Chapter 11

There were a lot of things that Heat wanted to know but he knew that for most of the questions he had, Jef Frey would not be able to answer. "How do I know what my level Mortal Warrior I currently am?"

This was a question that has been in the back of Heat's mind for a while. The "Man, Sword, Beast" book that contained all the information on energy and energized humans that Heat knows actually does not tell him how one is to tell when they have reached a higher level. Of course, it is easy to tell once a person breaks into level 1 Mortal Warrior since their energy core would form, but what about after this?

"You don't know?" Jef Frey was once again stunned. It seemed to him like Heat was completely oblivious to the world. First Heat didn't know the currency of Zinnoth, then he was clueless to what the Mercenary Guild was, and now he actually does not know how energized humans recognize their own power level. Jef Frey began to think that Heat doesn't even know what energy truly is and somehow accidentally broke into level 1 Mortal Warrior.

"Who taught you how to condense your energy core?" Without answering Heat's question, Jef Frey needed to ask his own questions. It was too strange to be a level 1 Mortal Warrior but seemingly have no knowledge of anything.

Normally, ordinary people are guided to become energized humans by other energized humans that teach them in a master-student relationship. A person would need monstrous talent to be able to condense their own energy core without any guidance.

"My teacher was my grandpa. He taught me how to condense my energy core but was killed when my village was destroyed before he taught me anything more. Even though I don't think I am level 2 Mortal Warrior yet, I'd like to know more regarding this." Heat didn't really want to lie to Jef Frey since Heat considered Jef Frey as his indirect savior, Heat's opinion of Jef Frey was similar to his opinion of Fang Lest.

However, Heat knew that some things would be better left unknown since explaining it would waste time, effort, and might cause misunderstandings.

"I see, well as you should already know, condensing your energy core indicates that you are a level 1 Mortal Warrior" Jef Frey nodded sympathetically as he recalled that Heat lost his village with no hint of why less than a week ago.

"You can tell that you've reached level 2 Mortal Warrior when your energy core gains an energy ring around it. Every level you manage to break past will add another energy ring. Once your energy core accumulates 8 rings it means that you are at level 9 Mortal Warrior."

"I see" Heat nodded and appeared calm on the surface but was deeply confused in his mind.

Jef Frey's explanation gave him new information that did answer his question but also raised more questions. His energy core has no energy rings which means that he should be at level 1 Mortal Warrior, but then how was he able to easily kill a class 2 Demonic Beast: the Flame Tailed Lion?

Before hearing Jef Frey's explanation, even though he knew it was unlikely, Heat still felt that he should be stronger than level 1 Mortal Warrior since he had a storage ring. In the "Man, Sword, Beast" book, it said that only the wealthy or powerful would be able to possess storage rings.

Heat was not rich since there was no money in his storage ring which must mean that he was powerful but just could not remember. However, now that he's heard Jef Frey's explanation, it's clear that he's a level 1 Mortal Warrior, but then why does he have a storage ring?

Unfortunately, even if Heat wanted to know the answer to those questions he could not ask Jef Frey for the answer. So instead Heat tried to see if he could get any more information on energized human realms since he truly knew too little. "What about Earth Knights? How would you know once you've reached that realm?"

Shaking his head, Jef Frey answered. "I'm not certain myself since I've never made it past level 3 Mortal Warrior. I've heard from other mercenaries that once you reach Earth Knight all of your energy rings around your energy core would condense into a flat energy disc that spins with your energy core at its center"

"Hmm, alright. Where will you be going after you leave Rock Edge city?" Heat didn't really have any other questions that he thought Jef Frey would be able to help him with.

"I'm not sure yet, we always head out and see where the roads take us since we go from place to place trading goods, anywhere with people would be the next destination!"

Heat was a little envious of Jef Frey. To have a loving family that takes care of you and to be carefree in your travels, such a relaxing but fun life.

. . . .

"When will my son wake up doctor?" A fat man shaped like a ball with a mustache and a thick head of long brown hair that extends down to his shoulders spoke to a frail old man. The old man was examining Ren Nard that slept on a luxurious bed unconscious.

"He'll be fine, there are no major injuries. He'll wake up soon, feed him the parcel of herbs and have him rest for a couple of days" With that the old man stood up and bowed to the fat man before taking his leave out of the room.

"House master, should I notify the Marquess that a Saintly Monarch is in the city?" Jac Ob, standing in a corner of the room stepped forward.

"No. If it is as you described, the Marquess would have already heard from his daughter. Prepare the gifts, we'll go probe around at his gathering tonight." The fat man replied as he began to leave the room.

"Oh and Jac Ob, good job slapping Ren Nard. If a situation like this presents itself again, always think about the entire Nard family's survival first. This waste of a son, our family wouldn't know how we died if he actually offends a Saintly Monarch"

"What about the D Rank Mercenary Guild test in two days house master? Should I inform them that the young master is not well and will be participating in the test next month?" Jac Ob looked slightly worried when he asked this.

"No. Even if Ren Nard cannot get close to the Mels' daughter, he should be able to form a friendship with the Van's son. Having the Earl's support would greatly benefit our family" The fat man said while stroking his mustache.

. . . .