Dangerous Night

Kuina stared at the boy in front of her. The boy's stature was small and aside from the sword hanging on his waist, he didn't look dangerous. Why would General Hen say that this person is a talented general? The two of them were waiting inside the inn when Kuina felt that her patience was being tested. Jun Min never once tried to talk to her, it's as if she was not there.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?"

It's not that Jun Min is not used to talking with people, but he didn't feel right talking to Kuina because of his disguise as a man. If he starts to talk to her, he was afraid of offending her from his speech.

"Is there anything you need, Princess Kuina?"

Kuina shook her head. "It's not that… Hmm, I want to know what General Tou promised you."

Jun Min stared back for a moment. General Tou did not say that he was not allowed to tell the princess, but the other party might think that he robbed them. In the end, she will need to know too, so Jun Min decided to tell her beforehand.

"Half of Mountain Kingdom."

"Are you serious?" Kuina stared blankly. Even when she noticed that Jun Min had nodded, she still could not believe that General Tou had promised something like that to a stranger. Splitting the territory of the Mountain Kingdom is not a small matter. Even Kuina herself is not sure why that general would want to give that much to the other party.

Once again, Kuina tried to assess the person before her. He doesn't look strong, he's small, and he seems girly…. Forget it. She might offend him if she continues. Since General Tou held him in high regards, he should have some ability.

"Why can't General Tou return?" Kuina asked.

"I don't know. He told me that he cannot go back and he needs to guard the border," Jun Min answered. Given that the Mountain Kingdom had surrendered, there is no way his uncle was going to break the promise. That is if what General Tou is worried about is the possibility of the Ming Kingdom attacking them.

But, from the conversation with his uncle before, Jun Min concluded that the reason he could not return to the capital is because of his identity. After going through the examination to get in before, he knows that the guarding of the border has become really strict and it is hard to get in. Given his identity as a great general, many people would know his face and his arrival would surely alarm them.

Kuina nodded. "He just doesn't want our infiltration to fail, that foolish general."

Jun Min was stunned. He would never expect that Kuina would ever call that old man foolish. No matter what, he is still a great general who is highly respected by many people. Calling him foolish is truly out of the question.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kuina looked annoyed, "General Tou is my uncle, at least partially."


"Yes, when I was small and the kingdom was under attack, I often stayed with General Tou. Because of that, he's already like my uncle."

"I see," Jun Min smiled. He wanted to talk more, but he sensed several people coming towards this inn. Given their numbers and movement, he knows that they have practiced martial arts. His gaze turned sharp and he went towards the window.

"Princess, do you know any of them?"

Kuina looked from behind Jun Min. "No, I don't."

"Prepare yourself. They might come to get you."

Jun Min headed outside with Kuina to stand near the bed. She was afraid, why are they coming for her again? Then again, she is the princess… she was the princess.

"Who are you looking for, Sir?" Jun Min asked politely, but his gaze was probing them.

"Ah, it's nothing, Sir. We are looking for a fair lady around the age of 20…" one of the men roughly described Princess Kuina. Jun Min listened carefully as the people around him also nodded. They didn't see Jun Min as a threat because of his small stature.


"Yes, why?"

"Nothing," Jun Min smiled, "Who sent you?"

"Who are you kid?" one of them finally realized that Jun Min is not one of the passersby. He looked alarmed.

"I'm repeating once again, who sent you?" This time, his tone was commanding. Bloodthirsty aura emanated from his small body, making the people in front of him shiver.

"General Cao," one of the men blurted out, feeling afraid from the aura Jun Min emitted. He looked in disbelief at the boy in front of him.

"Thanks." Jun Min only said that one word before the men didn't realize what happened and they were sent directly to meet their creator. He vanished even before the crowds could comprehend what had happened.

In a few seconds, he had returned back to the room.

"Princess Kuina, do you know General Cao?"

"General Cao?" Kuina racked her brain. "I remember, he's the one sent by the Pan Kingdom to negotiate here."

"I see. It seems that general is hell-bent on killing you," Jun Min said.

Before Kuina can ask what Jun Min means, she heard screams from outside of the inn. She was about to look out from the window when Jun Min blocked her.

"You wouldn't want to see it."

Her eyes widen. "Are you the one who did it?"

"I am. They're looking for you. We need to move from here, your whereabouts has been found," Jun Min said.

"But General Hen might not know where we are."

Jun Min took out his sword and slashed the wall forming a few words telling that they were leaving. With this, the enemies won't have the chance to erase it even if they want to.

We're leaving to the alley.

"Are you sure that you want to tell them our whereabouts?" Kuina stared blankly. The process of writing in the wall didn't take Jun Min more than a few seconds. The young general is indeed really capable.

"I only said alley and didn't tell which one. Other than General Hen, they won't know our whereabouts. Let's go."

Jun Min put a few coins on the table as the payment for damaging the wall before walking to the door. Kuina nodded and followed behind Jun Min. This young man is quite dependable.