His Efforts Finally Paid Off

Shen Zhilie's voice sounded low and it was apparent.

It sounded as if he was very depressed.

When Shen Luo'an heard Shen Zhilie's voice, the piece of good news that he was about to share was instantly stuck in his throat. "Are you alright?" Shen Luo'an asked.

"Did Grandmother tell you about it already?" asked Shen Zhilie.

"What's the matter?" Shen Luo'an probed. He could vaguely sense that something was amiss. "Is there something that Grandmother should have told me about? I'm outside with Manting and we've yet to reach home," he answered.

Shen Zhilie felt extremely down and when he heard what Shen Luo'an said, he merely gave a dull reply, "I see."

"Are you in a bad mood? Did you argue with your wife?" Shen Luo'an continued to question. Shen Zhilie had always been a happy-go-lucky person and Ye Qianqian was the only possible reason as to why he would suddenly be so depressed.