Don't Fall in Love With The Other Manting

Shen Luo'an cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand.

The look in his eyes softened and he seemed completely different from the maniacal and depraved man in her memory.

Shen Manting shrank back as she reached out to grab the hand that was stroking her cheek.

Shen Luo'an took advantage of her action to hold her hand as he gently said, "Trust me. Every word I'm saying now is true."

His words were sincere.

Shen Manting felt a sense of deja vu upon hearing them.

It was as if Shen Luo'an had spoken them to her before, perhaps it was someplace else during the time that she couldn't seem to recall

Every word automatically found its place in her mind.

In her mind, a phantom figure seemed to overlap with Shen Luo'an's physical presence.

Shen Luo'an affectionate demeanour was messing with Shen Manting's mind.