Nearly Vomiting

As Kyera processed this information, she looked at the sky. It was nearly morning now. No wonder they had gone. Rescuing Akira took longer than expected. Now the escape was going to be much more difficult than originally expected. 

"What's the plan; Kyera Mei? Why did you stop in this giant clearing with nowhere to hide?" Akira pointed out, her tone prickling Kyera in the wrong way. This woman did not understand the danger there was in provoking a demigoddess. Though she had married her god, she had forsaken him and all that remained were the remnants of her power. In truth, Akira the Shadow Dancer was no more than a priestess after the betrayal, and weaker than even Daxin if it came down to it. 

"Akira, I swear to Father I will return you to Moria if you don't shut the hell up." Kyera growled as she looked to the sky. She could sense two familiar presences… one seemed like Ember. Then there was another, a much more powerful familiarity that made Kyera's blood run cold.  The tiger within growled a she felt the shivery feeling in her chest that hinted at a change. Every muscle, every nerve was on the alert. Ready to do battle. 

"You wouldn't dare." Akira growled but she fell blissfully quiet after her words. Kyera took the Zither from her hair and plucked the tiny strings , her heart in her throat. 

"Playing a final song, Princess?" The words were a sneer. The voice owner caused Kyera to turn and face her. This was not a creature Kyera wanted at her back. What she saw nearly caused her to throw up. The woman standing there was dressed in fur. Shifter fur, a patchwork of Wolf, and panther. 

Tears pricked Kyera's eyes but she forced them back, refusing to let that weakness surface. She couldn't attack her. There was no way she was alone. "What do you want? Wondering how your elder brother is doing?" Kyera taunted and she saw the dark look and flash of concern in the girl's eyes. Bingo. "Yea, wasn't hard to figure out. Kan helped you kill my brothers. For that he should have died. Then he ripped my beloved from me and gave him to you on a silver platter. I don't know what you did to MY V, it's a pity. My son should have been his." Kyera knew these words would get under her skin. 

"Only in your dreams, wretch." Growled a voice from the left of the woman. Verone stepped out of the darkness at her side. Perfect, that was what she needed. 

"At one time they weren't just mine. To dance under the moonlight, in the afterlife was your dream, not mine." Kyera replied as she raised a hand into the air "at one time I wanted nothing more than to bathe you in love and affection. Now I only want to bathe you in fire." 

As if on que dragon flame poured down into the gap between them forming a wall of fire. Kyera grabbed Akira and threw her into the air with every ounce of physical strength she could, the shadows catching her at Kyera's command. A dragon claw snatched her out of the air. She was safe. 

Ember folded his wings and landed beside Kyera and roared an earth shattering sound heard for miles around. "Move again, betrayer, and orders or not I will turn your body to ash as well as that disgusting creature you stand beside. Vile filth only the sacred forest saves you from annihilation at this moment." Growled the dragon as he spat another flame near them but not striking. The next would not miss. That was clear. 

While Ember spoke Kyera climbed onto the saddle and smirked. The teeth grinding anger on the girl's face assuaged her anger a bit. "Take that dress off. Now." Kyera growled the order and the girl glared at her stubbornly. 

"You can't do anything. If you light me on fire you will burn your precious friends fur, at the very least. If you catch the woods on fire though, the Goddess of Earth and The God of Shadows will have your head." She replied triumphantly. Her hands ran over the furr, sickening Kyera more. 

"I am above the Law of Earth, For I am the Storm Queen. The law of Shadow is my own domain. I do not burn the forest because it was my home. However what turns to ash shall be reborn anew." Kyera growled as she patted Ember. The dragon breathed in theatrically, filling his lungs and letting the smoke pour from his nostrils as if he was preparing to burn them. The wicked delight in his eyes was bone chilling.