I would like to invite you to join my team."

Lea looked a bit confused as she never talked to him before, they did know each other as they were in the same grade but the couldn't be considered as friends.

Before she could even respond she heard him saying to Samuel.

James: "What are you still doing here? don't you see that you are bothering us? do you think a low level noble like you have any right to stand near the princess ?"

Samuel didn't know how he ever offended this guy as they never talked and even though he was a low level noble, no one ever looked troubles for him or his family as they people knew that his father was close to the king.

Lea: "And who do you think you are talking this way to my friend, take your two followers with you James and leave I'm not interested to team up with you"

James not expecting this response from the princess: "Wh..What? you you rather stay with this scum than team up with me?" as he was angry he gave a nasty look to Samuel as he could do nothing to the princess and left.