
Xiao Yun picked up one of the Quick Wolves corpses and frowned.

'This thing is at least 50kg, making the two Storage Ring on me useless. I can cut this thing in half, but that would ruin the quality of the meat. It is better to just leave the entire thing intact…'

Just one Quick Wolf was already way past his quest requirements, making this trip a walk in the park…

'What now? Just carry one of these back and call it a day?' he pondered.

He just got here and he was already done with his quest? That was too quick and not fun at all.

If this was back in the days, then he would have been happy to finish this quest so fast. But this was a virtual world, not some RPG on the screen where he rather finishes a quest within minutes.

Looking at the corpses a bit more, an idea came to his mind. Since he was already here, why not farm some more Quick Wolves and see what else can be added to the Monster Codex?

"Um… Excuse me…"

The two who had tried to use him as a scapegoat called out to him.

He looked at them and did not say anything.

"T-Thank you for saving us. If it were not for you, then our entire day's worth of Experiences would have gone up in smokes."

They were both females. Pretty ones at that.


Seeing how he was still silent towards them, they continued, "Umm… We are almost level 6 and would like to level up by the end of tonight… Would you be kind enough to help us with this favor? We will be in debt to you…"

They started acting all shy and cute around him.

"No thank you," he rejected their offer without thinking about it and turned to walk away.


They tried to stop him but he ignored them and disappeared into the forest.


"Is this how a young man should act towards two pretty ladies?! He was even so handsome. What a pity," cursed one of the girls.

"Hmph, acting all cool in front of us and then ignoring us. What the hell was the point in all that if he was not trying to hit on us?"

They spoke loudly, but Xiao Yun was already too far away to hear them.

He was speeding through the forest, zigzagging through trees with ease.

And within minutes, he encountered another group of Quick Wolves. There were six of them this time, and they were all staring at him with drooling mouths.

Seeing how they seemingly want to tear him apart, a smile appeared on his face.

"You want some of this too?" He held the still bloody dagger in front of them.

With a sniff, the Quick Wolves could smell the blood of their fallen comrades on the dagger, and they all began howling in anger.

"Angry? Want to avenge your fallen comrades? Then come and get it!"

Xiao Yun dashed towards them, turning his figure blurring again.

Although they outnumbered him six to one, he did not care and charged in

Seeing his ballsy actions, all of the Quick Wolves pounced on him at once, giving him no room to run.

Watching them all attack him at once did not make Xiao Yun panic, instead, it made his blood boil even more.

The hand he held his dagger with suddenly flashed, disappearing for an instant, and the Quick Wolf in front of him had its head sliced off cleaner than a meat slicer.

[You have killed a Quick Wolf, gaining Experiences.]

Killing the Quick Wolf gave him an opening, and he body slammed the dead body with his shoulder, throwing it into the distance while he got out of the encirclement of the other Quick Wolves.

Seeing one of its comrades getting killed so brutally in front of them made them rage, and they howled with sorrow and anger mixed within.

Xiao Yun ignored their howling and pounced towards them again. His body disappeared and appeared behind another wolf.

His armed hand flashed once again, and another Quick Wolf head flew into the air.

Blood sprayed, dying his clothes red.

[You have killed a Quick Wolf, gaining Experiences.]

Even after he had killed the previous wolf, his momentum did not slow down and he appeared behind another wolf, slicing its neck with his Bronze Dagger.

Another head flew.

All of this happened within seconds, and two Quick Wolves had died while the rest were still howling, not able to react.

It started out with six Quick Wolves against one human, but within mere seconds, it had turned into three versus one.

Fear flickered within the eyes of the remaining three wolves, but Xiao Yun did not care and continued his onslaught.

A few more seconds passed before the place turned dead quiet.

[You have killed a Quick Wolf, gaining Experiences.] x4

[Congratulations, you have leveled up.]

[You are now level 4.]

[More information of 'Quick Wolf' has been added to your Codex.]

Xiao Yun looked at the six corpses around him. It had only taken him half a minute to do this, and he was not satisfied.

He had just left the military so his mentality has yet to change that much. Once his blood began to boil he would not stop until he was satisfied!

He wanted to feel more flesh being sliced, he wanted to see more blood, he wanted to kill.

He was bloodthirsty!

Xiao Yun stood there silently… until his ears twitched.

He could hear the sound of Wolves running to his location.

It was not just one or two… or even a dozen. It was more than that! It was a pack of Quick Wolves!

Even though he was aware of that, he did not move and continued to stand there silently, waiting for his prey to throw themselves at him!

Within minutes, 30 figures of different sizes appeared before him, encompassing him.

Xiao Yun scanned the Quick Wolves surrounding him with a glance.

A crimson light flickered deep within his eyes.

He stepped on one of the corpses with a smile like a hunter showing off his catch. He wanted to aggravate them, and it worked perfectly.

They all howled at once, shaking the surrounding air.

They howled for a good minute before glaring at him with fierce and emotional eyes. They wanted to avenge their comrades! Killing intent began emitting from their bodies, suffocating the surrounding area with a bloodthirsty atmosphere!

"This is more like it…" mumbled Xiao Yun.

His body suddenly flashed, disappearing from his spot. And wherever he appeared, blood spewed and heads rolled the next instant!