Infiltration (1)

The two of them didn't need to wait for long. General Hen soon arrived with a few people in the alley.

"What happened? Why did you change your location?" General Hen asked.

"Her whereabouts was found by General Cao. He sent a couple of people to eliminate her," Jun Min answered. "But it seems they still don't know about me."

General Hen nodded. It will be weirder if they were to know about Jun Min given that his identity and appearance is totally unbelievable. Since he only arrived today, it's quite possible that the news about him hasn't reached their ears yet. They only know about some of the generals returning since General Hen was not the only one who came back.

"These are a few of the captains. Their soldiers are already in place," General Hen explained.

Jun Min nodded. "Princess, I need you to guide me to the palace."

"Alright. There is a hidden passageway, but I'm pretty sure that General Cao will be waiting there because it's the best location to get inside."

"If he's alone, I can handle him," Jun Min answered.

General Hen waved his hand. A few soldiers came forward.

"They're going to protect you and Princess Kuina. Be careful."

"I understand."

Amidst the night, these people were walking towards the palace. Kuina knows the way inside very well and under her lead, they soon reached the palace and sneaked inside. Jun Min kept watch and he would remind them whenever someone was close with them.

Kuina guided them through the secret passageway. Halfway through, they could hear a ruckus from some far location.

"General Hen has started."

"He's good at making a diversion," said Kuina.

"Let's go."

Kuina continued to guide them inside, but when they were about to enter the last hallway, Jun Min stopped them. His eyes looking with seriousness.

"The person inside is strong."

"General Cao?"

"It's possible," Jun Min said. His brow creased. "He's not alone. Can you guys handle the people around him?"

The soldiers nodded and Jun Min looked towards Kuina.

"You stay here and don't make any sound."

"Yes, be careful."

Kuina watched as they headed inside. Jun Min's eyes kept on looking towards one man, a fairly big guy who stood in the center. He stared back and his eyes expressed surprise when he met Jun Min's gaze. When people see someone highly powerful, they would become more serious. That is what happened with this man.

"General Cao, there are a few people."

General Cao nodded. His eyes never left Jun Min. "That flower boy, he's mine."

"Yes, General!"

As his underlings charged towards the other soldiers and started the battle, General Cao and Jun Min still kept their distance. Their gaze never leaving each other and no one wanting to back down.

"I have never seen you before, are you someone from the Mountain Kingdom?"

"Nope, you're also not one, are you?" Jun Min retorted back.

General Cao nodded. The boy in front of him was dangerous, that was what his instincts told him. "Let's introduce ourselves. I'm General Cao from the Pan Kingdom."

"I'm General Jun Min from the Ming Kingdom."

General Cao's eyes lit up upon hearing that name. He had once heard that the Ming Kingdom had yet produced another excellent young general named Jun Min. Looking at the boy in front of him, he was indeed worthy of that title.

"I want to see your prowess, General Jun."

With that, General Cao started attacking. He would never show any mercy even if his opponent was a little kid. Jun Min received his attack and continued to move his body around. This general's power is great, but Jun Min has the advantage in movement. Soon, the sound of metal clashing from both of them filled the whole room.

Kuina didn't really want to see the scene, but she could not keep her curiosity hidden. When she peeked inside, she saw two men clashing their swords intensely. One of them is a big bulky man while the other one is a small kid. Yet, the sound of their metal clashing was the loudest and clearest from among the others.

Despite his lacking strength, Jun Min kept on twisting his body in weird angles. Because of his body's flexibility, he can do various techniques that most people cannot do. And then, a chance appeared. General Cao raised his hands too high in order to deal a big damage, but Jun Min was faster to hit the general's stomach with his sword.

"You are strong," General Cao said in a low growl. His body had fallen to the ground and his breathing was unstable. It won't be long until he breathed his last.

Jun Min kept his sword inside its sheath, "You too, General Cao."

With that battle, the fight was over as General Cao's underlings' morale dropped and the soldiers could beat them easily. Even without Jun Min's help, they finished everything quickly.

"Princess Kuina, let's continue the journey."