She Will Kill Me

As Shen Manting spoke, she stared squarely at Shen Luo'an.

When she observed that his continued silence, grievance built up in her heart.

Tears poured out of her eyes and with renewed vigor, she couldn't help but tighten her hold on Shen Luo'an as she cried out, "Hubby, Hubby! The one you love is me, not that woman! Don't fall in love with her, please!"

Hearing the desperate sound of her sobs brought an ache to Shen Luo'an's heart.

Her anxiety and fear were clearly displayed.

Shen Luo'an hesitated for a moment before eventually hugging her tightly. With her wrapped in his embrace, he gently said, "You're being silly. The one I love is Shen Manting, and it has always been. Don't cry. You're going to look ugly if you continue to cry."