Human Magic History

The days following his admission to the school Adrian read the entire book collection on the history of Magic, learned the school map and enrolled in 2 free courses, Introduction to the types of energy and a course on the behavior of energy particles, he thought that while he is at the vision stage he should learn to understand what he need to control to advance to the control stage.

But he does not stay locked up for a week he went out sometimes, talking with one of his neighbor who happens to be the person who during the test passed the 25 meters in his group, he was called Emmil a young man aged 15 years as tall as Adrian, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, apparently he too has reached the vision stage and it was him who suggested that he take the 2 free lessons, his father being a teacher in the school gave him advises that he shared with Adrian, after a week a friendship was formed even if it was not yet very strong.

But this week was not in vain, his knowledge of the history of magic deepened to the point where he knew the name of all ancient civilization, their religion and their contribution to magic.

But the last 2 books in the collection are talking of the current human civilization and after finishing the books he realized that humans did not create anything but made the magic more accessible and more advanced, the humans in all the history counted the most number Archmage and the longest lived of all the continent, almost a thousand years of history not surprising that 2 out of 5 books of the collection is on humans.

Human civilization was not the fastest at the level of evolution but the most stable, slowly evolving the magic spread first only the nobles had access to magic but it was rudimentary, only used in wartime but still the humans learned that magic could cause a lot of damage after the Empire sent a hundred mages to destroy a rebellion which was not far from three hundred thousand deads, a treaty was signed between the different empire and country of the continent that the magic can only be used on other wizards and not on armies. This Treaty was named after the empire that sent the mages against the rebellion, which according to the writings of that time the king would be returned on the spot battle after the massacre and when he saw his people massacred leaving sometimes not even a body that he signed a treaty with all the empires of the continent. The Eldornum Treaty who is still active today.

In the treaty it is also said that the empire which does not obey the rule of the treaty will be destroyed by an alliance of all the other empire having signed. That was 310 years ago.

It is like this that The Peace Period was born and today peace is still present.

This is surely the biggest event in the history of mankind, but there was another equally important event that happened 47 years ago, an event that caused the death of 12 Archmages, a magical war that not only killed the 12 Archmages but more than 3 millions innocents in just 1 year.

The infamous battle opposing the Archmage Council and a sect sacrificing more than a thousand certified mages and more than fifty thousand innocents to the demons, which transformed the Archmage representing the sect into a Bloody Demon.

The sect was called the Blood Church, it was researching in order to manipulate the blood particles which normally had to be used to cure the diseases that found in blood or poison but all this will degenerate the Archmage Council wanted to finish with this sect by launching a total war against them, after 1 year of war the Blood demon died but at the cost of life of 12 Archimages and 2 badly hurt which today are not yet totally healed.

Despite his long history Adrian noticed that the history of humanity was full of war and that the worst enemies of humanity is none other than humanity itself.