Types and Behavior of Energy Particles

To test his knowledge of the history of magic he made oral tests with Emmil who already knew him very well the subject his father having trained from his childhood.

After a score of Emmil's test it was realized that Adrian did not need to continue this knowledge was enough for his purpose, the time passed and the week passed.

It was time for Emill and Adrian to attend the free class on Energy Particle Behaviors and Types, the two young men were excited to participate in their first course led by a certified magician. Armed with a book on page empty and a pen and an inkwell they went to the amphitheater number 6 which is found towards the center of the school.

On the way they passed other students who were going to another school or doing something else.After greeting each other Adrian and Emill gone towards the amphitheater.

Arrived at the amphitheater after having presented their inscription to Maitre Bernus an old man with glasses and white hair they join and sit in their place in the amphitheater which could host a hundred person, the other student arrived one by one to fill half the amphitheater.

Once everyone settled in, Master Bernus stood in front of the board and started his class "Hello everyone I introduce myself I am master Bernus and I would be your teacher for the next 30 minutes on the types of particles of energy let's start without further ado !".

"Particles of energy are divided into 3 types, positive particles, negative particles and waste particles. The positives are generally substances that are tangible and tangible like water rock metal, we call them positive because generally we can control them without any danger and even with experience can be controlled without a magic circle."

"Unlike negatives that are intangible and non-controllable like lightning, fire and wind that are extremely dangerous without the use of a magic circle and can even cause serious injuries! Be careful when you manipulate them!"

"Particle waste are particles that are the result of the interaction between a positive particle and a negative particle for example took a fire particle and a wood particle, the fire particle will consume the wood particle destroying the wood particle while creating an ash particles."

Half a hour passed very quickly Master Bernus demonstrating, showing the creation of a waste particle by burning a wood particle.

Adrian carefully observed the creation of particle particle, a fire particle controlled by Master Bernus approached a wood particle, once enough close to the fire particle consumed the wood particle and destroyed it until a tiny gray particle fell to the ground but was quickly stopped by control of the master, here is an ash particle.

"On this creation we will now move on our second course the behavior and interaction between energy particle."said Master Bernus apres sa démonstration.

"As we have seen, the particles can interact with each other to create waste particles but that's not all, some particles are compatible and can interact without destroying one particle and create a waste particle, take a lightning particle and a particle. This water is safe because water can contain lightning, if a positive particle can contain a negative particle it does not create a waste particle but creates an exchange."

"Exchange happens in the life of all the day take for example when it rains on a forest, the trees and terr absorbs the water and uses it to transform it, the tree will grow thanks to the water and the ground becomes mud"

He made a demonstration with a particle of water and a particle of wood by amplifying the benefits of the water, the particle wood grows by absorbing water but that did not create any waste particles.