Her First Thought Was Of Li Jinnan

"OK. I'm at the hospital. Just come to the hospital." After Shen Luo'an finished his sentence, he quickly added, "The hospital that you came to previously." 

With that, he disconnected the call. Ye Youyou laughed bitterly. The hospital that she went to previously was the hospital that Guan Queye was at.

His meaning couldn't be any clearer. Shen Luo'an was now with Guan Queye.

Ye Youyou took a taxi to the hospital. Based on memory, she made her way to the hospital ward.

Guan Queye was seated in a wheelchair. Her hands were holding a beautiful flowy white wedding dress. There was a blissful smile on her face as she said, "Mommy, do you think I'll look pretty in this wedding gown?"

The wedding gown was huge. Exaggeratedly beautiful diamond inlays sparkled brightly on the surface, giving the dress a heavy presence.