We Won't Be Able to Go Back to Our Normal Lives

Ou Xiaoxiao could not grasp the situation so she looked up at her parents.

Yu Lili's eyes had turned red but she still wore a smile on her face.

On the other hand, Ou Ming's expression had softened slightly, compared to before.

Ou Xiaoxiao could not understand what was happening so she turned her head back.

The weight was gradually lifted off Shen Zhilie's chest.

This was great.

It would be best if Ye Qianqian could put the past behind her.

Her pregnancy was sudden and unexpected. While the current circumstances were regrettable, nobody could have foreseen this.

Shen Zhilie suddenly recalled how his grandmother had mentioned that she would experience an inexorable misfortune at the age of 28.

Perhaps this was the supposed misfortune.

However, it was a good thing to have experienced it already. It was better than having to constantly worry about when the misfortune would befall upon them.