Heading out

After James and his two acolytes who followed him everywhere left, Lea, Samuel, and Zaho finally could go meet with Jason and Albert.

While eating, Samuel asked: "Did you guys also had a survival lesson outside on your first year ?"

Jason: "Oh! you guys already at it? yes we had the same lesson, it the same every year, the final exam to graduate from the first year to the second year happen to be also outside, you will have to find medals outside In the forest, it's not dangerous ,but you have to learn how to take care of yourself and survive as a group while searching for the items."

Albert: "hum just as explained Jason, the academy organizes many activities outside, their role is to make us strong enough to become at the very least a D rank adventurer after we graduate!"

Zaho who didn't know much about ranks asked: "What are the different ranks and what do they represent?"

Lea who seemed to know pretty well the subject started: " Well from what I heard there are at least 7 ranks who are classified from F to S."

Albert: "F represents beginner adventurer how just register to the guild, they don't even have to get tested to become an F adventurer, once they completed some small missions and they have shown that they are serious about becoming adventurers they are given the rank E."

Lea nodded as she continued: "E ranks adventures are basically trustworthy and professional, they are registered and make a living out of the missions given in the guild. If they stop doing missions for a duration longer than 1 month they go back to becoming F ranks."

Lea paused, she made sure that her team was paying attention before continuing: "After E ranks the next step is to become D ranks for that the adventurers have to succeed several D rank missions to accumulate enough merit"

Zaho: "Wait a minute how are you supposed to complete a D rank mission if you are not D rank? can't you accept only missions of your level?"

Albert: "Of course not, there are two big categories of missions that separate themselves from the others. The first type is to protect someone or something be it a convoy, a caravan, an important person or whatever that could be protected, those missions will only accept people of a certain rank because there is too much to lose if they are failed the thing protected could be destroyed or the person protected could die if the adventurer that took the mission is not strong enough."

Albert: "The second category is about extermination, they are usually requested by cities and villages and any adventurer can accomplish it then go report to the adventurer guild, adventurers should be able to judge their strength and not chow more that they can swallow or else they could only blame themselves."

Zaho finally understood how the system worked but he still asked: "Didn't you say it is based on merits? can you become a D rank adventurer by accomplishing a lot of E rank quest?"

Albert never thought about this situation so he didn't know how to respond, luckily Jason had asked his father this same question so he knew the answer.

Jason: "Technically you can but as the merit, you gain by accomplishing an E rank mission is only around 10, and to become a D rank you need around 100.000 to become a D rank adventurer that means around 30 years of hard work but by accomplishing a D rank extermination mission you win around 10.000 A.P which means you only need around ten D rank extermination to promote to a D rank and it will be enough to prove your strength."

The rest of the week passed pretty quickly training and preparing for the trip outside.

Zaho: "good you guys are ready to head outside!"

Lea and Samuel summoned their status!


Name: Samuel JAFT

Age : 6


Water (1),Fire (1),wind (1)


Water (90%),Fire (70%),wind (86%)


Physique level 1 (02%)


Name: Lea RINGAN

Age : 6


Water (2),Fire (1),wind (1),earth(1)


Water (65%),Fire (80%),wind (83%),earth(90%)


Physique level 0 (50%)

Zaho: "you guys both progressed well in the three weeks we had since the start of the academy, Lea as you had to train all you have all your elements you spend more time training magic than your body so Samuel broke trow level 1 before you but keep the good work!"

Samuel: "If we ever have to fight I will be the front line and Lea you will support me with offensive spells from behind"

Lea: "hum! I trained water bullet to a pretty good level as long as you protect me for a few seconds I will be able to finish our enemies!"

Albert and Jason didn't have to go so they will be staying here and training for the next ten days waiting for their friends to come back.

The next morning Zaho and Georges (Lea's butler) went to prepare the carriage with some food and necessities, as servants they could accompany their masters as long as they didn't interfere or help, they could only do it in case of life and death.

The academy prepared around 15 carriages, the number of students going was around 30, and they would be accompanied by 2 teachers one was Rodolph who they knew, and an old-looking man with white hair and white long bread, who was a level 3 mage he presented himself.

??: "Hello my name is Daniel, I will be accompanying you to your first trip of survival, you guys have to try ba as autonomous as possible, and only ask help when you really need it."

Rodolph: "Ok, let's start heading out!"

As he finished his sentence the convoy of carriages started moving.