The Banter

"Bring it on, I am in better shape than you are, you have gained weight since I last saw you, and most of it fat." Akira replied with a touch of venom. Her vanity had been solidly struck by Kyera's comment even thought that hadn't been Kyera's point. The younger girl just raised an eyebrow as if to ask if she really wanted to go there. 

"I just gave birth to a baby. What is your excuse? Old age?" Kyera asked before tossing the tunnel open and effectively ending the banter. Free running in the Forest took much more concentration than running anywhere else in the world, especially in a tunnel. There were just rocks and roots in a tunnel, and not much else. However, the forest was its own obstacle course of trials and none of them were uniform or predictable. 

Tree roots, fallen logs, split saplings, and animal dens were just a few of the major concerns they were going to have to face not to mention traps. There was no way either of them had space for any thoughts other than the path ahead. 

Kyera smelled the danger seconds before the arrow shot past her face. She came to a halt, that was a warning. The precision was too perfect, barely missing her nose. she couldn't help but admire it. If the archer wanted her dead that shot would not have been aimed toward her head. Akira growled as she skidded past and had to double back. 

"You were scared stiff by an arrow. An ARROW." Akira all but hissed at her daughter. Kyera shot her a glare, before turning her attention toward the direction the arrow came. 

A group of four came out of the forest. They were shifters, Kyera could smell it on them but she could also smell HIM. That trace scent was enough to tell her what side these crows were on. The first man, with dark messy hair and black eyes smirked as though he had the world on a string. His companions laughed darkly, mirthlessly. 

"Oh but Princess, your attention isn't what we want. It is your life we require." The second crow crooned and Kyera felt the heaviness in her heart. She was already working her magic when they appeared. The shadows in the earth gathering to her call. 

"Precisely. Taking your stinking, cowardly skin to the leader will be a great feather in our wings to soar to the front of the Revival's ranks." The first crow agreed raising his bow for another shot but Kyera was ready. 

In a blur of motion, Kyera released the energy gathered in her haunches and launched. The shadows shattered his bolt in the air while Kyera's claws sunk deep into the Crows chest. The man sputtered in shock, having not expected her to be aggressive. 

"You forgot it was I who taught Verone to fight." Kyera growled into his ear before her claws extended fully, puncturing his heart in a matter of seconds before the others had a chance to move. She swung a great paw at the other who had spoken and gashed his chest open. There would be no survivors. 

Soon the earth was drenched in blood and Kyera stood panting at the center of it. Akira raised an eyebrow at her daughter. Those crows had fought hard and most of them were nearly masters at combat, but still. They mimicked the style of the one they admired most. The problem was, Verone had not learned all of Kyera's tricks. 

"Can we go now?" Akira asked as if impatient and unnerved. Nothing drew wild beasts like the scent of blood in the air. Kyera snorted at her. Then piled the bodies on top of one another. Whispering the word of flame and focusing her energy on them, the fire started. 

"A waste." Kyera shook her head and turned to Akira. "Come." She dashed back toward the dragons, able to smell their fresh thunderstorm scent. How she could not wait to be above the clouds away from the smell of death she was coated in. 

Shifter blood. It felt even more gross in her fur, reeking of her own failure. The bitterness in her heart surfaced as they crossed into the clearing. 

The carriages were gone.