Gravity Steps

The disciples of the Lin clan legs turned to jelly, what they had witnessed on this day shocked them to the core, some even fell to the ground on their butts looking into space with a dazed expression,

Lin Wulai too was in a daze, he could sense the disparity between the Elder and the Young lord, which could only mean one thing, since the elder was at the 9th realm of houtian.. to not even know how he died meant that the young lord was a xiantian realm expert.

To step into the xiantian realm is the first step on the journey of immortality, the age which one enters the xiantian realm, will be the age that person will look for the next 200 years, so even though the youth standing in font of them might look young, he might actually be older than an elder.

Meanwhile everyone was looking around flabbergasted with fear but there was one person who was making his way to the back mountains as quick as he could.

Lin Chin's face looked like he had swallowed a pepper, he had recognized the face of the young lord at the last moment before the death of the elder, he was shocked out of his mind...

It was the wild man who he had convinced his uncle to assassinate, his mind almost exploded, he had to find a safe place to hide.

He had been so embarrassed that day when his four lackeys got defeated by one move and he had run away in fear with his tail between his legs that he was having nightmares.

His ego would not let him ever let go of the situation, his face had been slapped in front of everyone in the central region of the province, how could he rest until the shame was avenged..

In truth Hartley had no idea what the name of the guy who had tried to throw his stuff in the river was, that had been pushed to the back of his mind, that event was one of many Hartley had had to deal with during his life.

Feeling energy fluctuations of a single person escaping towards the back mountains of the Lin clan, Hartley locked on to the person and moved quickly to intercept, he did not need to manipulate time because his pure physical strength could flash 30m away in a second.

After a couple flashes he caught up to a blonde haired youth desperately making his way over rocky terrain..

Hartley recognized the blonde youth, and like an epiphany everything seemed to start making sense. A spoiled brat that was cuddled and pampered by the elders in the Lin clan to the point that he could convince his uncle to pay 1000 gold for an assassination because his pride was hurt. That thought quickly flashed though Hartley's mind...

Hartley returned to the front of the Lin clan 20 to 30 seconds later, he held a bloodied decapitated head in his left hand as he appeared in front of the still dazed and lifeless looking disciples of the Lin clan.

Lin Wulai bawled out in terror as he recognized the blonde haired head in the hands of the vicious monster that had showed up to the Lin clan this morning, there was nothing he could do to possible fight against such a monster, all he could do in his grieving was shout obscenities at the young lord and accuse him of being the devil incarnate.

After Lin Wulai had been talking gibberish for a while, Hartley flicked his wrist and floated over a piece of wild boar skin with marks on it.....

Lin Wulai caught the boar skin that floating over to him with both hands and then looked at the markings on the make-shift paper with tears dripping onto the boar skin, his eyes increased to the size of oranges when he cried out


That was when the weight was taken off his shoulders and his head floated away without being able to confirm that the young lord in front of him was the wild mountain man his nephew had told him about, Hartley left the boar skin stained with tears and blood laying next to the elder's headless body...

After leaving, Hartley was headed back to his shack at the foot of the unknown mountain, during his return journey he wasn't as rushed, he took his time to practice star sword technique with his black blade sword, he was also working at movement using zero gravity.

This movement technique was more suited for long distance travelling, if he could get the timing right, theoretically he could decrease resistance by travelling with less gravity around him, the problem was, with less gravity, once one lost forward momentum then one tended to float a bit upwards losing straight line speed in the process.

Hartley figured out that if he applied zero gravity around his body the split second he pushed off with his right foot and kept his momentum for 100m or so before retracting zero gravity and then stepping with his left foot repeating the split second timing for applying zero gravity , he could flash 1000m effortlessly.

Hartley practiced this technique and reached the shack a day later, he wasn't sure about his future plan, he might make his way to the neighboring Calabar province to attend the Martial training institute.

He already had over 1400 gold coins in his space ring plus some useful materials from the dark robe assassin, as he was contemplating..

Suddenly a sword light came at Hartley's neck, the sword itself was blazing with a red fire, the heat given off easily more than double that of the fire ball Hartley faced days ago. "State of focus" everything slowed down..... Zero gravity applied just around Hartley's body as his left foot pushed of the ground propelling him back 100 meters in a straight line. The spot he had been standing a millisecond before exploded with a deep pit raining down dirt, stones and dust in a radius of over 30 meters.