
Dinner had ended very quickly, mostly because Xiao Bing stuffed her face like a monster before running upstairs to play Second Life Online.

"Mother, I will help you with the dishes," said Xiao Yun.

"Go away and let me do my job," she shooed him away.


He turned silent.

He suddenly felt somebody tugging on his sweater.

"Big Brother, can you play with me?"

It was Xiao Rong.

"Okay, what do you want to play?" he answered without hesitation.

"I want to play Tea Party!"

His face twitched upon hearing that.

Him? Play Tea Party?

If his old comrades hears of such rumors, they would die from laughter.

Yet he stilled nodded with a smile on his face, "Okay, let's play Tea Party."

And they went into her room to play Tea Party.

An hour later, Xiao Yun walked out of her room looking all exhausted. There was this one time where he had to run 50 miles nonstop, even climbing mountains, but even that did not make him as tired as he was currently. Playing Tea Party with his little sister was more tiring than his training that people nicknamed 'True Hell'!

After leaving her room that he deemed 'The actual Hell', he went to take a shower and washed his face before going back to his room.

It was still pretty early into the night, only around 8 o'clock.

Sitting on his bed, he looked at the helmet in his hands.

"A Ranker, huh…" he mumbled to himself and placed his head inside the helmet.

Pressing the power button, the screen brightened, blinding him again.

"Fuck! I forgot about this shit!" he cried before his conscious drifted into the darkness.

He opened his eyes a moment later, and the view of a familiar looking village appeared before him, except it was under a night sky this time around.

Apparently the time in this world was the same as his real world.

'Ah, I forgot to look up on this SLO Tournament that she was mentioning about,' he just realized.

'Oh, right, there's him.'

After deciding on what he was going to do, he walked to his destination, a shop that sold raw meat.

"Hey buddy, you are back already?" Butcher Kain called out to him first.

"You are still here? Is your shop opened 24/7?"

"Of course, that's why you came here, no?"

"This is the only place I know at this moment," he laughed.

"So? What brings you here? You want another request?"

"I will take up on that offer later. Do you happen to know anything about this SLO Tournament?" he asked.

"SLO Tournament? What is that?"

Butcher Kain did not know anything about what he had just asked.

"Is that so? What about Rankers?" he asked another question.

"That, I know."

"Oh? Let's hear about it."

Butcher Kain did not reply, instead, he smiled at his words while waving a paper in his hand.

Xiao Yun knew what he wanted and smiled, "Nothing in this world is free, huh. Never mind then, I will just moogle it later."

"Moogle it? What the hell is that? So you don't want to accept my request? And I thought you were somewhat of a cool guy." Butcher Kain frowned.

[Butcher Kain was not pleased with your choice and lost some trust in you, decreasing your Fame.]

[-1 Fame]

'What the...?' Xiao Yun was surprised in his heart.

Now that he thinks about it, if one can increase their relationship, then one can also decrease it!

After thinking about it for a bit more, he gave in.

"Fine, fine, you win. I will help you this time. You did give me something good the last time. I will not be petty to those who are nice to me," he said.

"Now that's what I want to hear!" Butcher Kain looked happy again.

[Butcher Kain was pleased with your new answer and have regained his trust in you, increasing your Fame.]

[+2 Fame]

"So? What's your request?"

"I am running out of Quick Wolf meat, and I would like you to slay Quick Wolves and return with at least 20 lbs of meat. The better condition the meat is in, the better."

[Quest received from Butcher Kain: Slay Quick Wolves and return to him with at least 20 lbs of meat. The better quality of the meat, the better the reward.]

[Rewards: 5 Silver Coins, information regarding 'Rankers'.]

"Hmmm, 20 lbs…" Xiao Yun mumbled to himself.

He looked at Butcher Kain.

"Hey, Butcher, I will bring you more than 20 lbs, but my Storage Ring can only hold up to 5 lbs, so it will be inconvenient for me to return with any more than the needed 20 lbs," he said.


Butcher Kain looked at him with narrowed eyes. He was thinking.

"Okay! I will trust you and let you borrow this Storage Ring for now. You have to return it when you complete the quest, got it? If you don't, I will chase you even if you hide at the end of this world!" he finally said.

Xiao Yun smiled at his words and held his hand out.

'This brat, he was prepared the entire time…' Butcher Kain thought to himself before showing him a Silver Ring.

Xiao Yun accepted the Silver Ring with a smile and wore it right to his Copper Ring.

[You have temporarily obtained a Medium Storage Ring (Rare), but you must return it to Butcher Kain as soon as you finish his request.]

[Medium Storage Ring (Rare)]

[Bonus: Can store items with up to a weight limit of 50 lbs.]

[A magical item that allows the user to store more and heavier items than the Small Storage Ring.]

"50 lbs? This thing is really convenient. Want to put this in as the reward for your request?" said Xiao Yun.

"Hahaha! You are a greedy one, aren't you? Maybe I will agree somewhere down the line, but definitely not this time!" laughed Butcher Kain.

Xiao Yun was not disappointed, instead, he was glad. He did not expect him to agree anyway, but for him to say 'somewhere down the line', it meant that it was not impossible.

"So? Where can I find Quick Wolves?" he asked.

"Go to the Rabbit's Nest and walk another mile down and you will enter this place called the Howling Forest. You will find Quick Wolves there. But be careful, they are usually grouped up. And if you are unlucky, you might even encounter a pack of Quick Wolves with them numbering in the dozen!"