Easily Gaining Fame

Xiao Yun wore the fang necklace around his neck and checked its stats.

[Lightning Wolf's Fang Necklace (Rare)]

[Bonus: Small chance to add weak Lightning Element to your Physical Attacks]

[This fang has been charged with Lightning Element from the Lightning Wolf, granting it a magical effect.]


Xiao Yun was baffled once he found out what this rare necklace did.

It was…

It was fucking trash!

Small chance to add weak Lightning Element to his Physical Attacks? How much percentage is this 'small' chance? Even if he happens to proc it, it was WEAK Lightning Element! And there is only one bonus? Is this really a Field Boss drop? This game even had the audacity to call it a rare item. Even his Small Storage Ring was more useful than this necklace!

Disappointed, he no longer cared about the necklace. The only thing it was good for was its looks, and that's about it. While this rare item may seem very good in the eyes of other players, it was absolutely useless to him. With him one-shotting everything, will he even get the chance to proc its bonus? Even if he procs it, how much damage can a 'weak' Lightning Element do?

'Damn, I am really an ungrateful person. This is my first drop, I should have at least some good feeling towards it… Well, it did come from that heroic Lightning Wolf, so I guess that's a plus…'

Xiao Yun no longer thought about the necklace and looked at the blue crystal ball in his hands.

It was a round ball made from crystal, kind of like the crystal balls those 'future prophecy' scammers use. Inside the crystal ball was a dimmed blue light with occasion flickers. Kind of looked like a blue lightbulb in the shape of a crystal ball. It looks pretty cool.

[Lightning Wolf's Soul (Powerful)]

[Can be used to enhance a piece of Weapon or Armor]

[Weapon: Adds Weak Lightning Element to Physical Damage.]

[Armor: Adds Low Lightning Element Resistance.]

[Accessory: Adds small chance to paralyze enemies when dealing Physical Damage.]

[The soul of the Lightning Wolf that grants magical powers to the items it fuses with.]

[You have unlocked the 'Monster Soul' tab for your Monster Codex.]

[Monster Souls are magical cores that can be obtained through slaying powerful Monsters above level 15.]

[Lightning Wolf's Soul has been added to your Monster Codex.]

[Lightning Wolf's Soul]

[Grade: Powerful]

[Element: Lightning]

[Drops: Lightning Wolf]


Xiao Yun was baffled once again.

This Lightning Wolf's Soul was…

A slightly less trash item than the necklace, but it was still trash!

Does he really have such shitty luck? He cannot be too sure, but these two items were useless to him.

The only good thing he got out of these two items was that he had learned something new. The common 'Enhance Item' system seemed to be a bit special in this game. Were there other ways to enhance items or was using Monster Souls the only way?

"Open Status"

[Lv. 6]

[Titles: Reputable (Common), Just A Bit Popular (Common), Skilled Hero (Uncommon), Skill Creator (Uncommon), A Champion Creator (Epic), The World's First Warlord (Unique), A Champion Amongst Champions (Unique)]

[Skills: Active Skill: Analyze (Warrior), Active Skill: Presence Concealment (Knight), Active Skill: Knife Hands (Knight), Active Skill: Keen Eyes (Warlord), Active Skill: ??? (Champion)]

[Fame: 30,077]

Xiao Yun has obtained over 30,000 Fame within one day, which is a world record if people found out. But even though he had over 30,000 Fame, he was still nowhere near the amount of Fame the day one player has. 30,000 Fame was a lot… for newbies, but not for those Rankers who have been playing since day one.

Gaining Fame within Second Life Online was relatively easy. Quests, bosses, Dungeons, exploration, learning and ranking Skills, etc. There are many, many ways to earn Fame in this game, and it is just a matter of how fast one can gain them and who will stand at the top of the 'Total Fame Ranking' and the monthly 'Earned Fame Ranking'.

After Xiao Yun had finished checking out the new equipment that he deemed useless and status, he had begun looking through the Quick Wolf corpses. The Lightning Wolf's corpse had disappeared into the air, but the Quick Wolves did not.

He scavenged for a Quick Wolf that would fit inside his borrowed Medium Storage Ring, one that was less than 25 kg.

Because there were so many corpses, he found one relatively easy. It was a Quick Wolf around 24 kg.

After confirming the condition of the corpse, he stored it into the Medium Storage Ring and no longer cared about the rest.

He could have easily taken many more, but he did not like doing anything that was inconvenient, so he ignored the hassle of bringing more than what his Medium Storage Ring could handle.

Just as he was about to return to Butcher Kain, many players surrounded him. They were the players that had been watching him.

Xiao Yun, of course, was already aware of their presence before they had even seen his battle.

One of the players spoke, "That was amazing, sir! As expected from a Ranker! Can we have your name, please?"

"Yeah! I have never seen such a fierce battle so close up!"

The players were praising him.


Xiao Yun was silent and did not reply to any of their questions.

While he wanted his name to be known far and wide, he did not actually want to be famous himself.

In other words, he disliked being in the spotlight himself. Why? Because it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Yun pointed in a random direction with his finger.

"Look! It's another Field Boss!" he cried out.

"What?! Where?!"

Everybody there looked at the direction he had pointed in, but there was no Field Boss in sight. Hell, there was not even a shadow.

They turned their gazes back to this Ranker who had just played a joke on them only to find out he had disappeared!

"What the fuck?"

"He disappeared?"

"What the hell was that about? Is he a Ninja or something?"

The players there were disappointed in not being able to friend such a skilled Ranker and dispersed shortly after.

It was not until later that they find out he was the currently most talked about player, Soarra, who was suspected to be a cheater!