Chapter 25

Heat noticed that Cho Mun was practically drooling when he saw Hanna but Hanna seemed oblivious.

Following the direction of Hanna's gaze, Heat saw what she was so focused on.

Jess Ica was already here and standing beside her was a tall man. A very tall man, he could probably be considered a giant with his height.

Standing at almost 3 meters high, the man was wearing long brown fur pants with his upper body exposed. Muscular bronze skin covered in knife wounds, the man looked extremely heroic with his short black hair.

"Everyone, listen up!" Jess Ica shouted.

"This is Mike Chinver, he will also be the instructor for this test. With your teammate, you will board one of the carriages that we've prepared. Your driver will follow our carriage for the next month while we make our way over to the edge of Endless Forest."

Jess Ica gestured to the side and Heat saw that there were about 25 carriages lined up, each with a driver sitting in the front compartment.

"Shall we Qanye~?" Hanna laughed as she jumped into the nearest carriage.

"We can talk later Cho Mun." Heat said as he looked at Cho Mun who was still sitting on the ground in a daze.

Heat walked to the carriage Hanna got into and looked around, there were a lot of people getting into different carriages but Heat could not find Chi Mels anywhere.

Since he did promise to help assist her during the test, he was hoping that he might be able to speak to her before they arrived. "Oh well," Heat thought as he got into the carriage.

Inside, there were two small benches on the opposite sides of the small carriage. Seated on one bench was Hanna as she looked out the window.

Heat took a seat on the other bench and waited for the carriage to depart.

Hanna was quiet while they moved which was fine for Heat. He didn't really want to talk much with her at all since Heat was a bit cautious of her.

A few hours into their journey, Heat looked out the window and saw that they were traveling along a path inside a forest.

The carriage they were in came to an abrupt halt.

"Everyone, come out of your carriages!" Jess Ica shouted.

When Heat heard Jess Ica's voice, he was startled. There was a metallic sound mixed with her voice that made it sound it didn't come from a human.

"Hmm~I woandef what thiga is abouat..Whooat do youthinkQanye?" Hanna asked.

"What?" Heat thought to himself. Why did Hanna sound unusual?

Before Heat could think about it, Hanna's body slumped to the side and fell down from.

"What?!" Heat moved forward quickly to check on Hanna.

"Are you okay?!" Heat asked as he turned her body over so that he could see her face. What was in place of her originally beautiful face was thick, slow, melting black liquid.

A million different possibilities began to flood Heat's mind. He quickly got out of the carriage to assess the situation.

The moment Heat left the carriage, what he saw all around were bodies on the ground surrounding the carriages.

Bodies littered all around, Heat turned over one body and found the exact same thing that he saw from Hanna's body. Black melting liquid spreading from the bodies face.

"What's going on???" Heat was extremely confused and began to have some fear. The fear he feels from what he's currently seeing is greater than anything he's experienced since he woke up.

All Heat wanted to do was run away from this place, he didn't even want to find out what was happening he just wanted to leave.

Turning around to leave, Heat took a step before falling.

Everything faded into black as Heat's vision disappeared.





In a rhythm, Heat heard what sounded like a hand slapping a cheek from where he was.

Opening his eyes, everything appeared blurry.




"What is this pain?" Heat thought to himself as he tried to focus his sight on the surroundings.

As his vision became clearer, Heat recognized very quickly where he was.

"The 1000th floor? Why am I back?" Heat thought to himself as he was trying to figure out what was going on.

The black marble floor of the tower marked the 1000th floor. Heat was back.




"Why can't I move my arms?" Heat thought as he looked at his right arm.

It was wrapped in multiple black chains that seemed to extend outward into the void. Turning his head Heat saw that his left arm was in the same position.


Heat's head was pounding as the pain in it felt like it was splitting his head apart.




Enduring the pain, Heat wanted to find out what was going on. He could tell that his body was not standing upright. It was bent in an odd position where his legs were standing up straight, but his torso was bent at an angle.

Turning his head around to look behind him, Heat saw the most horrifying sight.




"Are you finally awake Kanye?" A metallic voice sounded out.

Looking behind him, Heat saw it. The golem that should have destroyed was perfectly fine.

The golem's huge and metallic d*ck was thrusting into Heat's *sshole in a rhythmic manner.

It looked like a huge rocky rod that was magically able to fit into Heat.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Heat screamed as he was extremely confused. His mind began to crumble.

"Hahahahahaha~Did you actually think that your sin would be forgiven? You've already been accepting your punishment for over a week now. This is just the beginning of your eternity of suffering!"