Affinity and Ancient Languages

"Before the end of the course, for those whom has already reached the vision stage I advise you to look at yourself in a mirror using the vision, everyone has an affinity with a positive energy and a negative creating a stability for the body, in rare cases there are more than 2 but always in pairs, if you have 2 negative or 2 positive you are lucky to be alive, some naturally have an affinity with wood and fire and so can also to control the particles ash and in this case I advise you to get yourself imformed on the department of alchemy you will find out while looking in the mirror.". The class ended with these words and Master Bernus left the room.

Adrian and Emmil stayed in the amphitheater a few minutes before leaving to test in their room what Maitre Bernus had just said.

After returning to their room, Adrian and Emmil found themselves in Emmil's room to see their affinities, Adrian's room did not have a mirror.

Emmil was the first to look in the mirror he said "One pair for me Fire and earth, I believe that it completes to form lava or magma, I think the department of destruction is made for me my two elements are done for fighting, a defensive and an offensive resulting in an ultra offensive particle, lava particles are not rare but effective.",in his voice we could feel a little disappointment he continued "Your turn.".

Adrian nodded and activated his vision and said "Two pairs for me, in positive I have metal and ice and in the negative I have lightning and wind, there is only one possible fusion is ice and wind, can be lightning and wind too but to manipulate 2 negative energy seems to me dangerous." while saying this adrian could see how the energy balance between it, in the case of adrian The particle of lightning attaches to the particle of metal which stabilizes them, but the wind and the ice does not attach one to the other but it turns around creating in the middle another type of particles, particle of storm that it is a rare element according to the say of Master bernus but extremely hard to control but also extremely powerful.

""Well 2 pair and a rare element, Mr Genius that gives me a damn good morale" said Emill with a tone exaggerate while making a bow.

They looked each other int the eyes and started laughing.

"Good Mr. Genius needs to continue these studies, I remind you that I must learn to write and read 10 ancient languages ​​so I will be busy in the coming weeks"Adrian laughed and left the room after saying goodbye to Emill.

After being retuned to his room Adrian took the book on one of the civilizations that passionate him the most, the first to have manipulated the magic the Rediran's.

The basic level of the language rediran is to constitute a hundred word extremely simple but nevertheless in the book it is said that to arrive at the basic level it is necessary that the basic words such as Sar (fire) attracts the particles of towards him so he must understand the essence of the word and its meaning for the Redirans.

And for that there is a very simple test to write the rune on paper if the paper is burned on the surface or is written the rune and that the conditions to master the word are filled.

For the Rediran, the fire symbolized powerfuls beings but ephemeral and anger.

It took 2 days for Adrian to master the word Sar, when he mastered his first word he understood that the language rediran is simple at first but in reality each word represents an element, a concept and an emotion.

The first time he succeeds it's out of luck, it was already a day that he was on the word Sar and he felt angry not at his teacher for giving him an impossible challenge but because he thought that was his fault if it did not work, he wrote Sar during his anger and the paper began to lightly burn the rune was written, he was surprised and then thought back to his anger he understood that the essence of the word was mostly about anger and therefore he took the first step towards Runic magic.