It Couldn’t Be A Coincidence

Shen Luo'an looked into her eyes with diabolical fury. His grip on her arm tightened as he asked, "Ye Youyou, didn't you like me very much? Didn't you love me? You've had a change of heart so quickly?"

When Ye Youyou heard that, she gazed into his eyes. The helplessness on her face slowly dissipated.

When Shen Luo'an witnessed the change in Ye Youyou's expression, his heart gradually froze over. Those eyes used to shine whenever they saw him. Those eyes used to laugh whenever they caught sight of him. How had they changed so suddenly? Everything was no longer as it had been in the past.

Shen Luo'an's grip on her tightened. An indescribable emotion built up within him.

"Mr. Shen, please watch yourself." Ye Youyou's tone was matter-of-fact and distant as she flung his hand off.

However, Shen Luo'an did not loosen his hold at all.