Dangerous Existence

"Well, luckily there are also plenty of people there, so you can just group up and play it safe," said Butcher Kain.

Grouping? He does not feel comfortable grouping up with random people whose identity he does not know. It was like this in real life too. If the comrades he will be going to a mission with is not acceptable in his eyes, then he would rather go solo. Mainly because he did not want to be hindered or have to worry about others, taking away that weakness from him.

Granted he was inside a game now, it is his habit so it still kicked it. Not to mention how real this world was in his eyes.

"Just a few wolves, nothing to get all stressed out about," he said in a nonchalant tone.

He has encountered countless starving wolves that hunted him or they die from starvation before, yet he still lived. What do a few virtual wolves mean to him? Literally nothing.

Seeing his confidence, Butcher Kain said no more and bid him farewell.

Xiao Yun walked the same path he had walked just this morning and returned to the Rabbit's Nest.

It was night time, but that did not stop people from playing this game. There are still dozens of people hunting these rabbits at this moment.

[You have entered Rabbit's Nest.]

However, a strange scene occurred when Xiao Yun got close to the Rabbit's Nest. The White Rabbits in that area instantly froze. Some began running away, some made a path, and some even played dead.

"What the fuck?"

"Is the boss coming?"

The people there were baffled by this weird situation. They have been here the entire day farming but such a scene has never occurred until now.

Xiao Yun found this scene pretty funny, and he decided to walk close to a White Rabbit that was playing dead.

The moment he got close, the White Rabbit jumped up and ran for its life.

[The Rabbit's Nest has deemed you to be a dangerous existence and will avoid you at all cost. Chances of encountering the monsters in this area have significantly decreased.]

"What the hell? This is a thing?" Xiao Yun was surprised at this system.

The monsters will try to avoid him, making his farming harder?

'Maybe this is to prevent those who are too strong from farming in easy areas, making it too one-sided?'

He thought of that possibility, but he will not know for sure until there is enough proof.

This game is getting more and more interesting and deep. He wonders what else does this mysterious world has in store for him.

Ignoring the White Rabbits, Xiao Yun continued walking further in until he reached a forest-like area.

And only when his figure had totally disappeared did the White Rabbits return to their normal behavior.

It took him around 20 minutes to reach the Howling Forest after entering the Rabbit's Nest.

[You have entered Howling Forest for the first time, increasing your Fame.]

[+1 Fame]

Xiao Yun looked around. There were trees everywhere, but no Quick Wolves.

He began walking deeper into the Howling Forest and encountered a few groups batting these wolves that had brown fur.

After seeing them battle, he did not advance and continued to watch them from the sidelines, the Quick Wolves to be precise. Their sizes were relatively close to a gray wolf. Their eyes were sharp and green, making them look pretty cool.

And after watching them fight for a few minutes, Xiao Yun came to a conclusion.

These Quick Wolves were goddamn slow in his eyes. Who had the audacity to name them with the word 'Quick' in it? He wanted to give that person a good smack on the head.

[You have learned the Active Skill: Analyze (Novice)]

[You have learned the Active Skill: Analyze for the first time, increasing your Fame.]

[+5 Fame]

[Quick Wolf has been added to your Monster Index, increasing your Fame.]

[+1 Fame]

[You have unlocked the Monster Codex.]

"Monster Codex?"

"Open Monster Codex."


A screen that looked like an empty book appeared before him.

He touched the only words written in this book, Quick Wolf.

[Quick Wolf]

[Type: Beast]

[Locations: Howling Forest]

"That's it? What is up with this game and its lack of information?"


The situation of the group he was watching had suddenly changed. They went from domineering to being outnumbered in almost an instant.

The one in the front of the group who seemed to be the leader shouted---

"N-Not good! We cannot deal with this many, run!"

And the group began dispersing.

Two of them were even running his way, dragging a few Quick Wolves towards him.

"Really?" he said to himself.

The two people that were being chased by four Quick Wolves was only a few feet away from him within seconds.

With his Bronze Dagger in his grasp, Xiao Yun's bright eyes dimmed and his focus sharpened. He was ready for combat.

[Presence Concealment activated.]

His aura disappeared and his presence could no longer be felt. Even the two coming towards his way could not feel his presence even though they were staring right at him as they ran. They clearly wanted to use him as a scapegoat.

However, instead of waiting for them to get closer, he advanced towards them.

He kicked his feet on the ground, instantly turning his image blurry.

Before two pairs of shocked eyes, his figure disappeared.

The two who had expressions as if they saw a ghost felt a slight breeze pass their neck before the sound of whimpering could be heard from behind them.

Their running had turned into a jog and they turned their heads.

The scene that entered their eyes had forced them to freeze like statues.

Their gazes landed on the four Quick Wolves that were chasing after them, and their eyes widened from disbelief.

All of them had their eyes closed and was laying on the floor as if they were sleeping.

It was not until a few more seconds later did they see blood slowly spread out from the neck of these Quick Wolves, dying the dirt dark red.

They were dead. All of them.

The two's gazes slowly landed on the young man who was standing right before these corpses.

His emotionless eyes were on the corpses, giving them chills. The tip of his dagger was dripping fresh blood. This scene before them looked like one of those action movies, something that could only happen in imaginations and not real life.

[You have killed a Quick Wolf, gaining Experiences.] x4

[This is your first time killing a Quick Wolf, increasing your Fame.]

[+1 Fame]

[More information about 'Quick Wolf' has been added to the Monster Index.]

[Quick Wolf]

[Type: Beast]

[Location: Howling Forest]

[Weakness: Neck]

"Ah, so this is how it works…" Xiao Yun mumbled to himself.