Capital of Mountain Kingdom (2)

A couple of minutes before…

"They surely have strengthened the guards here," General Hen said solemnly.

Jun Min nodded. Since he was not someone from this place, he cannot comment about it. The guards have surely made it difficult for him to pass. But with his face and small stature, they decided to allow him inside.

"Your small stature is truly a big help."

Hearing General Hen's remark, Jun Min's face darkened. It's not like he wanted to have a small stature, but because he was in fact, a girl, there was no way he could have that big of a stature. Not to mention that his mother was not that tall and his father… forget about him. Jun Min scanned the surroundings.

"They seem very peaceful."

"The officials must have guarded the information against leaking out. They cannot possibly let the whole world know about what had happened. The other kingdom might take advantage of it if the word gets out," General Hen explained.

Jun Min had guessed so. "Do you have any idea where the princess might be?"

"The number of people she trusts is limited. I'm among one of them, but given that I was sent out for war, I shouldn't have returned. The other person she trusted is Prime Minister Rei, but according to the information, he has switched sides."

"Where is his residence?"

"Over here."

Jun Min had learned a lot about this place from what General Hen told him. He knows that the capital is quite big with many people traveling here and there. The number of officials is also quite a lot and he knows that most of them have changed sides. The princess is the legal successor and only if she died or gave up the throne can they hope to be the emperor.

The journey towards Prime Minister Rei's was smooth. Jun Min noticed the servants seem less than what a big residence should have. Extending his senses, he could feel that the atmosphere suddenly turned dangerous.

"What is it?"

"It's like there are some changes in the atmosphere. Should we break in?" Jun Min said.

General Hen nodded and hurriedly destroyed the gate with his hammer. Jun Min followed suit and then he heard the general beside him gasp.

"She's here!"

"You take her and I will distract the others," Jun Min said as he took out his sword. The guards who came to him were slashed in a matter of seconds. After finishing with them, he turned to look at General Hen who had carried Princess Kuina away.

Jun Min went inside the room to clean up the last one, the prime minister. With the tiny strength the official had, he was clearly no match for Jun Min. After that, he quickly followed after General Hen to the alley.

"Did they follow after you?" General Hen asked.

Jun Min shook his head. Those people's martial arts are too low to chase after him. Given his speed, it didn't require him much energy to shake them off of his tail.

"You're really great," General Hen has been fully convinced that this small boy that he saw fighting was indeed Jun Min. The boy's fighting skill was even better than him. He had to admit that the boy is indeed a monster in human skin.

Jun Min rolled his eyes as he looked at the princess. "You might want to put her down."

Kuina looked at the two men before her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at General Hen.

"You have returned."

"Yes, this subject really sorry that I cannot return in time and let this happen to you," General Hen said solemnly.

Kuina shook her head. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself," she turned towards Jun Min. "And this is?"

"This is General Jun Min from the Ming Kingdom. I negotiated with them to borrow him to let him help you."

Kuina looked at the boy in disbelief. This person is a general? He's even younger than her and far shorter at that. How could a person like this become a general?

Jun Min felt that the gaze from Kuina was truly disrespecting him, but what can he do? His appearance is indeed not one to support him if he were to tell other people about his real identity as a general. They will doubt him and ask him about this and that. Sigh, becoming a general as a girl is indeed really hard.

"He's really a general, Princess Kuina," General Hen said again.

Kuina nodded, then she frowned, "But how can we get inside?"

"Why do you need to get inside?"

"To get the royal staff and to kick out those disloyal officials," Kuina answered.

Looking at the princess who was filled with determination, Jun Min felt that this girl was indeed suitable to become an empress. She's a strong girl and she would undoubtedly try to bring the Mountain Kingdom to reach an even greater height. A girl like this is indeed worthy of being called a princess.

"With that, will you be able to become the empress?" Jun Min asked.

"It's important, but there is still a ceremony I need, so I would need the support of some of the officials," Kuina answered. She felt weird that she could trust a man she had just encountered so much, but given that General Hen said that he could be trusted, Kuina chose to tell the truth to this man.

Jun Min nodded. There are some important matters too, aside from getting inside the palace. He thought for a moment.

"I can help you get inside, but you need soldiers to distract the main army," General Hen had told him that there must be some armies guarding. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot guarantee that he could beat close to thousands of people while being surrounded. If it's one hundred ordinary soldiers, he still can beat them.

"Leave it to me. I only need you to accompany her inside tonight," General Hen said.

"Then, so be it," Jun Min answered.