"Cut the crap"

Harley walked with a stoic expression towards the Lin Clan...

The clan was situated on a flat piece of land which stood in front of a small mountain range. It was early in the morning and there was a crisp fresh breeze slowly running over the land, he had barely paid any attention to the tranquil, greenery of his surroundings on his journey to the central regions.

But now that he was stationary he noticed there was a natural beauty about the region. Putting that to the back of his mind, Hartley shouted out across the Lin clan premises reinforcing his voice with his blue star essence.

The elders of the Lin Clan were all assigned different duties and overall, they were responsible for guiding the next generation towards becoming stronger so the clan could evolve and be promoted into a 2nd or 1st rate clan by the time the elders came to the end of their life cycles.

It has to be known that the Lin clan was only a third rate clan relegated to the outskirts of the central area, sure they were lauded in this outer section, but in the eyes of people in the know, they were nothing more than frogs with make up on, pretending to be mighty while lauding over the commoners of the region ..

The sun swept across the landscape as all the younger family members of the Lin Clan were training or preparing for a busy day ahead, LIn Wulai was in his quarters having some fun with one of the servant girls, he was pressing her down underneath his body, her little face twisted and blushed as she let out unwilling moans.

Just as Lin Wulai was approaching a climax, he was disturbed and taken out of his rhythm by a powerful and disrespectful shout coming from the region of the front gate.

"Dogfaced LIn Wulai, wash your neck and come out here so we can settle our enmity which can only be resolved by your death"

This sentence reverberated through every section of the Lin clan..

With a gloomy face Lin Wulai abandoned his early morning pleasure trip and donned a robe with a face contorted in rage and anxiousness, he made big strides heading towards the front gate, The gate was only half open when Lin Wulai got there, "Open the gates" he commanded.

The gates opened to reveal Hartley standing ram-rod straight with sunshine bathing over his body producing a short shadow at his side, the Lin clan disciples were all gathered behind a man who looked to be in his forties, he had streaks of white splattered throughout a head full of blonde hair, a long curved nose was his most discernible feature as he made his way forward..

Lin Wulai looked at the handsome young lord standing outside the gates and was truly baffled as to how he got on the wrong side of this lord.

Lin Wulai was not sure if the young lord was from one of the stronger clans in the central parts of the province, so he swallowed his pride, respectfully bowed from the waist and asked.

"What emnity could my humble self have with you young lord?"

"Cut the crap" Hartley answered,

"I am here for your head and that of your good for nothing nephew."

By this time about six elders had gathered among the swelling crowd, one stepped beside Lin Wulai looked Hartley up and down then said

"listen young one my Lin clan is not somewhere you can come and run as rampant as you wish."

Hartley ignored the elder and looked directly into the eyes of Lin Wulai and slowly said "my beef is only with you, the next person to interrupt me will not have a head to speak with."

The unknown elder hissed in rage, unsheathed his sword and shouted

" you insolent Bastar..."

there was a blue flash....

A head flew a meter in the air and fell like a leaf falling back to the earth in slow motion. The brutal sight paralyzed the witnesses gathered with mouth gaping shock..

Blood gushed upwards like a red ruby fountain and fell back down like rain in the surrounding vicinity, LIn Wulai and the disciples at the front were drenched like rats in a sewer with the blood of the elder.

The elder's body fell like a rice sack and sprawled gruesomely in front of the crowd while his head rolled gently in the dirt a meter or two away from the blood-stained carcass.

Being situated in the tranquil outskirts of the city, some of the disciples had never seen this level of violence before, some retched up the breakfast they had eaten minutes ago while others gasped in shock, some simply stood there trembling unable to make a sound.

Hartley snorted through his nose with a scowl, "hmph, lets see if anyone else wants to act unruly.".....

Lin Wulai, soaked in blood was stunned, he stood there as the scent of the elder's blood went up his nostrils and settled in his lungs, he had no idea what just happened, the young lord was standing at the same spot and seemed to not have moved.

He began to frantically look around to see if there was a sneak attack. The faces of the disciples was ripe with fear, they had the utmost confidence in the elder but ended up being baptized(figuratively) in the blood of that elder.